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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Not a bad life if you can get it though ;D
  2. Nepotism: jobs for the boys. Patrimony: jobs for the family. All tolerated, even wanted by the upper classes cos it keeps people off the unemployment rolls.
  3. OK, this is anecdotal, but true: Back in Malaysia in the army I contracted balanitis after a night in a house of ill repute in a village which had been declared off bounds to us (for that reason). Even in the army I saw rules as a challenge not a mandate. The doctor diagnosed it and the treatment was to bathe my bell end in salt water solution several times a day (dip it in and let it soak for a minute or two). I told 'em the truth 'cos I figured it was important epidemiologically, and they didn't discipline me. I can't remember how long it took, but within a few days at the most it was gone.
  4. Yes ... 'tourist infrastructure projects' opens up a world of creative bookkeeping.
  5. I seem to recall a 'clampdown' on them some time back ...
  6. But make sure you check the stamp before you leave - the officer stamped me from date of application (I'm sure it was a genuine mistake), but it didn't bother me because I was leaving beforehand anyway so I didn't ask her to change it.
  7. The problem with a visa based levy is that millions arrive on visa exempt or VOA. That would mean the immi officer having to levy the fee at the land/air border, because that's the only place where it could be checked. Obviously they want to avoid that. (And so do I being stood in the queue behind them at Swampy.) The other alternative would be the airline check it and levy it pre-boarding which obviously they won't do for too many reasons to list here. The only workable alternative if they really insist on going ahead with this is putting it on the ticket, like they did with the old 500 baht exit fee (which they then hiked to 700 after it was hidden in the airfare). I'm retired and have my own accident insurance policy which dwarfs this thing. I really don't need it. How would they administer the tens of thousands of applications from people like me for exemption or refund ... for 300 baht? And on the other hand it is only 300 baht. As long as it actually gets used for what it says on the label I don't really care. In the end these charges are paltry when compared to even the cheapest airfares and in particular the airport taxes/security charges and airway navigation fees back home. Though at least we know that money goes where it's supposed to.
  8. Yeah I can remember coughing that up a few times - then they hid it in the airfare and hiked it to 700.
  9. Just make sure if you're on a 60-day tourist visa that you have your accident within the first month. Then spend the rest of your stay in hospital.
  10. I think that's already included in the airfare ... it never went away.
  11. And also because admitting that bad things happen to tourists could 'harm Thailand's image' ...
  12. They might own it, but it's typical English management and personnel politics.
  13. 'The managing director and president of the majority shareholder in the hotel were later charged.' And ...?
  14. They'll go outside instead, round the back or on 'beach patrol'.
  15. To answer your question, yes, they came wrapped around and stuck to thin sticks, they were a bit sticky and you had to crumble the grass off.
  16. Thanks for the reply. However, I intend buying insurance - I just don't want the Thai stuff as well . if I apply here in Germany will they accept let's say Barmenia or Ergo with millions of coverage, or will they insist on the Thai scam as well, on top of my legit faring insurance? I'd rather get a non-O multi here at home rather than prat about with embassy and immigration and extension and so on when I get there and all I want to do is relax and travel ...
  17. Will I need to use the Thai 40k/400k insurance regardless - or will they be happy with any insurance that meets (in fact exceeds) those requirements? I have no intention of buying useless extra insurance. Do immigration issue multi-entry non-Os or would I need to get a reentry permit if I was to get a non-O in country and want to travel abroad? I'd rather just get a multi-entry here at home and enter on that.
  18. The oil was high octane THC ... the buds came from Hawaii ... and the ones I smoked there were heavy as well ... Still over the long term that stuff did me no good and I wouldn't touch it now.
  19. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Unfortunately alcoholism ruins the entire family.
  20. I can remember doing Thai sticks for the first (and only time) in London back in 83, it blew my head off - I was almost catatonically dazed. I used to make my own oil with grass I grew from seeds I'd brought back from Hawaii - that was definitely 50-60% THC - was brilliant and lasted ages. But most of my dope smoking was done with hashish (also high THC content) of all varieties and provenances. Is hashish or oil now legal in LOS? Is hashish even available? - never heard it talked about.
  21. I keep all the ones I was given on my first trip to LOS 20 years ago on a bookshelf at home. Next to the glass elephant box thingummy my darling gave me as a going away present 555 ...
  22. No use howling at the wind ... better to rejig your sails.
  23. Indeed, it was a great trip even if you weren't going anywhere and just wanted to kill time ... But the e-boats on Saen Saeb look like a great improvement.
  24. I was wondering about that 555. Many thanks for putting my mind at rest.
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