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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. Not all that you will read here will acknowledge the culture in Thailand. Many Northern girls come to Phuket to find a man. Many were told by their mothers not to take a Thai man, because they are typically irresponsible. The culture in Thailand regarding relationships, and sex, is quite different than what we see in other countries. In Thailand, there are three governing principles driving so many actions. Saving face. Taking care. Generate money. So many girls will go to bars, trying to find a partner, at a time when they are attractive. Those who cannot have success, just add more make-up, and become professional bar girls. Not promising. But that is not the type of girl that you have encountered. But the old trick of a mother at the hospital is quite ominous. Thai girls are just more easy to try for a one night stand. Certainly does not make them 'whores'. Not in Thailand, as looking for a good man, to take care of, while generating money, is not frowned upon in Thailand. Part of the culture. Otherwise what to think about meeting a girl in a bar in Europe, and finishing in bed. Same. Except that in Europe, ladies are not in need of money as much, and no need to drop some money on the night table. In some instances, it leads to a steady relationship, same as for Thailand. And one must understand that a steady relationship in Thailand also includes a salary for the lady. My good friend here met this bar girl some years ago. He brought her home one night, after paying the bar fine, and left a 1k on the night table. The next night, he went to the same bar. The lady was there also. He just drank a few beers. Then this lady came to see him and told him: "I really like you, but if you do not take me tonight, I will have to go with another man, as I need money to support myself and my daughter." So he took her home again that night. Spent some 10 years together, and she was still with him when he got sick, and she took care of his burial. So, yes, many stories in Thailand, some good ones, and many bad ones. But she might have realized that you would not be able to live together, and see if it could lead to a long term one. Nobody knows. But the old trick of the sick mother in the hospital, well.... You might already have seen through that... So if you could not be the one that she could be taking care of, well, let's try to generate some money... Good luck.
  2. On the positive side. A bit lacking on so many forums. It will stimulate the economy, as many Motorbikes shops will be busy modifying exhausts, to stimulate (again) speed and noise. It will stimulate the economy, it will increase the workload of those illegal cigarette vendors, (where no ID is required), and perhaps some Super Cheap Minimarts as well. It will stimulate the economy as some of the thousands of cannabis vendors which certainly have some difficulty getting a share of the market. Well, certainly no one could do worse in the field of responsible spending than Biden. But let me think now. Is this last comment positive or negative.... Certainly someone will help me out on this....
  3. Because nobody knows what Zebra Crossings are for, in a land where the heavier vehicle has priority....
  4. Legal vehicles are far more dangerous on the roads than ATV's.... But then, and I repeat, laws that are not enforced are the same as no law at all...
  5. However, his visit took a dark turn, leading him down the path of illegal drug distribution, Oh yes, certainly came here for the beaches and Buddhist calm. Then looks like he accidentally turned in a dark alley. Only racists would hold such accidental actions against him.
  6. It keeps me mentally active refuting the crap of anti-MAGA posts. I beg to differ. Nobody is better suited for the job than Trump.
  7. Ok. A few seconds will get you to decide on a subject. You must have voted for Kamala Harris. You missed a good chance to avoid replying on this post...
  8. Totally agree with you. Zelensky was not fit to do this job, after all these years of failure. The US is there to help. And then finally Zelensky understood that he was inapt for the job. Resigning. Hopefully someone of Trump's caliber will replace Zelensky. So peace can be finally achieved.... Thanks for pointing that out...
  9. Zelensky called Vance a 'Bitch', while Vance was taking over from Trump. Do you think that this guy Zelensky has the diplomacy needed to discuss a truce with Putin? Cannot even show respect to Trump and Vance, who were there only to try to help Zelensky, and Ukraine... Of course the noodle Biden would never have enacted the same result from such a meeting. As nothing would ever evolve from the participation of Biden. Even if he would have managed to stay awake.
  10. Not so. I seem to be cursing more foreigners on motorbikes than Thais lately. Simply because so many foreigners, unlike Thais, like to ride these 350 c.c. or higher capacity. Recklessness is normal here, for known reasons. Foreigners are reckless while driving at greater speeds.
  11. Canada. Downtown Ottawa. Near Chinatown it happened. But the culture is no longer the same. When I went back to visit, after the Covid lock down, hard to believe what was allowed to happen. People moving from downtown, not feeling safe any more, even on Rideau St. Tents on the sidewalks of Bank St. near the Parliament buildings. Homeless people allowed to sleep there.... On Bank St. a shop that I used to visit, had to call before someone would come and open the door. I did not have a SIM with telephone access on my phone. Could not go in. People are in fear, even in their own shops. Only the bigger shops, with more staff, have unlocked doors. Well yes, it is all about the culture... And the culture here too often accept as normal for people to deal with disagreements with knives, and even guns... The world was better before. No doubt about that.... All these places that I visited years ago, many of those are now off limits for my son. Sad that this was allowed to happen...
  12. Not in my country. I have never heard of such an event in my youth. Then, in the news, article about someone downtown being stabbed, for no serious reason. Lots of surprised faces around. And soon after, it was reported that the event happened within an Asian community, immigrants. In our culture, this did not happen....
  13. Has anyone seen this video of Trump telling the truth like no one else ever did?
  14. Residents of a Bangkok condo are fed up with noisy tourists disrupting their once tranquil home. Ultimate irony....
  15. Well, instead of showing us something that you do not like, show us something that you do like. And no need of AI to show some videos of Gazans celebrating the killing and raping of people on their land, or anywhere in this world for that matter... So something positive for a change....
  16. But what if they did have money in the bank, let's say for 5 years in a row, but one money transfer was late for a given month, and visa renewal was rejected at all levels.......
  17. If, maybe, perhaps... If an Agent is used...
  18. I was told that when I use my WIFI to call or connect to a site, my phone service does deduct money from my top-ups. So now I keep a minimum balance only, as when it gets close to '0', those deductions simply stop. And when I do have to top-up, it shows a balance of some 5 bahts only. I no longer question that. I just keep the balance very low....
  19. Absolutely no discretion involved. To eliminate corruption inside Immigration Offices, the officers must act like clerks, as they insist on having all the papers to support the issuance of visas. And it depends on the IO of course. Visa agency here told me the elimination of the use of quick deposits and withdrawals to support the requirements for a visa. But Immigration Officers are for all intents and purposes just clerks, needing supporting documentation. Obviously having enough funds in Thailand is just not enough for a clerk, must show papers. Boxes and boxes of papers stacked at the IO.
  20. Marketers use math....
  21. Wow, must have been driving at speed, at least 10 to 12 km an hour....😊
  22. Out of nowhere, some absolute tosser in a battered old Toyota Altis, looking like it's an old repainted Bangkok taxi, decides to stomp on the brakes right in front of me. No indication, no warning, nothing. I yank the brakes, but it’s too late. The front wheel locks up, the handlebars wobble, and suddenly, BOOM. Mate, I was going ten kilometers an hour. I’ve seen coconuts roll faster. Typically one who drives too fast is to blame... But at 10km an hour, able to brake, front wheel lock up, handlebars wobble, but too late... Must be the type of motorbike is the problem.. Hummmm Reminds me of this police accident report, that read like this: "An invisible car, came out of nowhere, struck me, then vanished".
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