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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. I've just done the M-Flow registration. It's not that hard. Personal details, car details (make, model, colour), then a selfie of you with your ID (or passport if foreigner), a picture of your car registration, pictures of your car (front, side, back), and credit card details. They deduct one baht from your credit card to check then you're good to go. I assume fees for using M-Flow will just go on my credit card. As others have mentioned Easy Pass Plus is a new upgrade to your Easy Pass that will allow you to use M-Flow and have the fees deducted from your Easy Pass but it seems you will still need to provide the same information as for M-Flow application. For the OP, M-Flow is only available for certain sections of the Ring Road (number 9). Unless you plan on using that a lot I would just stick with your easy pass as it works everywhere, just make sure you stay off the M-Flow lanes at the tolls on the ring road.
  2. Hardly anywhere in Thailand - Bangkok at least - uses wooden scaffolding for large structures. When I moved to Hong Kong in the 90s I was amazed that the skyscrapers were built with bamboo scaffolding. And it is still common. https://www.goldthread2.com/culture/bamboo-scaffolding-why-does-hong-kong-still-use-it-construction/article/3080274 So what is your point? If it is not metal it is not safe??
  3. Atrium is very good although it is a few years since I have been. If you are including buffets though it is hard to beat Trader Vic's, Sunday afternoon at the Anantara Riverside. Free boat from Taksin pier which is a nice trip, the most amazing food and drinks, free flow sparkling wine, wines, beer, and some cocktails. Really lovely if you sit outside, lots of live cooking stations too so your stuff is fresh. 3,300 baht ++. A great boozy afternoon food fest. http://tradervicsbangkok.com/events/
  4. Hence them being caught in Thailand, and then burnt in Thailand. You haven't discovered something new. Just saying.
  5. Here comes Mr Negative. She is in one of the world's biggest girl bands in Korea. They are Korean. In Korea. So that is why she lives there. Pretty simple really. Incidentally she won an audition with a Korean record label when she was 13, the only one out of 4,000 applicants and was offered a position with them by their CEO. So she moved there to study at 14 and became very successful. But Mr Negative can't stand successful Thais so he has to criticise. And the best you can do is "She doesn't live in Thailand"? Pretty pathetic really.
  6. A bit over the top with your boring "dirty farang" and "semi divine" nonsense. So you are taking umbrage from a poorly written confusing article and reading in to that that Thailand is going backwards because you have an umlaut in your name. Righty ho. They have these devices in Singapore and lots of airports now.
  7. I have flown in out out of here dozens of times - usually at least once a month - in various classes and I have never once had to wait an hour for my bag at the carousel. Not even close.
  8. I was there in mid April and no boats were going direct to hotels. I booked a speed boat but it only went to the main pier then we needed to take a songtaew. Not sure if that is still the case but I have to say it felt like a permanent change as they had set up to collect entrance fees on the pier and it was organised and didn't feel at all temporary. Them not having to staff each beach to meet speedboats is probably much better for them. We also booked a day long speed boat tour but again had to take it from the main pier. I think the days of speedboats direct to beaches are gone.
  9. Japan is bland?? Don't think I've ever heard anyone call it that before. Personal choice obviously but Japan is fantastic!
  10. Because it was posted here as news. A basic fact check shouldn't be too much to ask if you purport to be a news site.
  11. Seeing as BKK has only one terminal where exactly is Terminal 4? Does nobody proof read these things any more? An appalling article which gives utterly confusing information. Seriously what's the point?
  12. Wow, what a leap. Maybe you should switch off Fox for a little while. A little lie down might also do you good.
  13. Here we go again. Let me use your same paragraph but just swap a few key words and see how it looks: Any normal person free to think should hate the USA as well, responsible as they are for the deaths of millions of people and the maiming of millions more. Then the abuses in Iraq, and concentration camps for people who are not charged with crimes, oppression and brutality against black people, really what''s not to hate? Not the Americans, the USA.
  14. I came through a couple of weeks ago. The main Fast Track entrance is closed for renovations so instead there is a Fast Track queue to the left of the normal queue that goes to a few Fast Track counters and there was no queue, However in the normal queue there were plenty of desks open and only a few people - maybe 4-5 deep at each desk maximum. It was the same when I came through last month. The airport really is no where near as busy as it used to be. If you have access to Fast Track it's great but imo it's not worth paying for at the moment as it hardly saves you any time.
  15. Would be nice if the article mentioned where to get them. Haven't found a good Bahn Mi here yet. I do like Vietnamese food. Chili crab is way over rated. Every time I go to Singapore the people from our office want to take me for chilli crab. "Be careful, it's spicy, are you sure you can eat it?". We eat way spicier stuff here. It is not even slightly spicy, it is just messy, too sweet, and not particularly tasty. A nice fresh Thai poo neung with nam jim is a million times tastier. And Filipino food is generally disgusting, oily and bland. A good rendang is delicious.
  16. As opposed to the good old USA who withdrew from the Paris Agreement on climate change under Trump. And the US is second in the world for total CO2 emissions, double that of India in 3rd, and almost four times that of Russia in 4th. Per capita the US releases more than two times the amount of CO2 than China. But yeah, China....
  17. Because it has become an increasingly cynical website that appeals to the cynical TVF populace and therefore generates more clicks. 90% of the "news" articles have a cynical slant. Personal opinion, of course.
  18. Yes, it would be if that had anything to do with it at all, which it didn't. Have you ever used the BTS?
  19. There's always one isn't there. Can't stand a good news story about Thailand so you have to somehow make it as though there's a negative that "the west" does better. UK passport renewals are a shambles and an embarrassment. Renewed my son's Thai passport recently, we were in at 9am, out by 9.15am and picked up the passport at 2pm. Caught a flight that same evening, stress free, as we knew there would be no problem getting the passport quickly. Absolute efficiency.
  20. To add to the others no-one does canned Guinness here anymore - you used to be able to buy it a few years ago but not enough demand I guess. I bought a few cans in Malaysia a couple of weeks ago and they are now sitting in my fridge. As mentioned lots of pubs here have draught Guinness although the supply chain is very sketchy so they are often out of stock for periods of time. But it is not Irish Guinness from Ireland - it is brewed in Malaysia if that makes any difference. I also find that most of the pubs in Bangkok don't pour it properly, they just pour the whole thing in one go and you don't get that nice creamy head. Had a few pints in Muddy Murphy's in Singapore recently and the Guinness was miles better than what we get served here - and they made you wait for your pint just as they should. It was so good I took a pic.
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