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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. It's quite sad to see how many on this thread think that having to work a 7 day week to earn a decent wage is quite OK.
  2. Actually it will make the US look very good and go a long way to restoring a little bit of international confidence in its governance. It also would set the benchmark higher for every two-bit dictator who's been torturing, invading other countries and refusing to resign despite egregious behavior, corruption and mismanagement bordering on treason (yes Johnson I'm looking at you as well). At least they won't be able to point at the US in a game of whataboutery any more.
  3. You can get Covid from a pussy? Oh my!
  4. Sad story really. The way I see it, whilst I appreciate the public service he set up with Wikileaks etc., and exposing the way those journalists were massacred in Eyerack, the fact is if he hadn't behaved like a cad towards his admiring lovers he'd never have landed in this situation. All they asked him for was an AIDS test after he'd allegedly 'stealthed' them. He refused to comply for whatever reason and they quite reasonably made their complaints. The CIA could never had got a handle on him if he'd simply complied with a lover's request. If any of my lovers were to ask for an AIDS test whatever the circumstances (and I don't rape by slipping off the rubber or not using one when requested - usually I insist) I wouldn't hesitate just to put their mind at rest.
  5. Fan on low, at some distance, moving back and forth, hardly noticeable, window open, mozzy plug gizmo with eukalyptus perfume.
  6. Quite apart from the literally millions of containers clogging up their ports ... It's just another supply chain issue, except here it's the end customer (OP) waiting for the supply.
  7. Sometimes I forget I've got one on after leaving a train or supermarket ... (yes in heat as well ...)
  8. Indeed. Those poles don't have red flags at the rear end as a warning about their length (as is customary in better run countries). It helps following drivers judge their length. Coming up fast behind there's no real way otherwise to judge the distance properly - from the same level perspective they can look very short without flags. Or perhaps the truck pulled out in front of the car, ... who knows?
  9. Such compassion and understanding from one who hides behind a Buddha statue ikon.
  10. You'll probably find they've paid off the principal many many times over in interest. It really should be stamped out mercilessly.
  11. It's too much for those who still believe they'll be millionaire's one day and will then have to pay higher taxes to fund it ????
  12. And especially the long term effects which are only really emerging and being recognized now, and which are quite widespread as well. It can affect all organs in many people, not just the obvious lungs and joints, and that is not immediately apparent in most cases.
  13. It strikes me as eminently sensible to have a mask mandate on public transport. Even more sensible to enforce an FFP2 mandate like where I live. This thing ain't gone away, and while some whinge about 'face nappies' hohoho, the mighty microbe is doing push ups in the shadows.
  14. The mission statement/motto on their website is priceless: "Fearlessly Upholding the Truth."
  15. Especially if they're in the sex industry - see recent 8 year sentence for cutting up bargirl Puk. But it's not only in Thailand - some western countries are a disgrace as well.
  16. I have just stumbled across a community called monklifeproject(dot)com. It seems to be pukka and above board but I thought I'd check back here first. They offer a week's lay introduction and then ordination for a total 30 days, 60 if you're gripped by it. The whole process takes place at 3 different sites in the north-west. I'm wondering if this is a good idea. Is it realistic? I suppose it is, since Thais ordain for a mere week sometimes and then disrobe. Is it trustworthy/effective? There is a fee of $500,-. Having said that the ambient and facilities seem a bit more welcoming than Suan Mokkh's austerity. Almost appealing. The Wat Pananachat forest monastery offers an attractive 6 week layman's experience, and I am seriously looking at that as well, besides a second retreat at Suan Mokkh. But Wat P is set up with long term ordination as a potential goal. The layman's period as a guest/visitor also appeals to me and would be available, but I have no plans to leave the laity permanently yet. (I think I'm too old for them at mid-60 anyway.) But what do you bhikkhus think? Is a 30 day ordination for 500 bucks a worthwhile goal? (By the way I came across my original Suan Mokkh post (from 2012) as I scanned the forum for any hints about monklifeproject. I realized I hadn't reported back. I'll catch up on that soon. Thanks for those who offered guidance - I could really relate to some of it in retrospect. But I am also at a completely different level of development now having found MY meditation position - unfortunately after 4 years more struggle 555.)
  17. Burst appendix pain is hideous and comes with peritonitis. If I hadn't had prompt treatment back then I'd have had age 42 written on my gravestone. Come to think of it that number was the Hitchhiker's Guide answer to the question about everything.????
  18. Note I said 'understandable' - and that only if what she says is true. Which I think seems likely on the basis of what we know from the article. It's not as if she's cashed in a life insurance on him. On the contrary - she hid as a fugitive wanted for murder and worked 'massage' in Bangkok sois for 8 years. Ponder that she preferred that to living another day with her husband. I didn't say acceptable though. ???? Even in Thailand there are alternatives, though culture determines that few know of them and few of those who do have enough self esteem to avail themselves of them.
  19. Understandable really. If she'd divorced him he'd have probably killed her by the sounds of things - seems to the usual way round in LOShootings.
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