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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Wow, just wow. Don't you think all the facts and evidence and testimony was possibly gone through during the trial before he was convicted? Or do you expect every single news report on his whereabouts to reprint the entire transcript of the trial just for you? What a nasty little post.
  2. Bangkok has 50 districts. They were no styrophone krathongs in seven of them.
  3. I would stay away from mainland beaches around Bangkok. In fact anywhere in the country the islands are much nicer. I would say Koh Samet. 2.5 hour drive from Bangkok, short boat trip. Fine white sand, clean water.
  4. What are you talking about? They are hardly giving away any national secrets. Did you read the article? It talks of security cameras, road traffic measures, and that they've been rehearsing emergency response plans. It's is obvious that you engaged "negative response mode" based on the headline and you didn't read it. Unfortunately that seems to be the norm here. Way more detailed information in this release from "the real world". https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9201045/donald-trump-uk-state-visit-2019-protests/
  5. Jeez, you really do have a bee in your bonnet don't you. It is now very tiresome, give it a rest and get on with your life.
  6. Do you get flowers too? I always get a smile and a courteous interchange with Thai immigration. Not so in the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, and definitely not in the UK which is just appalling. Where are your fabled ports?
  7. Of course they plan by airline schedules. I am at the airport now and was through immigration in two minutes. And I have been in and out several times in the last few weeks and never more than a small queue. Why does everyone on here think Thai people are so moronic they don't have flight schedules? A schedule is a schedule but all it takes is for a few flight delays here and there to screw that right up and give you a situation you had't planned for. It's not good that it happens but it is really occasional (and I fly regularly for work) and is pretty much beyond control. Even at the busiest times I have never waited more than an hour, but usually it is 10-15 minutes. My last visit to Singapore - that bastion of efficiency - took me 45 minutes. And I spent over 90 minutes in a horrible throng at Heathrow recently. Give me Suvarnabhumi any day. And my bet is that most of the posters whinging and putting down the Thais don't actually fly and so don't know what they are talking about - they just see a photo posted on Tik Tok and assume that is the norm - it isn't.
  8. As others have mentioned Villa do (frozen) lamb chops, lamb shoulder and leg. Sometimes they have lamb steaks. But they are expensive. The Accidental Butcher has amazing meat and it is fresh, not frozen. I bought a fresh shoulder of lamb recently for 1,000 baht which is pretty good value and the meat was superb (a shoulder of lamb in Villa is closer to 1,200 baht and it is frozen). They also do fresh lamb racks, fresh legs. Also the staff are great and really know their stuff so you can ask them about the meat. They supply a lot of restaurants. https://www.theaccidentalbutcher.com/category/4660/lamb Passion delivery also has a good selection. I have never used them but they get great reviews. https://passiondelivery.com/en/catalogsearch/result/?q=lamb
  9. I agree with this. There are certain posters who seem to feel it necessary to make a comment on virtually every single thread. It is posting just for the sake of posting, not engaging in any debate, just making an inane post and then running to the next thread to do the same.
  10. Did you not read my post? They make cheap rubbish because there is a market for that. They also make more expensive high quality stuff and I included many examples in my post. Pay for rubbish and you get rubbish, that is the same the world over.
  11. My Volvo (three years so far with not a squeak), my iPhone, my DJI drone (72% of the world's market share and impeccable), their high speed trains, Teslas, Ray Bans, Gillette razors, Hush Puppy shoes, Levi jeans, Converse trainers, Black & Decker tools, Prada bags, Burberry, Lenovo computers...... It's just a cheap (usually racist) jibe to say "made in China" means rubbish. The Chinese can make things to just as high a standard as anywhere else, but guess what - those items don't cost $2. If you buy cheap <deleted> then it is, well, cheap <deleted> so what do you expect? You can't equate all Chinese manufacturing to a $2 plastic toy you ordered on Lazada.
  12. Sometimes. 45 minutes to get through immigration the last time I was there (recently). All airports have their ups and downs and hiccups. It is what it is.
  13. I'm fine thanks, lived and worked here for 27 years, I know plenty. I just prefer to think for myself and not jump on urban myths.
  14. It's a known fact only by certain posters here. No one has ever ever posted any evidence, a quote, a story - nothing - to support the claim. Border runs I can see as they will be re-entering on a tourist stamp so no other way to classify then, but people on transits who aren't entering the country? I call TVF myth. Just saying "it's a known fact" does not make it one. Happy to be proven wrong if someone can point to a shred of evidence.
  15. Yeah, Thailand should just be able to arbitrarily cancel international flights - brilliant solution, genius.
  16. That looks deeply unpleasant. It also looks like Heathrow when I arrived a couple of months ago - took me over an hour and a half to get through, and that's as a British citizen! Really horrible end to what had been a pleasant journey. I also got told off for taking pictures of the queue. I've been in and out of Bangkok several times in the last few weeks and never seen a queue. Going out to Singapore and back next week so will see if it is fixed (normally they fix it pretty quickly).
  17. Ok, brilliant, finally someone who has a source for what I always thought was a TVF myth! My lucky day as I have always wanted to know. So tell me how you know they count transit passengers who don't even pass through immigration.
  18. So absolutely not your fault at all? You turned up on time but "empty booths" made you miss your flight. Hmmmmm, right.
  19. Yep, and make sure you don't touch anything in your taxi, don't touch any door handles anywhere (just wait until someone else goes through and then quickly follow), don't touch money (use tweezers), beware of light switches etc etc. They actually have hand sanitiser on the immigration counters........but then everyone else has touched them too.
  20. Out of all the things to lie about they chose a processor in the infotainment. So weird. No lies about range, battery life, anything else which may persuade you to buy, but the unseen processor in the infotainment.
  21. Already being done in China. Drive in, a machine cremoves your battery and puts a fully charged one in and off you go. Takes three minutes.
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