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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. Not coming to Thailand would have kept him alive. Not driving a motorbike would have kept him alive. Not going out of his house would have kept him alive. What is it with these not not not. How about this one positive one here: Driving slowly, responsibly, following the traffic would have kept him alive...
  2. What about immigrants, illegal immigrants, people who have never paid anything to the country's treasury.
  3. Don't get above yourself, not much substance in your comment. Danger, dangerous, serial, so yes, I was writing too quickly, to respond in offering substance to the debate, obviously quite controversial as my comments are. So your turn to try to offer some substance in a comment. I will be pleased to read, something less ad hominem from you...
  4. "On the eve of his criminal trial, Donald Trump told reporters in Florida that he would take the stand and testify if necessary. “All I can do is tell the truth,” Trump proclaimed." But adding that "“All I can do is tell the truth,” is straight out of a stand up comedy hour, I must admit. But the answer is: ''But among legal experts and even Trump’s political allies, there’s already a unanimous verdict: He would be a fool to testify."
  5. Principally because if it was not related to the presidency of the USA, we would never heard about such stories. Biden, oh yes Biden, he is strangely part of the contenders. And still the run for presidency will be about choosing the lesser of a few evils....
  6. Lots of adjectives in there. Some people could certainly use more bad adjectives against Biden, starting with how the borders are managed.... But thanks for the try....
  7. Well, we agree on that, 8 millions, some kind of magnitude. "Biden did not due that", Well yes we agree again. Biden is kind of a smaller scale liar .
  8. Yes, nothing like a hero in an interesting story. Even vigilantes get a prize sometimes Thanks for reminding us of that...
  9. Perhaps because of the magnitude of his indiscretions. But hopefully jail should be reserved to keep away people who are a danger to people in a society. Murderers, serial killers, serial rapists, violent crimes. Trump will certainly not be part of nightmares that victims of these types of crimes have to endure.
  10. Please do not skew from the narrative... I was replying about Trump"subverting the wished of the American people. The lies of Biden are a blatant example of that.... "So what was the objective of Biden with all his lies and lies and lies about unreal memories of his younger age? If not to subvert the wishes of the American people? "
  11. Right, the magnitude of my lies are no match against a Trump scandal.... I am irrelevant, well, compared to Trump, but Biden is no match compared to me..
  12. Yes. A real bad boy. But I am still counting the lies of Biden, lies used to deceive the electorate.
  13. Well, some white lies yes. Guilty as per accusations...
  14. Magnitude... So what was the objective of Biden with all his lies and lies and lies about unreal memories of his younger age? If not to subvert the wishes of the American people? "nor did I ever engage in a fake elector scheme to subvert the wishes of the American people. "
  15. Just answer the 2 questions.... " He paid for the services of a lady. Anyone here would never do that? He falsified documents in his financial favor. Anyone here would never do such a thing?"
  16. OMG. He paid for the services of a lady. Anyone here would never do that? He falsified documents in his financial favor. Anyone here would never do such a thing?. Like cheating a little bit in an income tax declaration....😊 So I suppose it is all about the magnitude, and when dealing with someone at the top, running for a presidential election, well, things get into larger scales....
  17. "can be reported". These people explain a simple immigration law. You ask a question, well they do not know... Forms are not even dated, rules are applied as clerks would apply rules, with no decision making authority. Everything is about papers. No papers, well, what can we do.....
  18. Just do not do like the other guys, and you should be fine...
  19. Oh, did I wake you up? Apologies...
  20. Appears that you create a narrative to support violence in your thoughts... Quote: "Yasilyev, allegedly started behaving inappropriately towards her". There are some higher levels of sophisms, of fallacies in this world. Democracy, being strangely one of them. Because it is not because of a popular vote that the majority is right. I regard violence as one of those major sophisms. Because it is not because someone is stronger, that he is right. How about some moral suasion instead. Favoring a fallacy in a debate, is a sign of deception, but mostly a sign of deficiency in moral and philosophical development, and opposite of civilized manners. Violence, can be used sometimes, of course one has to defend himself. But when someone tries to defend his lack of cerebral resources.... Perhaps you would like to reword your thoughts....
  21. "They argue that the trees pose a safety risk to motorists, citing this as not the first accident involving the plants. " Oh, but what about the speed? Oh, the speed. Yes the speed. But this is Thailand you see. We need to focus on things that we can change. Like palm kernels. The speed killing people you see, does not even hits the news. Oh well perhaps it does after all. I have a friend who reads lots of news. Farang news you know. They read that, hoping for a change I suppose. Damn kernels...
  22. The facts are spelled out by the medical experts in Thailand. Not from me, sir. " The move to recriminalise cannabis marks a significant departure from last year’s decriminalisation, which saw thousands of cannabis shops proliferate across Thailand. This might be an indicator of general use by the youth here, or at the lest, a very popular use....
  23. Not my opinion, sir. Please read the content. "How are they going to determine the health implications". They already have determined that, sir. Hundreds of Thai doctors, including Smith Srisont, President of the Medical Association of Thailand, have criticised the former government’s handling of cannabis, citing an alarming rise in psychiatric cases linked to the drug’s recreational use. This is the opinion of medical doctors, sir, not me. And these doctors concluded to a 'cause to effect', based on an alarming rise in psychiatric cases linked to the drug’s recreational use. Now if this is incorrect, please show your own facts. We are not interested in your opinion, sir.
  24. De-criminalising was a nice try in Thailand. But the result was too astounding. Did not take into account that, particularly young men here, are attracted to drugs like flies on ..... Nicotine, alcohol, lots of hard drugs as well, and now a multitude of cannabis shops opening all over.... Quite unreal when you drive around. Cannabis, cannabis, cannabis. Given the sheer numbers, impact on public health will show too many people affected in absolute numbers. Even recreational drugs should be banned in a country where men have so much difficulty to attain adulthood and maturity.
  25. Civilized countries praise 'freedom of religion'. Meaning people there are free to follow their own belief. Their 'OWN' belief, no such thing as 'Allowed to impose a belief on others', and that should include their own children. "wanted him to return to a secular school where he could choose his own faith " Faith, meaning free to believe in something, anything, without any proof, any facts to support such a belief. A synonym would be, 'free to have your own delusion'. Please, it should be enough that so many people willingly get to believe the mass delusion where they were born into. That should be enough to spread delusions in this world.
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