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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. I doubt that somehow in this case. If he was gonna shop anyone he'd have done so a while back - and presumably in return for privileges, protection and shorter sentence (potential King's pardon) etc. He can't have been very popular and I can imagine the thought of the rest of his life inside would make anyone as comparatively young as that consider a rope.
  2. I'm sure these are only some of the questions the AG is cogitating. Real life is indeed complex.
  3. I was questioned in VIE by EVA staff en route to BKK 1-way visa exempt. I told them I intended to apply for a Non-O Retirement visa when I got there. They obviously knew about that and let me through without further ado.
  4. Perhaps part of the confusion here as to Tourist eVisa/Visa Exempt requiring onward flight is that a single entry Tourist eVisa requires ''travel booking confirmation'' during the application process. This is normally a return flight in the case of most tourists so the question is answered at check in without even being posed. (I guess the same also applies to visa exempt.) That's why very few get asked when they've got an eVisa. But when someone with a Tourist eVisa turns up with only a 1-way ticket then the alarm goes off and the airline wants to see an onward booking, same as with a visa exempt pax traveling on a 1-way. As noted previously airlines will be liable in the first instance for returning rejects to where they came from, possibly with a fine on top.
  5. Also mixed with water to feed into some jet engines to boost take off performance.
  6. I seem to recall the crowds preferring Barabas to Jesus ... Polling well is really no guide to someone's fitness as a basically decent human being.
  7. This reminds me a bit of Animal Farm. After the pigs have become the farm leaders, Napoleon manages to get Snowy cast out. Thereafter every time Napoleon needs a distraction for the mess things are in he blames it on Snowy - even though he's not been around for ages.
  8. ... will probably make them all giggle.
  9. Possibly through a Last Minute specialist agency if you can find one that does SEA. There are some. But there'll probably be a rat's tail of difficulties attached getting redress in the event something goes wrong. I've used one in the past for European/N.African flights and they were OK. But the stake's weren't that high either.
  10. Glad you mentioned Malaysia - it was exactly what I was thinking.
  11. I wouldn't wish it on anyone but I suppose the next customer gets it. 😝
  12. The salad bar's souper! But the toast smell like puke, I always wave it straight away.
  13. ... and staying at the Hilton in Bangkok for free ... all inclusive except alcohol.
  14. UK has always been dreadful for violence around most high streets. Back in the day especially at chucking out time. But even today some towns have ambulances park on stand by near the high street because they'll be needed by the evening's over. I feel far safer in Thailand. Only ever once had a potentially violent confrontation - with the tuktuk tossers in Phuket. Don't go there any more anyway. Pattaya? - never a problem.
  15. Or anyone else she might suddenly focus on for whatever 'reason'. Stalkers can develop into extremely dangerous people.
  16. Obviously disturbed. But not as disturbed as the baying 'hang 'em high' mob.
  17. I sure hope that guy pays the tuktuk driver's fine and costs.
  18. I look forward to the day when lighting up a fag or 'vaping' are as socially rejected as jacking up on heroin.
  19. 1: There is no way that Germany will ever 'go nuclear'. There's not even a nuclear power station running any more. 2: Playing down or avoiding talk of defense spending is the same type of thing Starmer did with taxation. Pols who don't stand on a real platform have no mandate once they're elected and that is half the problem these days. 3: Merz will not be allowed to wreck and destroy public services and health care the way UK politicians were allowed to destroy the very social fabric of their own country.
  20. Any idea what the 'Norsemen' did to half the country when they arrived? You're right in that Westminster is the nexus of UK chaos. But that's systemic. It has nothing to do with the actual parties or policies. The system itself is so rotten and outdated that the downhill developments have been underway since about 1956 at the latest. What we see today is nothing to do with Starmer or even Truss. They are symptoms not the problem. Until the place reforms and comes into the 21st century (including the 19th century mindset of most of the population who've been electing the current batch of wazzocks for decades) the decline will continue 'apace', as they say in ministerspeak.
  21. Parental guidance humbug. Noone in my household smoked and my parents, my mother most, did their best to make sure we knew how bad it was and what it did. I started smoking at 11. The tobacco (and now vape) companies aim for kids. Normal adults wouldn't consider such a stupid thing. Hardly anyone starts after 18. Fortunately I was able to let go of the fags at 41, but not before I'd contracted some fortunately minimal emphysema. I still get congested in winter but happily don't have COPD. I'm also healthy and fit but the damage is done even if minimal. So far it hasn't cramped my lifestyle. But I do find it strange that these things are happening with vapes. I used to smoke the hard stuff. Self-rolled, Camel untipped, Gaulloise, Players Navy Cut, that kind of thing, for 20 odd years, and I seem to have been pretty lucky. Vapey steam strikes me as pretty mild by comparison. I'd never have vaped anyway. Raspberry clouds and no punch to the throat, the lighting up, the sharing and offering of ciggies. Sucking on colored machines. Weird. But all in all a foul, stinking and deadly addiction. I won't date smokers because the stench that their ravaged lungs emit is beyond nauseating. Can't understand how my girlfriends could put up with the way I must have stunk.
  22. He's a rank coward as well as ignorant. Bullies his friends and small countries as well as small businesses, and grovels to the enemies. Employs untalented sycophants whose sole qualification is their taste for his ring piece. The poltroon finds it easier to bully Zelensky than face off against Putin. Vomitous. Undignified. Spineless.
  23. The UK's problems are systemic. Unless the country reforms thoroughly from top to bottom the decline will continue regardless of who is in office. For years the standard of 'leadership' has become increasingly dire and embarrassing. It's time to leave the 19th century and come into the 21st.
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