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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. The trains are running as normal including on weekends and holidays. Edit: OK, probably not much help seeing as you have already done your journey.
  2. Amazing advice, would never have thought of that. Thanks article!
  3. No one gets carted off anywhere unless they have severe symptoms.
  4. Wow, for someone who has been a member of this forum for 10 years I am surprised you don't know that many of the lottery ticket sellers are disabled or disadvantaged. Nothing to do with not being able to run a digital system, you should know better. Seriously disappointing post.
  5. Wow, to think you can be so condescending towards a country in your question yet you don't even know how to use a banking app or set up a direct debit - both of which are child's play and have been available for years.
  6. Sorry, this argument holds no weight. Everyone - the government included - would make so much more money if tourism was as open and free as it used to be. It is not a scam for PCR tests, really. I agree that putting people in hospital after a positive test is ridiculous and way over the top but that happens to Thais as well as foreigners. Well, it used to. They actually don't do it any more - a positive test with mild symptoms and you can self isolate now, tourists included. So no scam, sorry. Just a misguided policy that has now been rectified.
  7. It's not milking a cow, it is not greed. Millions and millions of people who rely on the tourist industry have had little to no income for TWO YEARS. It is not only hotel owners but receptionists, cooks, dish washers, maids, drivers, gardeners, and all the people who supply them, shop owners, small restaurants, beach vendors. It is trying to help those people earn a living. It really annoys me when people throw out this ridiculous TVF "Thai greed" comment when the absolutely destruction of livelihoods is there for all to see..........and these people need tourists back. People in the cities have other options to a certain extent (Thais still need food and services). People on the islands need foreign tourists, it really isn't hard to understand. Yes, seems maybe you do understand this after all. So why shout "greed"?
  8. Yawn, another greed comment. Care to explain the greed involved? (I am guessing you won't as usually these types of comments are "bash and go" - throw out a generic anti-Thai comment, move on to the next thread and do the same)
  9. Everyone has their preferred way of doing it I suppose.
  10. Yeah, but Bangkok is no longer a Sandbox area, right? I saw this on Thai News Reports: "New Sandbox provinces from 11 January: Samui, Koh Phan Ngan, Koh Tao, Phang Nga, and Krabi". Source: Or are they "new as in "additional"? I guess we need to wait for clarity to see whether Bangkok is included or not.
  11. Ah yeah, that explains all those hundreds of "use Red Fanta for your shrine" TV commercials I have seen over the years.. Jeez.
  12. TVF, the forum that takes a story of compassion and turns into racist drivel and disgusting negativity. Not one positive comment on the compassion that this story is about - a disgraceful place this forum has become. For some reason this racism is tolerated as it is so common in so many threads.
  13. Er.....what time of year is it? It is New Year isn't it so that could be a clue. And I think you are over egging the story. It's almost certainly a very famous New Year song written by the old King. It is usually on loop most places this time of year along with other traditional new year songs. I am sure you did not ask any Thai because you said "no one seemed to know" and any Thai could have told you what it was or what the songs were about. Or perhaps you just made that bit up and you didn't actually ask anyone. Same as at Loy Krathong you will hear traditional Loy Krathong songs. At New Year you hear traditional New Year songs.
  14. I assumed you meant the farang guy was ball-less for running away - that seemed to be the logical inference. If you were referring to the Thai guy then I got it wrong and I agree with you.
  15. Yay, we have an internet hard man!!! A thread like this is not complete without one.
  16. Eh? From the way some people talk on here it seems more like crime doesn't happen in Western counties and only happens here!
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