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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/08/23/harris-acceptance-speech-trump-00176126 The former president says the current vice president is leftist (“Comrade Kamala,” “far more liberal than crazy Bernie Sanders”). She is a lightweight (“stupid,” “dumb”). She is a phony, defined only by her ambition, disconnected from ordinary Americans (“So I don’t know, is she Indian or she is Black?” “What happened to her laugh?...That’s the laugh of a crazy person”). https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/4859946-vice-president-kamala-harris-tax/ Anyway, just educate yourself, and stop your silly posts on this forum Please, and thank you.
  2. Ok, so my apologies I just thought that just about all the world (exaggeration here) knew Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris: The Vice President The White House (.gov) Kamala D. Harris is the Vice President of the United States of America. She was elected Vice President after a lifetime of public service, And Kamala Harris appears so stupid when she speaks, that I was suggesting that her presence as a vice-president of the US was enough to to bring down the value of the US dollar, and making the Thai baht stronger as a result. So my laconic reply did not go well with you...
  3. Well, as a start, I eat nothing cooked by a Thai, nothing. I cook my own meals, no bad cheap oils heated to a point of toxicity, no refined sugar, no sauces coming from mini-mart Super Cheap.
  4. "Apologies. We were sure that we booked to the US."
  5. Might have had reasons to believe that this was better resolved as a do it yourself type of a problem, Unfortunately, there was collateral damage...
  6. So often the murder weapon is a pick-up truck.....
  7. Violence is the main characteristic of 'uncivilized people'. The freedom of one stops where the freedom of the other starts. Any breach of that, including through violence, is a clear sign of an uncivilized person. But now it ends up in court....
  8. My rule in situation like this is very simple. Rule number one: I never loan money to an individual, until a first loan has been reimbursed. So when someone asks for a loan of 1,000 bahts, makes me happy... Rule number 2: Never loan an amount that you are not ready to lose, or give away. Then it is easier to make a decision.
  9. Well, the US is living through a very confusing era. As a representative of the Democratic party, America is choosing Trump. As a representative of the Democratic party, the US is still choosing Biden-Harris. Just the way it is, in a very stupid election process. When will the electorate be offered 2 candidates on the Republican side, and two candidates on the Democratic side. Oh when. Two candidates, with somewhat different views of how the US should be governed, both on the Democratic views, and the Republican side. When a citizen of the US does not like the candidate presented on the Democratic side, the only alternative available is to vote for a candidate on the Republican side, having a totally different view of how to govern. And conversely. Very stupid. And the US is now being offered one candidate for each side of the spectrum, and the electorate nearly equally dislike the two of them. Now make a choice.... The great men, must be some in a population of about 250 million adults, are nowhere to be found. Certainly opted for a job more rewarding, and with better pay. There are no better interested and interesting candidates to be presented. So let's stop complaining. Most voters who do not like either candidate, take their dislike from reasons other than political views. Ad hominem it is... The right is right. Politics wise. So then the choice between the lesser of two evils becomes easy.
  10. As I like to say: "The right is right". If there is no one else than Trump to represent the right, then the problem is not Trump, it is all the people who claim to not like Trump as a politician, but who would never consider to do such a job, where so many people will take a whack at you, criticize you, and still try to do the job, in his own ways. The left is destroying America, and its culture.
  11. Simply the strategy that is used to get applicants to use Agents to obtain retirement extensions. Strategy originating from immigration officers being told some years ago to no longer take money in brown envelopes to obtain services. Or else... If one wants to do the footwork on his or her own, at the regular low price, be prepared for this strategy, that requires patience, more time, and more work, just to obtain a simple service.
  12. Problem is cultural. Culture that makes smoking and vaping a symbol of attractiveness. Culture that allows adults to become irresponsible for their actions, even as it relates to their own children....
  13. This foreigner got no education from his parents, no education from any school, some day he will meet someone who will make him understand what education is all about...
  14. Wow. You must be a champion at expressing logical fallacies....
  15. Well, if they are okay with oppressing women, might as well allow them to oppress other people... Simple
  16. So where is the picture of the Thai person who might finally have had a job of teaching someone to ride a motorbike, once this year, and was deprived of that income...
  17. The right is right, right wing political parties should be preferred, regardless of the candidate. Too much at stake to elect a leftist government. No more room for emotions in choosing a leader. So many European countries finally understood that.
  18. Just wondering why some people read AsianNow posts. 7 readers got confused after reading your post, which is very clearly written. And 6 got sad after reading it. If AsianNow is so bad for the mood of these people, why they do not simply go for a walk, which might make them feel good. Hope some clearly written post do not get them to feel so bad, leading them to commit suicide. Could AsianNow be sued by the family members. If some get 'confused' reading this post of mine, could I also be sued... Dangerous site a lawyer might conclude... I am going into hiding....
  19. Nobody, just nobody could believe in something like this. Well, perhaps with the exception of people believing in the existence of a God, or believing that someone died, came back to life, then ascended to heaven, or someone believing that a maniac was actually a prophet, or someone believing in the deity of a Buddha, or someone believing that some cows are sacred, or, or or.
  20. Thanks, Great post. When I read on this subject before, I thought: 'Let's wait and see'. But now this describes the situation based on what I would express it: 'expert knowledge' about Thailand, its culture, and its ways of life, and its governance systems. So well described, that some 60 members have expressed support and agreement and more. In the final analysis, I would worry more about the 5 members who felt confused about this post, than finding out that I must pay income taxes to this government. 😊
  21. Oh yes, 14 years old. Typically some of the safest drivers on roads here... The reckless one was 40years old...
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