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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 1 hour ago, Kim J said:

    Yes the area of the beach you photographed does indeed look OK. But clearly you know little / nothing about coastal erosion or basic fluid mechanics. The erosion originally started at the very North end of the beach, where for a number of years, sand had virtually disappeared. That very area was the first to be completed in this latest fiasco, and within days of it opening, the bags were exposed and the covering of sand had completely washed away in some parts. As a result of this, the North end of the beach is now undergoing further reconstruction, just a few months after the completion of the first efforts. There are also further reconstruction works currently going on opposite Soi 6, an area of beach that has only been re opened a few weeks. It is not a question as to whether or not this beach regeneration will fail, because it clearly already is doing. This winter there has been little in the way of strong winds or rough seas in Pattaya, and the new beach has not yet had to endure a full rainy season and the flooding that always comes at this time, but despite that, erosion continues.

    How long do you think it will be before the area in your pictures is affected?

    When I was there, very recently (two weeks ago) the beach was pristine from end to end.  There was no reconstruction, no heavy machinery, nothing, just a very nice beach over a couple of kms.


    Don't get me wrong, I think Pattaya is a turd hold and has been awful for ages, but I think this has been done well - at least from what I saw.  And what I saw is not what you saw.  I repeat, there was no reconstruction going on opposite soi 6, opposite Dusit, nowhere on the entire stretch.  Maybe someone who lives there can confirm if that is still the case.  If it has changed it means they have started digging it up in the last week or so.


    And thanks for being extremely patronising by suggesting I know nothing about fluid mechanics.  You have absolutely no idea, you really don't - you don't know what I do.  I am sure you have a masters degree in the subject.  I am sure all the girls in the pink neon bar tell you how clever you are.  Well done you.

  2. 7 hours ago, Greyhat said:

    Here it is, in all it's glory.. All the greyed out ones to the right are future stations. No indication of BTS connecting stations etc. Sorry for the poor angle, people in the way.


    Yeah, saw that.  I don't know why they planned so many years in advance - you can see where they will peel those off in sections as each part opens.  It kind of makes sense though, although it looks stupid right now.


    And they do note connecting stations, but they are colour coded and don't have logos anymore.  So BTS Sukhumvit connections are a green line, Silom lines in light green etc.  And there is a key in the bottom right in really tiny letters explaining what the colours are.  Again it's like they've planned for five years in advance when we are used to having different coloured lines rather than "BTS" or "MRT".  But it must be very confusing for people, especially tourists.  Who knew the ARL was that kind of grubby purply/brown colour?  It's not very good.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, dallen52 said:

    Who is watching the security camera screens?

    Or are they all too busy with thier smartphone's?

    Seriously?  How many CCTV cameras do you think there are in Suvarnabhumi?  Must be hundreds. And how many people in there at any one time?  Tens of thousands.   And you expect there should be people watching each screen constantly and be able to react and stop someone who has just decided to jump over a barrier that might only be visible on one camera?


    I mean no-one ever commits suicide in the West where there is CCTV because the super vigilant CCTV watchers aren't on their phone and they pop up in an instant to stop it.



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  4. 5 hours ago, Tomtomtom69 said:

    Speaking of bars and nightclubs and excuse my ignorance on this matter as I haven't been to any nightclubs or bars in Thailand for some years now is it true that because alcohol can't be served after midnight, nightclubs, previously allowed to stay open until 2am can now only remain open until midnight? If so, nightlife in Thailand has just been killed off. In Siem Reap, nightclubs stay open until like 4am. Thailand stopped being cool, if what I suspect to be true is confirmed. I think even in Singapore you can buy alcohol and go clubbing after midnight.

    It depends on the zoning.  Midnight many places, 1am some, RCA (and some others) 2am I believe.


    Singapore you can't buy alcohol in a shop after 10.30pm.  Nightclubs open late though.

  5. Just now, thejcb said:

    Thanks Joseph,  what time would I need to be there and if I miss it are there other possibilities ?

    I don't usually use that station but I travel from the next one, Hua Mark, and that is usually full up and double parked by 8.30am or so.  


    Maybe someone who uses that station could be more precise but you may be able to get a space at the far end from the station (a few hundred metres away) or park along the main frontage road, although I wouldn't personally like to do that.


    Again thanks,  so 7:30 - 8:00am would generally be fine,  I'll want to be there this coming Monday Morning,  what are the usual car park charges.  I presume just a few baht per day.

    Yeah I think you'd be fine at 7.30am even though it will be busy.  And there's no charge - it is free.

  6. 5 minutes ago, thejcb said:

    Thanks Joseph,  what time would I need to be there and if I miss it are there other possibilities ?

    I don't usually use that station but I travel from the next one, Hua Mark, and that is usually full up and double parked by 8.30am or so.  


    Maybe someone who uses that station could be more precise but you may be able to get a space at the far end from the station (a few hundred metres away) or park along the main frontage road, although I wouldn't personally like to do that.

  7. 8 hours ago, HalfLight said:

    Didn't take long for Thais to adopt dog whistles did it? The expression ánd they're not Cheap Charlies' contains the embedded suggestion that the current visitors are heap charlies. But then, adopting the Napoleon Wisdom, 'never attribute to malice what is adequately explained by incompetence', would probably be sensible…


    Besides, adoption of the expression 'Cheap Charlies' speaks volumes about this guy itself...

    Wow, you are probably one of the quickest on this forum to come out with a negative Thai comment - and that is saying something.


    Did you read the article?  "This guy" gave a talk at the South Asia Travel and Tourism Exchange.  That's it.  Do you really think he said "Wahey, they are not Cheap Charlies!!"?  I'm sure you do because you are so anti-Thai everything, you probably really believe he used those words - indeed you say as much.  Quite unbelievable, you really do think he said that.


    The headline is a spin by the quite consistently poor "Webfact".  You do realise that right?  Or do you think that all Thai officials write their own internet headlines?    

  8. 2 hours ago, mickyboy said:

    The girl jumped swimming pool broke her neck boy today 17 English killed motorbike this women plus the others pay £500 for plane ticket and spending money on top but no insurance their selfish behaviour taken go fund me money from someone who could done more with that money rant over 

    Is Go Fund Me really that hard to understand for people???  It doesn't "take money" from anyone.  It especially doesn't take money from people who could do more with it.


    Why do people keep saying these outrageous and, let's be honest, quite stupid things?  Go Fund Me is a request.  It doesn't come and steal your money.  If you want to contribute to a campaign you can.  If you don't want to then you don't.  When I see Go Fund Me campaigns I usually don't even bother clicking on them, therefore it is irrelevant to me, and it is irrelevant to you.  Occasionally I see something that moves me and I'll contribute.  Someone getting injured in Thailand generally doesn't move me so I ignore it and go on with my day.  Go Fund Me is not lurking outside my front door ready to mug me.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, mrfaroukh said:

    Why am I not shock with this request?


    Somehow many like her travel without insurance and others have to pay the medical bills.

    Others DO NOT have to pay the medical bills - get a grip.  If no one contributes they get nothing, then everyone on TV can be happy.  


    If you want to contribute you can.  If you don't want to , then don't.  Did I contribute?  No.  Does it bother me if someone else does?  No.

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  10. 9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    This situation with crowd funding is getting ridiculous. It seems almost every day there is another one. Do people who come here check nothing about where they are going before they jump on a plane. Traveling anywhere overseas, especially Thailand, without good insurance is stupid and plain wrong.

    And why does it bother you?  Go Fund Me contributions are voluntary.  If you don't agree with it ignore it, don't click on it, don't contribute.  It is very simple to me.  If other people want to chip in for sympathetic, compassionate or other reasons let them go for it.  No skin off my nose.  

    Some people are simply naive and don't know better, others are stupid, some are greedy.  Up to you, up to them.

    • Like 1
  11. 19 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    why does it look like it is 20 years old already?

    Because it is isn't finished.


    They opened it before it was finished to help the traffic and they close it and work on the finishing at night.  


    I live near there and it has made a massive difference.  Just a shame it took so long.  Then again it is in a very narrow, crowded street, on a bend, with shophouses immediately at the edge of the road, so can't have been an easy build.

  12. 7 hours ago, dcnx said:

    Stock up because the government is putting a new tax on them. Greedy scumbags that they are.

    What a ridiculous thing to say.


    Please share a link to this incredible information you have (that nobody else has ever heard of).

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