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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. The very best drug is a clear head.
  2. ... and more likely who you take home with you from where ...
  3. 555 Check out the before/after pictures of porn stars without/with makeup. You'll shudder with most.
  4. Well waddaya know eh? Sound familiar? Seen it somewhere else as well?
  5. That's precisely the sort of content that boosts sales.
  6. Just like the rest of the US 'government' sadly. A pack of talentless, cowardly, grifters and grovelers without a spine to share between 'em. Led by the biggest one of them all, currently groveling to Putin after threatening his friends and small countries. And so betraying everything the US at least ever claims to have stood for. An elected national insult to the world like Johnson et al were to Europe. All the while the Dem corpse barely twitches.
  7. There's nothing wrong with asking. Everyone decides for themself whether or not to contribute. Sounds like he was on some kind of a tour and saw a chance to add a few days in LOS and risk the expired insurance (if he actually had any). Lack of experience I would say. I've noticed that I'm more prone to illnesses in the tropics now than I was 10 years ago. It's something I think'll probably put a shelf life on my tropical life. In a few years I'll have to probably go back home where health care is free at the point of delivery. Either that or my system manages to learn to deal with the bugs. The last two extended trips I collected a whole bunch of medical bills due to bugs including one life threatening. Never happened in younger years right up to Covid. Maybe my body is trying to tell me something. Time will tell but I hope I have a few years yet.
  8. I wish it was - probably more intelligent than he is. Can't say I agree with its taste in food though even if I do like Turkish calf's brain salad.
  9. Bah! Hooey! Who needs experts?! The US obviously not. Putin, Xi and Kim couldn't have chosen a better government for themselves. Trump even has his own Little Rocket Boy.
  10. I see no more evidence that the US is any longer the 'land of the free and home of the brave'. Which is a shame because I honestly think that's the best national anthem in the world for all sorts of reasons. Not least its spirit. Certainly beats 'God save the whoever' by several astronomical units.
  11. I suspect if the US carries on like this much longer it'll find itself shorn of most allies in the not too distant future. The evidence is mounting that the ugly stupid Yanks who came to Munich recently to gob off have induced a sea change in allied thinking - just not the one they wanted.
  12. They can't believe their luck!
  13. 8 years is all you get for that?! Serial predatory perps like this should be locked up until they are too old to be a danger even to a kid. This character will probably even be out after less than 6 years ... aged 38 and still a prime of life dangerous thug. That is utterly unacceptable.
  14. Yeah, I was thinking with your first post here: it seems like a hangover from colonial days. When the troops went in and said sod local laws, we rule here. We have impunity. You get the same with far too many tourists and expats nowadays, including posters here who you can tell look down on Thais and their laws and traditions like colonial conquerors and have little respect or understanding for them. And when the Thais respond then whinge and howl and suddenly they're victims. Most 'western' tourists have grown up in countries with exactly this kind of entitled mindset. Not the majority, but a big enough minority then become a problem abroad. And with cheaper fares and budget hotels they can run riot on Thai streets instead of back home in Brentford or wherever on a Saturday night at 10.30 chucking out time (my age showing there). Noone, least of all the Thais regards tourists like in that picture at the top as a 'problem'. But they do regard work without WP, overstaying, violent disorder and other breaches of THEIR laws as a problem. In fact I get the impression they're far more lenient than they should be, and probably a lot more lenient than what many of the primitive wazzocks who disgrace the rest of us would face back home.
  15. Same here. It also pays to read your own country's DTA. A source of comfort for most pensioners.
  16. 🤣🤣🤣 As I figured. It was only a matter of time. TIT. But it's generated some record breaking threads full of pure speculation.
  17. I wonder how many of the other dancers are still around today ... Those are some pretty sharp moves. Wow! I don't remember seeing it like that as a kid. CCBB ... a happy childhood memory. Not only the film. The church choir I sang in as a young soprano (yes really 555) put on concerts from time to time and we did all the family films when they came out: CCBB, Mary Poppins, Jungle Book, Oliver Twist ...
  18. You mean you don't like it or agree. Fair enough. It's not the best of my posts but the evidence is surely out in the open. At least Hotnsticky went for the content rather than an insult.
  19. If the US wants them for wire fraud they could have a very long and unhappy future ahead of them in some very unpleasant places with some very unpleasant people.
  20. There has been a takeover. It's the white collar version of January 6. And yes, 70 odd million Americans actually voted for it despite the Shaman and the Proud Boys. A national outbreak of Dunning-Krugerism as far as I'm concerned. But this thread is about Trump's 'relationship' to what he considers art. Art being usually one of the first targets of people like him and his supporters because it expresses free thought and genuine freedom, which is anathema and a threat to them and their project. It's uncontrolled which inculcates fear in those who need to control everything. It puts people beyond their control. That's why the Soviet Union and the Nazis (the two most well known examples) suppressed all forms of art and dictated what was acceptable and what not. The Great Dictator (watch the film, the whole film, from beginning to end: perhaps Charlie Chaplin's best) decides what is 'in' and what is 'out', who is 'in' and who is 'out', according to his own fear based and philistine, tiny minded taste. 'In' is usually retrospective, 'folksy' and utterly phony representations of a supposedly better, 'cleaner' past. Like now in the Kennedy Center. Cheered on by the sycophants, acolytes and the lying excuse makers in TV. Kennedy himself would probably puke. There is indeed another America somewhere - we just can't see it right now and it seems to have caved. Possibly permanently, it's too soon to say. But we can hope. In the meantime: enjoy the show folks.
  21. MODS: I confused this thread with the Kennedy Center thread. I'll leave this here and hope you don't edit any of it because it's all relevant to Hotnsticky's comment. But I'll also weave it into the Kennedy Center thread where it more properly belongs. Up to you ;D
  22. Agreed. But it underlines something and needs to be said. There has been a takeover. It's the white collar version of January 6. And yes, 70 odd million Americans actually voted for it despite the Shaman and the Proud Boys. (We note: boys not men.) I'm sure they're not all as thick as two by fours. But the vast majority I've seen and heard and read had no clue about just about anything. Anything at all. And the ones who get on mainstream TV are blatantly dissembling grifters and fake fact purveyors. Political flat-earthers. A national outbreak of Dunning-Krugerism. But this thread is about Trump's 'relationship' to what he considers art. Art being usually one of the first targets of people like him and his supporters because it expresses free thought and genuine freedom, which is anathema and a threat to them and their project. It's uncontrolled which inculcates fear in those who need to control everything. It puts people beyond their control. That's why the Soviet Union and the Nazis (the two most well known examples) suppressed all forms of art and dictated what was acceptable and what not. The Great Dictator (watch the film, the whole film, from beginning to end: perhaps Charlie Chaplin's best) decides what is 'in' and what is 'out', who is 'in' and who is 'out', according to his own fear based and philistine, tiny minded taste. 'In' is usually retrospective, 'folksy' and utterly phony representations of a supposedly better, 'cleaner' past. Like now in the Kennedy Center. Cheered on by the sycophants, acolytes and the lying excuse makers in TV. Kennedy himself would probably puke. There is indeed another America somewhere - we just can't see it right now and it seems to have caved. Possibly permanently, it's too soon to say. But we can hope. In the meantime: enjoy the show folks.
  23. They were too frightened and servile to face off against the system as it was. You don't think they'll grow enough spine or nous to face off against this lot do you? Much less admit they might have just been a teensy weensy bit wrong? Funny, dictators always fancy themselves as artists or connoisseurs of such. And then enforce their taste on the population.
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