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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. There is no need to put someone in a hospital who is asymptomatic. Most insurances won't pay. Your argument won't fly because you don't need treatment. Quarantine is enough as practiced throughout most of the civilized world. Friends of mine have just tested positive, they are not being hospitalized as they have no symptoms. Some say shoving people into hospital is about money, I have no insight into that, I tend to think it's more to do with cluelessness and wanting to be seen to 'do something'. But then again, as Roblok says, who'd want a quarantine case in the hotel room next door? Many and especially the larger chain hotels have a centralized aircon system ... Nightingale hospitals will become essential if they continue with this policy. And I'm on the verge of cancelling my trip for a few more months having now put it off since March of 2020 ...
  2. And also make sure you have it in writing that your insurance will pay if you are hospitalized with no symptoms ...
  3. Not only that, but even if (as seems likely) the death RATE is lower, the sheer number of infections threatens to cancel out that gain, with a corresponding number of carers off out sick as well ... quite apart from the potential effects on the rest of the economy, which in many countries is already short staffed. Let's hope this is a hint of an easing of the threat in general but let's be cautious till it's proven. The other way round is simply stupid and potentially deadly.
  4. That headline is a disgrace - it makes it look like 20-30 tourists come in daily with omicron which sounds like a huge number of tourists spreading the plague. The article says however that 20-30 are found in Phuket daily.
  5. I was referring to SARS CoV 2, although I also wouldn't want a pilot with a cold to be flying my plane either ... think about it ... Or driving a train, or a 40 tonne truck, or any other number of infrastructure tasks ... as a supervisor I told people to stay at home with colds - before they infect others at work as well. And I have never worked with a cold or flu. Much less Covid-19. But maybe it doesn't worry you.
  6. Would you like to fly on an aircraft piloted by someone who was suffering from any kind of coronavirus? Maybe you would. Maybe you've not seen how people can go from having a laugh one minute to fighting for their lives a few minutes later when their blood oxygen levels plummet. I don't know, but I do know from experience that flying staff love to fly.
  7. I suspect most haven't even noticed how many flights the airlines have had to cancel because of staff off sick. The same is beginning to bite across the economy ... everything from ATC to water suppliers and shops ... It's not just about the medical services, it's about the whole economic infrastructure if everyone gets hit at the same time. And all the talk about the low death rates in South Africa ignores that something like half the population is under 40, the group that is least affected.
  8. I wonder who's paying for it? How's their insurance responded to being hospitalized with no symptoms? Until that kind of thing is clarified, my trip (long-stay) is on hold ... ASQ's one thing, as is sandbox, but 10 days in Bangkok hospital is out of the question.
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