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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Rubbish. More AZ has been administered than any other vaccine by quite some margin. Sinovac is not even close.
  2. I'm sorry, if you decide to pick and choose your vaccine - and you're picking one that isn't readily available in this country - then you have no right to complain.
  3. Oh here comes a virologist...............why exactly are you disgusted?
  4. Also waiting for these vaccine experts to come back to say they were wrong. Any moment now I'm sure...
  5. 777 - great aircraft. 787 - flown a few times but now avoid. Too many reports (and documentaries) about dodgy build quality and bad / missing QC for my liking.
  6. You obviously didn't read all the way down to here: So please engage with Thai people in encouraging safety. Forget the stupid trolling of onliners who talk about “life being cheap in the third world”. Thais care about the safety of themselves and their children as much as the next nationality - education about the dangers and consequences of inaction or poor behaviour are what matter. Your bitterness / hatred clouds everything, give it a rest, especially in a thread like this one.
  7. Sounds like a bunch of TVF posters have started a new forum.
  8. Yes indeed, and a couple of Covid tests and a night in a hotel on arrival is really not a big obstacle no matter what the naysayers on here say.
  9. School have been closed. They are making preparations for them to reopen later this month. Is that hard to understand? Should they have prepared for this month's reopening of schools two years ago??
  10. As others have mentioned, not to be used after dark without permission. Not to be taken out of the province it was registered without prior permission and the journeys written in the book. Also not to be used on expressways. Those are the rules, nobody (including the police) take any notice of them. I have had several new cars in the years I've lived here, always drove them wherever I liked, whenever I liked, never stopped once. If you drive at night you'll see tons of red plated cars, if you go on the expressway you'll see them, no one cares. As others have mentioned maybe if you are stopped for something else (accident, traffic infringement) they may ask. But no one will stop you specifically because you have red plates - at least that is my experience over 26 years of driving here.
  11. Nearly two years since he made that comment. When are you planning on getting over it? It is getting extremely boring now.
  12. 6th April is Chakri Memorial Day, so a public holiday. Kasikorn bank observed Chakri Memorial Day this year so certainly they will do next year so your Ari branch will be closed. Pretty sure the mall branches (like Emquartier) are open on public holidays but I am not guaranteeing it. The ARL operates normally no matter what.
  13. You know expecting anyone to actually read anything other than the headline before they post for likes is too much to ask of the TVF populace.
  14. Ok, good to know, thanks. So they didn't thank everyone and they didn't broadcast a TVC overseas to thank everyone. They said it was all Thais only. You truly live in a fantasy world.
  15. Utter rubbish, please don't make up claims. Prayut thanked everybody - foreigners and Thais - for their efforts. The government even made a 30 second TVC and broadcast it overseas thanking everyone. "An entire country is one in heartfelt thanks. Without national boundaries working in unity, the world is one. Thank you." So please, take your claptrap elsewhere, it is not wanted or needed here (but you'll get the rest of them going - I see some have already taken the bait).
  16. Yes, parts of it are. But pretty sure rich Germans generally holiday abroad.
  17. Man gets stopped by police who search him, find nothing and then say thank you and he's free to go. Man says they were polite and professional and he has no issue with it. Man says it has never happened before or since. Man lives in the area. Man posts video. Yawn.
  18. Same in every country, no? Not sure what your point is.
  19. Oh, what a crusader, not supporting a Thai company! Far better to support good old Western insurance companies with their superior values. Good news, you can. Hope you feel better now.
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