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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. Find help, find hope. Suicide cannot be an answer to your griefs...
  2. "lit incense sticks in hopes of divine assistance in locating her missing animals" Always the same problem. Finding the right God to pray to....
  3. Quite right. Thailand is working hard at making imported items 'expensive', and now even more expensive is a new objective. A pack of Italian coffee, with all the added costs of the imported items in my country, costs about 100 bahts ($4. Can). And I can buy regularly Lavazza coffee on sale at home for 75 bahts ($3. Can.) Thailand managed to tax this coffee brand until it reached 500 bahts. And now more. Oh well.... How about a cup of nice coffee from Chiang Mai...
  4. I would think that this site is already more respected than the Thai people are. Just that most members on this forum know very well about Thailand. And we all wish that Thai people would at least try to behave in a more civilized manner, so that in return, foreigners would find more to be respected in this culture...
  5. Just a few comments, particularly as it relates to 'education'. As I observed 'education' and 'civilized society', I came to the conclusion that being civilized is a prerequisite to education. I remember thinking about the Vikings, and thinking about 'educating' these people. Nah, no way, must get civilized before. "What is civilization in simple words? A civilization is generally defined as an advanced state of human society containing highly developed forms of government, culture, industry, and common social norms. Of course, not all scholars agree with this definition. In fact, there is much debate over what constitutes a civilization and what does not." And as it relates to Thailand: "highly developed forms of government", coup after coup after coup. Then "culture and common social norms", as they intertwine. Common social norms, application of laws of the land, hummm. Courtesy on the roads, hummm. Fairness in the application of the laws, hummm. The freedom of one stops where the freedom of the other starts, hummm. This country is simply not civilized, even though the highly educated people certainly are.... And regarding socio-economics, I remember as a child, living in poor areas, farmers, blue-collar workers. Civilization was there, we could not see thrash everywhere. The culture was there. We put thrash together, and leave them for collection, governed by an already developed form of government. In Thailand, just large bags of thrash, with small garbage items thrown close by on the ground. And poor people driving by collecting plastic and recyclables, having to sort them out of the thrash bags. I still look at them thinking that people, all of them, do not care a bit about the people collecting the recyclables. Not a bit, the level of selfishness is right there for everyone to see. I am definitely the only one who separates recyclables from thrash. And I see people coming out of the 7-11 with their goods, and throwing on the ground their purchase bill, right next to the supplied garbage bins. India and the Philippines have the same level of civilization, based on pics available...
  6. Just a few comments, particularly as it relates to 'education'. As I observed 'education' and 'civilized society', I came to the conclusion that being civilized is a prerequisite to education. I remember thinking about the Vikings, and thinking about 'educating' these people. Nah, no way, must get civilized before. "What is civilization in simple words? A civilization is generally defined as an advanced state of human society containing highly developed forms of government, culture, industry, and common social norms. Of course, not all scholars agree with this definition. In fact, there is much debate over what constitutes a civilization and what does not." And as it relates to Thailand: "highly developed forms of government", coup after coup after coup. Then "culture and common social norms", as they intertwine. Common social norms, application of laws of the land, hummm. Courtesy on the roads, hummm. Fairness in the application of the laws, hummm. The freedom of one stops where the freedom of the other starts, hummm. This country is simply not civilized, even though the highly educated people certainly are.... And regarding socio-economics, I remember as a child, living in poor areas, farmers, blue-collar workers. Civilization was there, we could not see thrash everywhere. The culture was there. We put thrash together, and leave them for collection, governed by an already developed form of government. In Thailand, just large bags of thrash, with small garbage items thrown close by on the ground. And poor people driving by collecting plastic and recyclables, having to sort them out of the thrash bags. I still look at them thinking that people, all of them, do not care a bit about the people collecting the recyclables. Not a bit, the level of selfishness is right there for everyone to see. I am definitely the only one who separates recyclables from thrash. And I see people coming out of the 7-11 with their goods, and throwing on the ground their purchase bill, right next to the supplied garbage bins. India and the Philippines have the same level of civilization, based on pics available...
  7. Oh, when I started reading your post, I thought you were offering to send money to help this unfortunate lady.
  8. It is all about the 'culture' here, not the race.
  9. This is an instance where I will rephrase, to avoid an obvious bad interpretation. Yeserday, I was with my friend playing.
  10. The problem seem again to originate from the selfishness of people here. The will stop anywhere, for any useless reason, including picking up a call, with total oblivion of other drivers on the road. I would thing that this is the origin of this accident, even if the motorbike was driving way too fast. His great driving skills were not match for the selfishness of the owner of the parked vehicle... Thai drivers are very good drivers. Just driving in the absence of road laws, in the absence of the resulting need for discipline while driving, will have lethal consequences...
  11. Stored, or abandoned.... Ah the Thai euphemisms.....
  12. "He avoided court appearances after being released on bail. " Yup, comes from the US....
  13. Oh, very alarming. Made me forget where I put my pack of cigarettes....
  14. Not so. An American is someone who has come to the US, and adopted its way of life. Some immigrant newcomers appear simply keep their own ways of life. Thus the distinction...
  15. These real men all started using this drug when they were stupid and had a bad judgment. Well, in other words, when they were in their teens that is. And now that their judgment got better, they cannot stop. In other words, they got themselves addicted to one of the most addictive drug in the world. It is known now that if a manufacturer would like NOW to introduce a new product in the market, named tobacco, they would be prevented from doing it. Vaping is now using in some places the free pass that tobacco manufacturers have enjoyed for decades...
  16. One might argue that these people had already ruined their lives. In our previous generation back home, people knew nothing about drugs, and were able to develop a purpose. There are pressures now to go back to laws that criminalizes these drugs, because of the failure following de-criminalization. Just made society worse. Downtown used to be such a nice place to go shopping, go to cafes, restaurants, and fresh fruit market. Now some people are just moving out, since it has become too dangerous an area. There is a reason for that... Addicts and sellers on the streets, and homeless people roaming the streets, as they spent all they had on drugs.
  17. S.P.A. clear 18 liter bottles is the best water I could find in Phuket. As I am always skeptical of the products in Thailand, as responsibility is not a big concern here, what I have seen in markets, and so on... So I made a makeshift test of bottled water, short of going through looking for a laboratory to analyze the water. So this test consisted merely of obtaining a sample of water used by my neighbors, and the water that I was using, and water collected from various sources. I did test large 18 liter water bottles, white and clear ones. Then I would put a cup or so of water in my kitchen blender, and I would run the blender for about 10 seconds. Surprising results as they were. I will attach a few pictures of the blender jar, which shows residue on the sides, with various concentrations, for all the water tested, except for water from two sources: S.P.A. and Nestle commercial bottled water available in most stores. I would think that some other bottled water would also show good results. But I also tested bottled water from Bangkok hospital, these bottles offered free to people visiting the hospital. Results not very good. I even showed to a doctor the pictures that I will share here, suggesting that it might be good for the hospital to analyze this water in some laboratory. I do not know if they cared... The inside of the blender jar is covered with a residue, is it plastic, one would wonder at first.... With S.P.A. water, the blender jar remains clear after blending. So S.P.A., yes.....
  18. If it is based on faith, stay away from it. Be it any religion, or any amulet....
  19. You are not into humorous posts now are you...
  20. Getting sick and tired of these news focusing again and again on Foreigners. Focus on Thais giving free helmets for a change....
  21. Please read and try to understand what I wrote. I did not write that DUI did not matter in Thailand. I wrote that just about every other dangerous and reckless driving does not seem to matter in Thailand. My home country would of course act in cases of DUI, but would also act in cases of other traffic laws violations....
  22. With such a low level of blood alcohol, might very well be less dangerous than most sober people on these roads, that cause just about no concern to the RTP.
  23. Scam or theft. Pick one... Neither has any merit whatsoever....
  24. At Bangkok Hospital in Phuket, in 2022, cataract operation, all included, 115,000 bahts, one eye.
  25. Might as well show from Google the body of another person as well, who also died on the road, ideally in this same decade. Should be easy to find an archived picture of a dead person on a street. Just to make the news more complete, and help us understand what exactly happened. Next time maybe...
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