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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. I doubt it'll make one satang of difference.
  2. Now? Despite the good diving there I stopped going back in 2008 ... for a short term visitor it's rip off from arrival to departure and one end to the other, all the way even to relatively nice corners like Kata - where tuktuk tossers got threatening with me. The only time in 20 years I've experienced that in Thailand and in broad daylight as well. Phuket is a puke bucket. And has been for a long time.
  3. With a discrete, separate bog no less 555 Maybe that's the women's wing ...
  4. Time to drop the word police more like it. They're a disgrace to the uniform and the profession. Even though many may try to be decent cops they're hobbled because the problem is systemic. The 'police' force is so corruptly constructed, beginning with the bribes to even take the entry exams, the need to purchase one's own equipment for godz sakes, that it encourages this kind of criminal and immoral behavior from the lowliest traffic shyster to the biggest jokes of all.
  5. That's not only true about the moon landings ...
  6. If he'd been awarded only ONE PENNY less than the settlement offer he'd have been liable for all the costs. It seems he got enough of what he was after not to have to take that risk. Kudos!
  7. The message was quite clear when they fled indoors because of some inclement weather and let their acolytes freeze outside. I learnt leading from the front. But from cowards like that you can't expect even any attempt to hide their deep contempt for the dolts they've duped.
  8. Like last year, and the year before, and every d e c a d e since (probably before) I first arrived in Thailand. It's like road safety. I accept the way things are and that noone seems to care or is capable of doing something, but I do find the mentality hard to grasp. Maybe I'll understand in another decade or two.
  9. Silence or a 'we are preparing to work with Trump on the basis of respect for his office and pragmatism' would have sufficed. But lapdogs will be lapdogs. However, after the line of despicable, cowardly, self-debasing clowns the UK electorate has reeled out over the last 15, and especially the last 8 years, none of them with any trace of personal dignity or shame, Lammy is one of the more harmless. He at least can use the weak excuse of his own office here. But didn't have to. I hope EU pols can come up with better than this puke making grovel. But it's also no different to all the flimsy cardboard cutouts in the US who used to tell the truth about Trump and opposed him. They now line up to kiss his ring piece at Mar A Lago and the WH. First and foremost his Veep.
  10. I think you'll find Mill agrees with you.
  11. Good lord. Someone who's actually done some serious reading outside of X and Facebook. Nice. Also means you're aware of the harm principle of course.
  12. I suspect things like that get put on the temple accounts so the abbot theoretically doesn't 'own' them.
  13. Agree. And it will also mean that the measures/improvements/recommendations of the previous inquiries will be further delayed till after the new 'inquiry'. It's just about 'whipping up a froth' as the Germans say.
  14. So much for the clampdown on school bus safety they promised after the inferno a few weeks ago. They (transport and education authorities, police, school admins etc.) really don't give a fruit fly's fart. If they did they'd actually do something. But they really just don't care. It's more important not to 'give offence' or 'lose face'. They'd rather have innocent kids roasted alive or broken into bits and pieces in the backs of trucks not even fit to transport cattle. But then again they're all lower status kids aren't they? And only kids at that. So why care at all eh?
  15. I thought that's what bars are ...?
  16. I was wondering about that. Maybe he's been set up?
  17. As I left the place after a diving expedition in 2008 I vowed never to go back. In between times it only seems to have become worse ...
  18. OK, maybe a third of the way now in 2025 but the message is quite clear. Steer clear of Phuket taxis and tuktuks. Even when they're being decent they're ripping you off. Badly.
  19. They probably have to pay for the locks themselves.
  20. I think there's cheese in some Polish Krakauer sausages.
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