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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. The poor robbing the poor....
  2. Thanks EZZRA, exactly my thoughts. On so many people, the tattoos completely hide the individuals themselves. We cannot see them any more, all we see are the ugly tattoos. And then wondering what could have motivated anyone to hide their personality, their traits, their demeanor, their beautiful skin of face. All of that is just gone..... All is left are mutilated people....
  3. One heck of a sophism you managed to provide for us all.
  4. It won’t cover illegal or reckless behaviour. So despite being one of the most reported incidents in which foreigners need health insurance, if you were driving a motorbike without a proper license, helmet, vehicle insurance, registration, or under the influence while driving, or driving recklessly/speeding, you won’t be covered. Sounds reasonable. So reasonable, that these limitations should apply also to all Thai drivers. And should also include all these accidents caused by drivers on the phone, and just not looking ahead....
  5. Try avoiding MSG altogether. All sources. Including sauces that contain 'spices'. Maggi is one of the main source of MSG. If your headache, or migraine as you call it, goes away, then you are simply allergic to MSG...
  6. You really need to get educated...
  7. No, not always the foreigners fault. But nearly always the fault of someone driving TOO FAST. Now, which of these two vehicles, in your opinion, might have been traveling too fast???
  8. Just about never. All the food in Thailand is poisoned with refined sugar. And, as I was forgetting, cheap oil over-heated. Over-heating cooking oil can cause toxic fumes and free radicals — hazardous substances that can damage cells. And Thai people all use the cheapest oils possible, no olive oil or coconut oil. Too expensive they will claim. Better poison the customer. If you care for your health, avoid Thai food.
  9. While some sources refer to chronic gambling as an addiction, but people gamble because they LIKE IT. So at that age, perhaps giving him in return something that he really does not like. And give him the choice of one or the other... More difficult once he reaches age 18. But cutting access to a family house is always a possibility. And then when he has enough resources, it will all be his own decisions, regarding how he will choose to gratify himself with what he likes. Good luck
  10. Well, I drive on these roads, Chao Fa West, East, and the road coming from Rawai. So there is no need for any bias here to suggest what happened. Just about all these younger guys, (girls do the same as I can see), training in Muay Thai or boxing gyms, they want to show their strength by renting big motorbikes, as loud as they can get them, and drive as if their abilities shield them from possible accidents. Speed, they just need that for their show of strength. From what I can see... Including quite a few accidents involving big motorbikes on these streets. Way too many compared to the ratio of smaller bikes, driving a tad bit too fast as well, but who make it to their destination... Sometimes I catch myself hoping that they just end up crashing somewhere, not involving other drivers. And now I catch myself hoping that my hope was not involved in this guy's demise.... But the culture here has more power than any of my hopes... So Kap dee dee as they say here....
  11. Well, everything that is part of the culture on the roads is OK. Obviously. But these Unicycles huh....
  12. The difficulty resides in requiring an overall of the whole culture in Thailand.
  13. Nah. Just gave up on trying to understand this so difficult Thai language....
  14. Well, I really really do not like red ants 🙂 Regards
  15. Oh, when I see texts like this one, I often just reply 'Jealousy will get you nowhere'. 😊 And this word 'hate', I do not recall ever saying or writing that word. And I keep in mind this thought that I ended up having, after reading on notions like 'I do not like it', vs 'I do not know this'. So when I hear this 'I do not like it', I ask: "Tell me something that you know very well, that has merit, and that you do not like". So might be that you simply do not know this guy Bill Maher. As an example, just close your eyes, and think about him being your father, a father who is successful, perhaps witty in a way that is just not your style, but ended up successful in his style of entertainment.... Entertainment that you would not particularly like, and maybe just saying "Dad, geez, modify your content a bit". But would you end up 'hating' him for not modifying it to your taste? And just a quote here: "Hate goes beyond the simple dislike of something. Hate is true venom at the core of your being - it’s an emotion that is toxic to your heart and soul. Hate breeds resentment, grudges, and creates a victim mentality. Ick - who wants to carry that around?" Regards.
  16. And using types of excuses reserved for Thai people only....
  17. I am not your 'bro'. Do not wish to be your 'bro'. Calling me your 'bro' will not make you smarter. Our genetics are too far apart. Try it with someone else pls...
  18. Treating people like children, and wondering why they do not seem to grow up...
  19. Please, please, describe for all members, all that you see that is so civilized in this country. So what I describe can be looked at as untrue. I am describing what I see, and you describe what I see as something bad, even refer to my description as Thai bashing. You are the one who is using this word, not me, So for you to use this word, means that what I DESCRIBE, is something that is bad. If you cannot describe how untrue it is, then you are the one Thai bashing, by using this word....
  20. Yes quite right. But for people who have a history of not respecting the laws. In the United States, the device became known as a "Denver boot" after the city of Denver, Colorado, which was the first place in the country to employ them, mostly to force the payment of outstanding parking tickets.[4]
  21. Quite right, so a trophy from me. These products are the the worst scam in history. If these tobacco products did not exist now, and a manufacturer would approach a government to get approval on such products, wow would they ever be shown the door. Crazy as they would appear.... These products were approved at a time when people did not know the impact it would have. And because of the money involved, the taxes involved, the lawyers involved at any sound of reducing their use, just no way now, too late. People lose on average 10 years of their life because of these products. My friends, my family, most of those who got hooked on nicotine, are long gone now.
  22. Perhaps just an unlucky girl. Perhaps having to get away from a family that made her an unlucky one, for many reasons. Trying to find herself through travel. Trying to find some healthy experiences, learning experiences. Quickly ran out of money. And the result for her might be better than to still be amongst her family. I would buy her a meal. Just the way I am, the way I think, just the way that I find to pay it forward, because I do find that, unlike her, I ended up having some luck. And I will give for that sole reason, thinking that I was one of the lucky ones. Just have enough because of a regular pension, and enough to share. Wishing that when I die, these are the thoughts that will come to my mind. The thought of having given, and having in return, many 'smiles'. Enough for me....
  23. Appears to me that the use of these drastic means to immobilize a motorbike, is because of the non-respect of road laws by Thais in Thailand. So as a Farang, it appears unfair to prevent someone from using his own motorbike, to go pay a fine, for example. The motorbike gets LOCKED. I remember thinking how stupid that was. So much inconvenience, as a result of not understanding parking rules here... Must lose time, pay for a taxi to get to the Police station, pay the fine, get back to the motorbike, and wait for an officer to come and remove the lock, proof of fine payment in hand.... But then any civilized way of doing this, like just writing a ticket, would not be respected by Thai people. Would not pay. So some drastic actions are taken by Thai governments, because Thais do not respect the laws. These road divider separating the two directions of traffic on the same road. Very inconvenient, but the only way to prevent drivers to drive in the fashion of sailboats... Laws will not do it. But then, we have to get used to it.... The law of the land, no matter how unfair they appear....
  24. Strangely, my living-room chair feels a lot more comfortable today....
  25. Uncivilized country, religious beliefs is hanging from their necks, nothing left to support any form of morality. Scamming, these people have always been at it....
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