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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. Because the 'farangs' leave only the fat ones for them...
  2. So... it is because America is at the top of the 'most countries' that you refer to.
  3. Well, just keep in mind that the war about the public use of the tobacco stinky products is just about won...
  4. "But come, stay, but be respectful". Well, another stand-up comic. I like to be entertained of course, but this the most serious looking entertainer I have ever seen. But must give it to him, he has a way to use irony in his performance. Since might be no other place where disrespect is so prevalent in the culture. No respect for the environment, plastic, papers and garbage everywhere, nobody here can bend over to pick up anything. No respect for the right of others to safely use the streets to go to work, to school, to go buy food, no safety while on the streets. No respect for any traffic laws, no respect for others to use the roads, as they will park on a main lane, just to go do some errand. No respect for the expectation of foreigners to use immigration laws that are clear, easy to understand, and quick to finalize. No respect for foreigners for their expectation to be treated fairly and equally as the people of the land here. So yes, there are some foreigners who come here, and copy some of those above traits, some, in minute proportion. As it seems to be the way to go here.... And this is seen as "disrespect". But I might have written this in vain, since it was simply a parody of some kind, performed by a clown. My apologies then....
  5. Women want to be treated equally to men. Sometimes.....
  6. Well, this tattoo is certainly as good as any of those ugly tattoos that people actually pay to get, and that are next to permanent. They pay to get that done. That explains it all....
  7. This story is very obviously straight out of your imagination....
  8. The got married. The condition for giving the ring was met. Belong to her now.
  9. He gave it to her.....
  10. Bangkok hospital in Phuket. Cataract operation in one eye. I remember having to wait one hour or so before going back home. Corrected the cataract, myopia gone, astigmatism gone. as well as residual astigmatism. Very happy with the results....
  11. Oh how unfortunate... I was just getting to like you, and now you re getting all ad hominem...
  12. No mistake there sir. All the men downstairs here who come to buy cannabis products, they all smoke, all. They gather around together, smoking and taking cannabis products. So yes, the same, I never saw anybody at the Bangkok Hospital coming outside to get their fix of cannabis products, along with a fix of nicotine. None, so the same....
  13. What a stupid answer..... Smoking not allowed on the premises of hospitals. Fine. So that is why I walked around the hospital many times, outside, on side streets, looking for hospital staff going out to get their 'fix'. Nothing. If you thought that a stupid argument like that could educate anyone, I am wondering about your level of education as well.... And about the use of a lawyer to obtain a visa, I wrote many times about this before. Simply because it was the only option. I could not leave Thailand to renew my visa, and I could not stay, for the Covid years. May I respectfully suggest to you that you pause your thought before answering, as I am too educated to smoke a known cancer causing useless product, called tobacco. Suggesting things that you know nothing about suggest that you definitely do not possess a scientific mind. Educational attainment and cigarette smoking: a causal ... Oxford Academic https://academic.oup.com › ije › article by SE Gilman · 2008 · Cited by 285 — Background Despite abundant evidence that lower education is associated with a higher risk of smoking. Economics of tobacco: education, income, and smoking Truth Initiative https://truthinitiative.org › targeted-communities › econo... Aug 4, 2559 BE — Tobacco use declines to 10.2 percent among adults with an undergraduate degree and to 6.4 percent among adults with a graduate degree.
  14. From simple observation sir. Appears that all pick up drivers smoke for example. All the people in the vicinity of where I stay smoke. And there are no doctors amongst them. All the blue collar workers, they all, I mean all have a cigarette on their lips while working. Blue collar workers, you might understand, possess a lower level of formal education. Nobody, simply nobody at the Bangkok hospital smoke as another example. Just about all workers in there have a higher level of education. Go see for yourself. Walk around the hospital, no ashtrays outside of the hospital, no cigarette butts on the ground. In the streets close by, no smokers, as well, as much as I could see while walking around each time I go there. The lawyer i go see for my visa, no ashtrays or cigarette butts outside his office. All of his staff has a higher level of education. Anything else that you would like me to educate you on?
  15. Oh, must be an error in reporting, as Chinese are so well known for their Le Mans driving skills.... 😊
  16. The saddest part is the amount of money spent on soft drugs, tobacco and cannabis, is quite significant, and affects primarily less educated men. Money not going towards more important things. (Like supporting your own children)....
  17. Thais throw garbage everywhere, out of the goodness of their heart, to create jobs for the Burmese...
  18. Just started sending more back home....
  19. After having done this harm to a woman, this Swiss man knows that he is right where he belongs....
  20. Thailand culture has a lot to answer for....
  21. Typically, these Indian psychics try to trick people into believing that they have special powers, and so that these 'customers' feel compelled into paying the psychic for this 'service'. A person with special powers, better give a good tip, so that this power does not turn bad towards this individual. These scammers could have made good psychologists...
  22. "all of us should be very, very alarmed at what is currently going on with Mr. Swiss. " Actually, in this instance, Thailand is doing the right thing. The fact that America and Canada as well, do not deal responsibly with bad behaviors of immigrants, illegal as they might also be, is related to a left wing political approach to crime and punishment. And this left wing approach absolutely does not make it a better approach, morally or otherwise. And the Americas should learn from a Conservative right wing approach, as we can see here in Thailand, with respect to immigration...
  23. "We want the people of Phuket to trust us.” Straight out of a stand-up comedy hour....
  24. A clear case of certain plea of insanity by Straumann, as no sane person raised in a civilized country would react this way.
  25. Surely he only needed a reason to go back home, to get away from his Thai girlfriend....
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