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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Bit like junkmail - some poor lonely sod'll bite.
  2. 'A friend acting as an agent ...' With 'friends' like that ... But I've noticed Thais often use the word 'friend' for people they hardly know.
  3. OP I'll be doing the same soon for the same reasons. Thanks for mentioning they didn't want onward flt, but I'll be doing that as well as the 20k baht cash on me, just to preclude any hiccups. I always keep my boarding cards as souvenirs 555 I think immi will be less 'complex' where I'm going. The requirements are straight forward as SometimeWW has posted.
  4. Their smiles are a whole repertoire of SIGNALS. Our western smiles tend to signal 'I like' and not much more and that's what we tend to instinctively think when we're smiled at by a Thai. However their smiles have a whole range of meanings, all of which are GENUINE, not fake. The real question is: can you decode the signal correctly?
  5. 3000 baht a month. Just stop a few minutes and ponder that ...
  6. For the sad sub who devised that headline, please in such cases in future substitute the word 'claims' for 'gets'.
  7. Even with safe reconstruction, new 'management' and without all the superstitions no-one would go there for a fun night out any more.
  8. I didn't know whether to put a 'like' or a 'thanks' on this post. It's possibly the best I've ever read on these forums on this subject. So thanks, I liked that.
  9. Pretty sick that a guy who can afford to trash a Rolls with a Merc is worried about anything at all.
  10. You ever known companies to LOWER prices without being made to by regulators/governments?
  11. I'm not so sure it's 'lethargy'. The last time the people at large went onto the streets there were a lot of corpses around Democracy Monument. Quite apart from Tamassat Uni in 1976. The establishment has shown it's willing to deploy massive lethal force to secure its position. The people I've met and talked to haven't forgotten and just hope that nobody will get killed this time round. Not as simple as it looks, and a machine gun is a powerful argument.
  12. It's been horrendous for anyone even indirectly twice removed from tourism. Whole families lost their income streams and homelessness has rocketed.
  13. They care about us and want to make sure we're OK?
  14. What you see is what you get. If it walks like a duck ... Strikes me as a rather sad character actually.
  15. I hope you meant coffers ????
  16. The 787-10 is scheduled on this route. One can but hope ????
  17. 'Third, people, I’m just trying to add a little info I myself would have found helpful a week ago. You can be mad about that I guess?' This geezer ain't mad - thanks so much for your report! That's exactly the one-way Eva flight I'll be taking in a few weeks, visa-exempt with a view to Non-O extension, so this report is timely and worth gold to me. I get my 4th jab in a week or so and I've got digital and the WHO yellow booklet. I'll also be buying an onward ticket just in case. It strikes me that a full fare short haul should be refundable. And I always carry €600 in my pocket nowadays, since they did a few spot-checks for that a couple of years ago. I guess if they really want to I can show them my Airbnb booking. Looks like a piece o' cake. Thanks again!
  18. The really sensitive stuff is so sensitive it's not listed. Because even knowledge of it could be dangerous if someone else has a couple of other pieces of the puzzle.
  19. They were subpoenaed in Springtime. Any claim he was 'cooperating' is pure bunkum. The subpoena came after he failed to respond to earlier polite requests. And no Tippaporn, these are facts. They stand. I can't be bothered to waste my time dealing with any absurd response you post here so don't waste your time either.
  20. Emergency services usually. They are generally the first to get wind of the size of the incident. They have all the phone numbers and pre-agreed procedures. usually. Depends where you are.
  21. Not for the nervous or faint of heart - unless they want a crash course in wising up and situational awareness.
  22. The moment this emerged there should have been a general public emergency declared, all hospitals put on alert and every patient treated on arrival. There is no excuse for medical facilities anywhere not carrying out their basic duty in a human catastrophe like this.
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