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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. Civilized countries praise 'freedom of religion'. Meaning people there are free to follow their own belief. Their 'OWN' belief, no such thing as 'Allowed to impose a belief on others', and that should include their own children. "wanted him to return to a secular school where he could choose his own faith " Faith, meaning free to believe in something, anything, without any proof, any facts to support such a belief. A synonym would be, 'free to have your own delusion'. Please, it should be enough that so many people willingly get to believe the mass delusion where they were born into. That should be enough to spread delusions in this world.
  2. Just look at it this way. There are six idiots on this site who declared themselves 'confused' about your post. While many here are declaring this girl 'irresponsible' for getting too quickly in a relationship. In Thailand, this type of situation is certainly not abnormal, since in the culture, generation money and taking care of someone is primary. In this site, being 'confused' is not abnormal also, so it appears, because , because, well because many members here are, are, are, oh well, let me find a polite description.. And of course these 'confused' elitists will voice themselves again here.... Thanks for that....
  3. Might just get worse, if one looks at how people in many countries are getting violent. Used to be able to go on vacation in south America, Central America, places like Acapulco, Cancun, Haiti. Just too dangerous now. Gang violence in Mexico, mostly related to drug cartels. I remember a Thai Visa member telling how nice it was to visit Somalia. Just the word Nigeria raises eyebrows. Was there more respect in Thailand years ago, that I do not know. But for now, I do not see respect here from Thais. On the roads, parking, Tuk Tuk, stabbings, shootings, and so much more. But the world is getting more violent, so of course many visitors in Thailand nowadays come with a taint of that. I always thought that it was the result of 'awareness'. Some 60 years ago, people were not aware of that many people were rich, while they were not. So they just lived their life as it was, and were happy with it. Then they realized that these visitors had money. That all they had to do is steal some, or scam some of these people. And then there was drugs, lots of money in there. So cartels were formed, and of course territorial fight amongst them. And then society got accustomed to that. I remember how horrified we were at home when the news described a stabbing downtown. Never heard of that before. And then we were told that they were Asian newcomers in our town. And now, we no longer react to news like that. But Thais are reacting hehe.Well welcome to the 21st century..
  4. Just stop eating Thai food, and this problem might very well just go away....
  5. Straight out of a story happening in the Middle Ages...
  6. Wait, wait, wait, They will get civilized here, Just wait....
  7. Have you heard of the following joke: I am with the government and I am here to help you.... The last source of a travel advisory I will listen to, is one from a government, where bureaucrats are sitting down in their comfortable chair, have never gone anywhere, read some news, and issue travel advisories....
  8. Finally you got something right. Exactly what I was thinking about you... I try to like everybody. I will make an exception just for you.....
  9. Can make anyone start believing in God again, desperately asking for help. Just in case God is listening....
  10. And if you tried a sarcasm again, you are not very good at it...
  11. Thai culture is the best. we should all follow their lead. honestly. no kidding. bob. And you even add your first name at the end of your drivel. Oh well. We must have quite a different definition of a civilized culture. And if you tried a sarcasm, you are not very good at it... Not bob
  12. Five Thai men, with knives. Part of the culture. Including the numerous 'wai's', and Kaw Thots, hopefully after the beating and the stabbing. Also part of the culture. To indicate their respect and politeness. Also part of the culture...
  13. I thought I remembered being drunk in my teen years. On second thought, I was only feeling good...
  14. Society, going downhill again..... Heads looking down on their mobiles, certainly not about learning anything. Men, except for the elite, mostly hooked on tobacco. Now marijuana legalized, oh let's open a shop, space available close to a 7-11. Or any shop not lucrative enough shut down to be replaced by a cannabis shop. Let's add a bit of Kratom to the hemp juice, just to get a better kick. I see them getting their bottle of hemp juice, and going in the back to get the dose of Kratom to add to the mix. When ideally people should aim at increasing their level of 'awareness', in order to better their life. The opposite is happening to the cohort of younger people. Not like this country is a the top of the list of civilized countries. So for those who will use alcohol as a comparison point, let me add that I can have only one beer every evening, but a smoker cannot have one cigarette a day. Tobacco is a highly addictive drug. So a large percentage of Thai people can see this, but the culture is all about 'shhhhh'. But a poll, oh, finally some privacy in expressing an opinion... What are the effects of Kratom? At low doses, kratom produces stimulant effects with users reporting increased alertness, physical energy, and talkativeness. At high doses, users experience sedative effects. Kratom consumption can lead to addiction. Several cases of psychosis resulting from use of kratom have been reported, where individuals addicted to kratom exhibited psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations, delusion, and confusion.
  15. If one is a 'cheap Charlie', the answer of a generous empathetic person this person will not like... And conversely....
  16. Give this guy a break. He certainly does his best at writing English, as he is at handling large sums of money....
  17. Me... No refined sugar for me. Reason, I try my best to avoid eating poison...
  18. Thanks for the info. But I still think that she should be treated better than how she treated people. Society criticized her, judged her, punished her, but at the very least, society should appear to be better than her. Treat her humanly. Incarcerated, with a bed, a toilet, and food. Just the way I am.
  19. WOW, just calm down. Whoever wrote that phrase, Dostoevsky or someone else, I do believe that is has merit. This lady in this instance was not a career criminal. Ans should be punished, according to Thai law. That is not what the debate is about. It is about how the punishment is handled... If own son had made that mistake, involving a small quantity of drugs, and you would still believe that he deserves no better, then I would simply not like your morals. People should be punished, but in a civilized manner. Just check how Germany does it... If it was a career criminal, having lead a group of gangster, selling large amount of drugs, or a gangster having killed people randomly, I would still think he he deserves the death penalty, but carried out in a civilize way. Just the way I am...
  20. I do not seem to share the popular views on this. When I listened to this video some days ago, I thought that de Niro should stick to acting. And this is what I wrote on the subject at the time: "All I see here is a plethora of negative adjectives aimed at Trump. With no facts to support any of those adjectives. Perhaps because Stephanie Ruhle is not very good at conducting interviews of a political nature, or she just loves to hear bad adjectives. Wish she could have said just once: 'Can you give us some examples of the Armageddon that you foresee if trump is re-elected?'' If de Niro had to speak about Biden, how much hate would he have spewed. This guy is a phony. If anyone cares about some better narrative, I suggest listening to something with 'no hate'. You have to listen to this video. Arnold Schwarzenegger's 'Anti-Hate' Message. Well, since he was a politician in California, governor that is. So nothing as stupid as what Robert de Niro said. Nothing as stupid as what Denzel Washington said. No reference to God, to Jesus, to the Devil. No hate like what Robert de Niro had to talk about.
  21. Many sellers still use this outdated type of scales, because it allows them to give a guess at pricing. Always a rounded number. Lots of work there for controls of seller prices...
  22. “A society should be judged not by how it treats its outstanding citizens but by how it treats its criminals.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky So yes: The treatment of prisoners is one of the tests of civilisation of a country.
  23. Still working on reaching age of maturity...
  24. 'Sorry' is the favorite word used by people who never feel 'sorry' about anything....
  25. Hehehe. When most Thai dishes are laced with the slow acting poison, the refined sugar that is, and with added MSG, so as to make people eat more of it, get fatter, contribute to the rise of diabetes, one could ask if these salads are an exception. These food should be in a class of its own, competitive wise....
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