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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Yep, they know the identity very well indeed as often they were friends or relatives. The PPE scandal will come out in time as one of the biggest corruption / fraud scandals in UK history. How things would have been under an EU open tender initiative.....
  2. Was just in a Macro in Bangkok, they have L&P. Much cheaper than Villa too.
  3. Erm.... "It was E.U rules that was the reason for UK (blue) passports being made in Poland" - Mac Mickmanus
  4. Right, because it is usual for foreigners to borrow from Thai loan sharks, then when they fall behind the loan sharks kill them, put life jackets on, tow them out to a tourist island and dump them in the sea. That's the tell-tale modus operandi of the loan shark. Got to love the super sleuths who hang out in this forum.
  5. And he actually dropped his principals when it was clear there would be a leadership election and a Brexit view was more electable,. so that was around late 2016 / early 2017. Great man. A man of integrity. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/feb/21/boris-johnson-joins-campaign-to-leave-eu
  6. Ok, so he dropped his principals like a brick a bit earlier. That's your best comeback?
  7. I have, several times, and you come back with deflections and anecdotes about your supermarket. But since you asked: 1. Has poverty increased since Brexit? 2. Has food bank dependency increased 14% since pre-Covid (and pre-Ukraine war - the other get out) or not? 3. Have UK exports decreased since Brexit? How many exporters have gone out of business? 4. Has the removal of freedom of movement negatively impacted our children and younger generations? 5. Has there been one single positive of Brexit? Please name it and explain it. In real terms. Not just "in the future it will be better" as this is nothing more than promising fabled "sunlit uplands". Give a concrete example of how we are better off. Not "removing EU tyranny", not "freeing ourselves of the shackles of faceless bureaucrats"; give a real, factual benefit of how anything has improved without using rhetoric. 6. Did the leave campaign lie and mislead the public? We can start with the bus in your earlier picture. Don't want to flood you with questions so we can start with those. I look forward to your promised responses.
  8. Political gain. Nothing more, nothing less. Just like BJ who was an ardent supporter of the EU until he had a shot at leadership when he dropped his principals like a brick. And let's not forget Patel played the immigrant card but supports racist policies that would have prevented her parents from emigrating to the UK had they been in force at that time. (In hindsight that might not have been a bad thing).
  9. It is Christmas Eve, of course they are busy. The article even mentions people picking up last minute items. I said it before, not EVERYONE in the UK is poor, there are plenty of people who can afford Christmas. But there are thousands / millions more that can't. How you continually gloss over this is amazing. Well, it's not, as your pattern is constant deflection. You see people in a supermarket = no poverty in the UK. You see houses with no lights and you assume people are sitting in the dark to conserve energy. RayC and others give eloquent responses and links, you just deflect, give worthless anecdotes and don't respond to any direct questions. I am sticking with Stewart Lee for Brexit, he has it spot on. (Google "Stewart Lee Brexit" to see it). In all these pages you have done nothing to convince me otherwise.
  10. Oh my God, this is the worst straw clutch you have had so far. It's like "I can't be racist, I have a black friend". Priti Patel is an awful, poisonous woman. Just because she is of Indian heritage she should be excused?
  11. Jeez, all I read from the Brexiteers in this thread is ridiculous cliches. You have just regurgitated one of the most hackneyed ones of all - EU tyranny! What, exactly, was tyrannical about the EU? I know Brexiteers don't like direct questions and prefer to throw out more cliches, but please try to answer this one. Name one thing the EU did that was tyrannical. Name a single EU rule that affected you in tyrannical way and tell me how it was imposed on you bearing in mind we were a major part of drafting said laws. Which one was imposed against our will (we had the power of veto) and how did it affect you? Can't wait to hear. Please don't reply with "faceless EU bureaucrats", try to give a solid answer to a simple question.
  12. There used to be a nice bar up there. I used to tell arriving family members to meet me there rather than wait around downstairs. It closed years ago though and was never replaced. Shame.
  13. Wow, I just agreed with a Mac Mickmanus post!! Yes, spot on.
  14. Is it really so hard to click "register" and see what is involved? You need to enter your name and email and they send a link to your mail to set up a password. It's literally the least strenuous things ever. Used them several times, their products are good, their prices are good, and for where I live in Bangkok there's a flat 300 baht delivery which is not great for a 250 baht block of cheese, but fine if you are ordering a bit more. I normally do a 3-4,000 baht order at a time so the 300 baht delivery is nothing. Amazed that someone has to ask someone else to explain the registering process rather than just clicking on "register" themselves....
  15. Brilliant. Pretty sure it was you a few pages back who told me not to believe what was in the media. But when it suits you we should, right?
  16. It's amazing how many people on this forum get stuck behind 15 minute people, such bad luck. And really, 15 minutes, and you didn't move to another queue?
  17. Of course they always have officers guarding the toilets, they don't just let criminals wander throughout the building. They may, or may not, have been complicit in his escape. He went in to the toilet with leg irons and prison uniform, came out with no leg irons, wearing normal clothes and a moustache.
  18. So you'd like immigration to be doing more checks on us then? Don't 99% of the people on this forum moan about immigration asking too many questions, occasionally coming to visit their houses etc. But you clearly want more of this, I'll remember that. Or did you just want a random moan because you like complaining and looking for negatives in every single story?
  19. Same deflection. So are you saying that people don't need to use food banks, food bank dependency hasn't increased 14% since pre-Covid, and that poverty isn't increasing? Right? Please answer a straight question for once, it would be refreshing. Although no doubt you'll respond by saying last time you were at Heathrow there were lots of people going on holiday therefore there is no poverty.
  20. But don't you see how replying to a statistic about poverty with "but I was in the supermarket and there were queues" is irrelevant and is merely deflecting from answering the question (which is commonly accepted here as being your default setting).
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