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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. And the percentage of poor people is increasing, should we ignore that? Why is it happening? I know you are not a fan of answering questions, you prefer deflecting, but why is poverty increasing in the UK at such a dramatic rate? Why do so many people rely on Food Banks? Surrounding myself in misery by asking questions about why so many people are struggling? Should we not do that? Is it because of Gordon Brown? Probably the Ukraine war, right? Who has been in charge for the last 12 years?
  2. Don't want to repeat myself but see the reply I just posted to another comment. Seeing people in a supermarket does not mean poverty and hunger don't exist - it is a ridiculous argument to make. And that song has not been number 1 for five years. Singles by the same artists have been. And why do you think that is so? Because it is for the Trussell Trust, a charity that aims to stop UK hunger, and people buy the singles to help. Why is that necessary in a G7 nation? Since when did we need charity singles to help the UK's hunger crisis?
  3. Yes, of course, it is Christmas and not everyone in the whole country is poor. Millions and millions of people are preparing for the big day - those that can afford it. But there are millions more struggling to put food on the table. Food Bank use has increased 14% since pre-pandemic levels (which is when we should judge it). Or are you saying that is not so because you saw people in a supermarket? Anyway please tell me what I am reading in the media. I am looking at statistics, black and white.
  4. Most of the hotels do them but it's buffet style and you don't necessarily get all the trimmings but they do have turkey. Also many are booked (I know because I was late and just booked a couple of days ago - most full). British pubs would be your best bet if you want a full plate of traditional Christmas grub, although most are probably fully booked - you'll need to phone around. The Londoner does a good one, however they are full for lunch but have evening spaces left. Robin Hood does one. Royal Oak does one. Call them and find out if they have space.
  5. Feed the UK is Christmas Number One. Who ever imagined a song like this would be necessary. Absolutely appalling. But no, the UK is not doing worse than anywhere else of course...
  6. Would you prefer they checked everyone then? It's more like they do their job when someone / something has been flagged from earlier pre-checks (that you don't see). Much like in virtually any other country. Myanmar was the only place I've been to where they insisted on checking everyone and it was a nightmare.
  7. Only as a citizen of these countries: https://www.myvietnamvisa.com/vietnam-visa-exemption.html
  8. I have heard a lot about poor build quality and fit and finish of Teslas. Comments like "You'd only buy one once". No first hand experience though but I am interested in checking them out. Just to tackle your Volvo comment though. As a Volvo owner they are extremely well built, very good materials and finish, and better specced then anything else in the same price bracket (although maybe Tesla can challenge that on the spec front, not sure). Never bought two cars from the same manufacturer as I like to try different things, but I wouldn't hesitate to buy another Volvo, my ownership experience has been great. My current one is ICE, my next one will be electric - and I wrote about my three days with a pure electric XC40 earlier in this thread. I am interested in the Tesla though but also keen to see / try the new generation of all electric Volvos that will appear in 2023.
  9. Was driving behind a brand new Audi e-Tron GT yesterday - stunning looking car.
  10. Ah right, of course, it is France's fault!! Nothing to do with us. Link?
  11. There is only one "I am so superior" person in this story and it is not the security guard.
  12. I read a good article on EVs the other day which puts to bed many anti-EV myths - several of which you can find in this thread (coal powered, blah blah). https://www.motortrend.com/features/truth-about-electric-cars-ad-why-you-are-being-lied-to/
  13. How convenient. Let me rephrase that: "As a personal rule I don't open any links that might contain evidence to prove me wrong". There you go.
  14. There is long term parking at the airport for, I believe, 140 baht a day. I have never used it though. But if you are talking 4-5 months it would be much cheaper to rent a car to drive there then rent one to drive back. Why pay to leave your car there for so long?
  15. So semantics is your main argument - brilliant. And you can therefore dismiss everything else very conveniently.
  16. Again, another ridiculous and defeatist comment. It is like my young kids who - when I pull them up for something they have done - reply, "we shouldn't talk about the past". Er....yes we should because you did something wrong in the past and we should talk about it and you should be accountable for it. Or you are saying we should be able to s**t on our own front lawn (and all our neighbours' lawns) but then just make the best of the situation and not discuss it or hold anyone accountable? Even though we were told that s**tting on our lawn would be bringing back the glory days but that turned out to be a lie. Because, you know, life is about moving on.... I have to say RayC has very patiently and eloquently responded to everyone in this thread with good logic and good grace. The only replies I have read from Brexiteers is "stop going on about it" or cliches like "faceless EU bureaucrats", "EU mafia" or other ridiculous terms like "free of their yoke" without giving a single example of why they are a mafia, what yoke they had, or why their civil servants are any different to our own (and the UK has about 10-12 times as many as the EU even though we have a fraction of the population).
  17. This is the most idiotic response in the entire thread (and that is saying something!). Oh my.
  18. And we won't change Mojo's mind at all. He will continue to post childish scores, he will continue to deflect and not answer a single straight question because he believes Thaksin was the Messiah and completely innocent of all corruption and wrong doing. It is tiring and now, honestly, very boring. You cannot try to reason with anyone so blinkered and who doesn't engage in conversation. For my side, I admit the current lot are awful, I admit corruption plagues Thailand, I admit Thaksin did some good (for example the 30 baht health scheme was great) but I can also freely see (with my own eyes) his blatant corruption and appalling human rights record. What is difficult about that? (Yep, MoJo will come back with 6-0 after this. Yawn).
  19. More deflection, once again you don't answer any questions. Bye bye.
  20. Ha ha, brilliant. You have you head so far in the sand it is ridiculous. So you genuinely believe he didn't: Approve an Exim bank load to the globally sanctioned Burmese junta to buy Shin Corp satellites and services. Hide shares by transferring them to his maid, driver, and family members to avoid paying tax whilst PM. Instruct the BOI to give tax breaks to Shin Satellite Instruct the transport ministry to abolish the minimum flight price rule just before he entered in to a JV with Air Asia Authorise the sale of state land to his wife at way below market value. (No conflict of interest there!) Have a poor human rights record at all, in fact he was a shining beacon of humanity. Those are facts, there are paper trails. If you don't want to see those facts then feel free to carrry on waving your Thaksin flag but he now deserve to be ignored. If you are not a troll you are doing a good impression of one.
  21. So he is innocent? The extensive list of corruption I posted before (that you ignored) didn't happen?
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