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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Can you? There's been a nuclear reactor in Bangkok since 1962. How many times has it exploded?
  2. Is he? How many times has he done that? How long did he hold the CFO role for?
  3. All airlines are charging almost double what they did before, it is a global thing, can't blame Thai for that. However, on some routes they do price themselves out, especially long haul.. On some routes they are reasonable or even cheaper than the opposition.
  4. Someone mentioned The Commons on Thonglor 17. I think that is a great suggestion. A bit of a walk from the BTS but a five minute motorbike.
  5. I posted elsewhere that they are noticeably more friendly post Covid. I go through at least once a month travelling for work and they are friendly, I usually get a smile and sometimes a very brief chit chat. (My last one took the photo and said "Gotcha!") Maybe because I approach them with a smile - it helps. Thai immigration are no friendlier or unfriendlier than any other country. Actually, scrub that, they are massively more welcoming than many countries. UK are rude, US are rude, many Asian countries (Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia) they are not friendly at all. The Thais are not that bad.
  6. Yes they are, and no it isn't. That is about how long it takes.
  7. I was in Singapore a couple of weeks ago and I timed it. 25 minutes in the queue, eight desks open, and 1'15 for processing with the IO. So one minute is pretty good, and in my experience that is the maximum.
  8. Wow, the most of out of touch post I have ever read on here. Callous, out of touch, horrendous.
  9. What a nasty, negative and pointless thing to ask. And why would it be any of your business anyway?
  10. I use Bangkok Bank and I'm pretty sure I don't get that unless I just don't remember (possible). Still, 16 baht a month is virtually nothing.
  11. Which bank do you use? I don't pay anything for my ATM card unless I lose it and need a new one (then I think it is 100 baht). I also don't pay anything for using it outside my "region". If I use it overseas to withdraw cash there is a fee but this is the same the world over. If I use my ATM for a pay wave transaction anywhere in the world there is no fee. If I pay using it as a debit card there is no fee. So it is actually cheaper for me to be cashless and it costs me more to use cash. If I go to Singapore (once a month) or the UK (once a year) I only use my Thai ATM card to touch and go and don't use cash at all and this includes public transport. And it costs nothing. Thailand is going the same way and it is great. My only annoyance is that pay wave isn't common here although most terminals are built to accept it and our ATM and credit cards are built to use it - they still insert your card and make you type your PIN which takes longer than a simple tap and go would. Are you banking in the 1990s? And seriously, who wants to be handling filthy notes which are covered in germs?
  12. What are you talking about? There is absolutely no fee for them, the banks take nothing, there is absolutely no cost to the consumer at all.
  13. No idea who they are and I don't really care. They are appointed by elected commissioners just as all civil servants are, Do you know who the bureaucrats are working in UK government? They are unelected and probably don't have faces, but you probably call them "civil servants". Have you heard of civil servants? That is what these "faceless bureaucrats" are. "Faceless bureaucrats" is a ridiculous anti-EU right wing term dreamed up by anti-EU press and lapped up by people who like to lap that stuff up - just like the myth of a bendy banana ban. The UK has 400,000 "faceless bureaucrats" ("civil servants" in grown up language, remember), the EU has around 33,000 of them. So we have more than ten times the amount of civil servants with about a seventh of the population. Should we vote to leave the UK then as it is run by "faceless bureaucrats"? What next? If you want to read a proper adult article about how the EU works (and who the "faceless bureaucrats" are), here you go: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/lseupr/2019/02/19/is-the-european-union-governed-by-unelected-bureaucrats/ Try and learn something instead of spouting childish cliches.
  14. Great, thanks for not asking, and I won't ask you not to use the Daily Mail - the UK's most vile, right wing, anti-EU tabloid - as any kind of reference. But if you read that "article" it even says bendy bananas were never banned and so there was no need for anything to go to waste. If you want the real story, fact checked, read this: https://euobserver.com/news/149607 Here's a snippet: "Far from being a fever-dream of crazed bureaucrats, the banana regulation was requested by COPA, an interest group of European farmers, as the commission pointed out in an answer to an MEP's question back in 1994. The intention of the law was to improve the quality of bananas grown within the EU, in places like the tropical overseas territories of France. Higher standards were to make European bananas competitive with products from outside the EU, the commission said in a newly released letter. Following the request by the trade group, the commission set up a working group of experts to, literally, work out the kinks of banana law. While the experts met between 1993 and 1994, the commission was lobbied by trade groups. The European Association of Banana Trade Association (ECBTA) alone sent no less than eight letters to the Commission."
  15. Don't introduce logic and thought - the Daily Mail said bendy bananas are banned so it must be so!! Damn faceless EU bureaucrats! Again I would urge anyone to Google "Stewart Lee Brexit" as he sums it up perfectly - including the bananas. He sees both sides. I could get in to trouble for posting the link as it contains some language. 4 minute clip, please Google it everyone.
  16. Imagine 0% means nothing has been built, and 100% means it is finished, then try and imagine what 5% means.
  17. "Faceless bureaucrats" - top marks for the meaningless cliche. They were not "stupid rules" and they were not made without our approval, we could block any rule we liked. The whole myth about bendy bananas was just nonsense drummed up by the Daily Mail. The rule was merely a grading system for quality of bananas so you knew if you were getting grade 1, 2, or 3 when you ordered as a wholesaler. What is the problem with that? Should anyone be allowed to sell low quality produce as top priced Class A merchandise? Shouldn't we have grading systems for quality of fresh produce? Why are you against consumer protection? Bananas of all shapes and sizes were free to be sold and traded anywhere in the EU. Likewise the whole Daily Mail "they are telling us how powerful our vacuum cleaners can be" outrage. This was about electricity consumption and making consumer goods more efficient, and the vacuum cleaner manufacturers were in favour. Similar legislation made our fridges and freezers 30% more energy efficient. Again, what is wrong with that? It seems anti EU people jump on any single issue raised by the Daily Mail without doing a jot of research to see if there is any truth to it. And then they throw in "EU dictat" or "faceless bureaucrats" to make themselves feel better. Try harder.
  18. Complete lie, nothing was going to waste. The banana rule was only a classification of grades of quality, nothing more. You Brexiteers certainly do like to make up nonsense to support your views. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/may/11/boris-johnson-launches-the-vote-leave-battlebus-in-cornwall
  19. Not sure when the last time you went to the cinema but nobody stands for the anthem anymore (maybe 15% of people do). Times are changing....
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