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Posts posted by sanmiguellight

  1. I don't give a CRAP what you think..whether you are jealous and can't get a Thai lady thats "not on the take" or whatever reason for your negativity...and texpat..the 'friction' arises when farang with a proclivity for BG's can't understand why some farang get the ones they wish they had..

    But i dont want a Thai girl of any variety, if i wanted one id have one .... im hansum you see :)

    And as for the saying ive a proclivity for BG's well i dont drink too much so im not around them as much as yourself, as one of your topics openly proclaims.

    Now if you read your Topics you will see your stories dont add up and youre a bit of a Barry Bullsh7tter.

  2. I've noticed us Scots seem to have a better reputation than our southern neighbours.

    I get asked by the Thais if I'm from England with a suspicious stare, and as soon as I say I'm from Scotland they light up in a huge beaming grin, "Ahh, Sakotlan. Whisky very good!"

    Dont you get bored of "them" asking you this and then coming up with the same answer time and time again?

  3. I shall take the 5th, because I'm Canadian...okay I'll bite...when I grew up the isle "owned" half the world..ie: half the world was colored pink (the commonwealth) in those days..to over generalize..when a small island owns "half" the world...do you think the owners will have small egos??? When such a small place "owns" so much of the world..how will they view themselves? Will they view themselves as SUPERIOR?? When their "kingdom" shrinks, does the enormous ego shrink accordingly??..not from what i see.. (CHECK) MATE

    Not one Brit i know gives a sh7t about the British Empire or has ever cared about the British Empire, it was long gone before most Brits on this planet were conceived, at best or worst all we do is wind the jocks taffy's and micks up about owning them, its called banter and a windup something people in Canada just cant comprehend.

  4. The whole skin colour thing is totally overdone in this country. It's completely superficial.

    If you're concerned about your friend's veracity or otherwise, take one hair from both kids and go and pay for a paternity test. This is one aspect of Thai culture I very much resist, a fascination with the amount of melanin in a person's skin and all the prejudice attached to it.

    Hey well done, it quite clearly wasnt about being prejudice about skin colour but the PC fool you are has managed to try and make it so ...... this is one aspect of Western culture i very much detest.

  5. before some more ignorants present their bullshit and smear an innocent woman they should inform themselves that is indeed possible that parents can produce offsprings which differ ethnically in an extreme way.

    google for "Mendel's Inheritance Laws", get a basic idea or just shut up and keep on sipping your Chang! :)

    When i was a kid there was a guy of light Indian appearance in skin colour, both his white skinned parents were definitely his biological parents, but this is 1 person i know of in the UK.

  6. Sure it's possible. But you should do your own due diligence as (broad generalization alert without naming names) a lot of gals that a certain group of guys that usually travel here via plane tend to get involved with and marry have been married before, have had children from more than one father, and might be less prone to giving you the entire story straight up.


    She doesnt work in a bar and lives abroad with her new husband my relationship with her is purely platonic, the kids are 100% definitely brought up by the ex husband who she was married to for 12/13 years .... maybe just one of lifes mysteries that LOS offers on a regular basis.

  7. My money is on Scarlet Strumpet rather than Queer Genes. :)

    Yes mine to, it was when she told me the darker one looked like her ex husband in a way which was made to convince me that i instantly thought this. But there must be many of these cases.

  8. OK, I know a Thai girl who is lots of fun to be with but is unbelievably devious.

    Anyway she has 2 kids from her 1st marriage the youngest is as light as a Thai chinese girl you see on the TV and the other is very dark skinned, their father is half Caucasian half Thai thus has a fair complexion.

    Is this possible to have 2 completely coloured kids from the same parents or highly unlikely?

    There was research done in the US many years ago that showed something like 10% (thats a guess but it was a significant amount) of kids were not the child of the father whom they thought they were.

  9. ^^^^^^^

    Whilst i agree with you there are an abundance of scumbags in LOS, to call many of them would be rapists is taking things a bit far.

    The problem with many in LOS is they drink almost everyday sooner or later it leads to mental health problems, unfortunatley lots of decent ex service men in their early 40s who've retired out here on their 1000-1500GBP a month pension seem to be the worst for this.

  10. This forum seems dominated by fans of Newcastle, Liverpool, Manure, Chelsea, Arsenal, Man City, WestHam, bit of Spurs, bit of Celtic and Rangers, bit of Sunderland and probably too much Stoke.

    Where are all the other teams fans on this forum to create some much needed p7sstake?

  11. Geriatrik - For most football rivalry is a windup, and the fall of the British Empire was due to 2 world wars and the fact it was more of a trading network then an evil Empire similar to Darth Vaders.

    And the guy in the pic is some famous Pompey fan who despite his appearance comes across as i decent enough sort in interviews and is not a hooligan.

    If i'm not mistaken, Mr Westwood is actually a Librarian & an Antiques Dealer...

    You mean - Mr. John Anthony Portsmouth Football Club Westwood.


    Quote from above link -

    By the standards of any club, he's unusual. He has travelled to every game, home and away, since 1980. In 1989, he changed his name by deed poll to John Anthony Portsmouth Football Club Westwood.

    He also has 60 Portsmouth tattoos on his body, the club crest shaved on to his head and "PFC" engraved on his teeth.

    John might look like a man possessed when he is watching football but, in reality, he is yet another Portsmouth curiosity. It is rather bewildering to find him going about his day job - he is an antiquarian book dealer in the pretty market town of Petersfield.

    "People look at me and think I must be some madman off a building site, but books are my life," he whispers as we meet in the family bookshop.

    His late father was a well-known book dealer, his brother is the Queen's paper conservator at Windsor Castle and John has written a book himself.

    Needless to say, it is about Portsmouth Football Club.

  12. Jack and me talked about this subject in Bangers, Sanmiguel. I totally concur with Jacks post above :)

    Yes i see your point, difficult situation as a club without money could bankrupt themselves by dancing to his tune, if he were to turn out sh7te ... obviously getting advised very badly especially if he goes to Chelsea as is being specualted with its Ajax style development of young players.

  13. I would love to earn enough money in life that I could buy Sheffield Wednesday and I would gladly lose it all by taking them bankrupt and non-league, I hope they never go any direction but down :D

    I spent a month or so in Rotherham last year, and if you spent any money on something other then Kebabs, Burgers and Pies, you'd be the first person in the town to do so. :) Got the worlds best curry house there though.

    I went home to Rotherham in October for a week and it felt like a year. I miss the kebabs though :D

    Missed out on the Kebabs as my bodies a temple, but the curry house is called Akbars huge multi million pound place .... food cooked to perfection.

    To keep on topici think Spurs will win a cup this year, probably the FA.

  14. Geriatrik - For most football rivalry is a windup, and the fall of the British Empire was due to 2 world wars and the fact it was more of a trading network then an evil Empire similar to Darth Vaders.

    And the guy in the pic is some famous Pompey fan who despite his appearance comes across as i decent enough sort in interviews and is not a hooligan.

  15. Well I can see how people could be sad here. I find Bangkok to be the loneliest place on earth. Hard for most of you to imagine I know. If you don't like hookers and would like to make real friends it is a very sad place. The level of racism and negativity towards falangs makes it hard to meet and befriend people, the ones that are interested in befriending you land up becoming a liability and/or want money. The answer I guess is to meet Thai people that don't need money but then that goes back to the racism issue which is very real, most of them dont want to be friends with a falang. If you want to make friends with other falangs you need to be careful as it seems like everyone that lives here has some sort of psychological issue or they themselves are scared to make friends with other falangs as they think the same thing about you. I assume men that sit around pubs drinking all day and then sleeping with hookers all get along fine together but if that is not your cup of tea it is hard to find people you can relate to of any nationality in this city.

    I can relate to that, but i'm of the opinion that if i were to drink everynight and run after the girlies all the time, i'd be pm'ing the OP to get a bit of pyschotherapy, but a lot of the people in the tourist parts are good for a chat when youre drinking its the crazy buy me drink girls that are the reason not to go there.

    But as for true friends here in LOS, most people as they get older become more solitary, i can count on 1 finger the people i would call true friends back home, even acquaintences are dwindling.

  16. Arrogant <deleted> or not surely young Sturridge is worth a chance.

    I feel the same way about Sturridge as StevieH does about Maggie Thatcher. Need I expand :)

    Yes but youre a football fan, a breed that are renowned for being fickle as <deleted>, im sure 20 goals and you'd see him in a different light.

  17. I recommend a brand new serviced apt/hotel called Adelphi Grand on Sukhumvit 41, the soi is maybe 200 metres from Emporium, huge rooms for BKK from 38m2 but looks far bigger ........brand spanking new bed you dont want to leave, swimming pool, gym, good brekky, fast internet etc.... All for 2300bht.

    And you can walk out the hotel without getting hassled.


  18. I would love to earn enough money in life that I could buy Sheffield Wednesday and I would gladly lose it all by taking them bankrupt and non-league, I hope they never go any direction but down :D

    I spent a month or so in Rotherham last year, and if you spent any money on something other then Kebabs, Burgers and Pies, you'd be the first person in the town to do so. :) Got the worlds best curry house there though.

  19. About two weeks ago a friend of mine living in Shanghai told me they're leaving China because they consider the food there not safe enough for their 3 years old. And it means resigning from a top job in a major international corporation !!

    How do you consider the food in Thailand, both the local and the imported one ? Nowadays, they really promote organic farming in Thailand. Do you trust the "organic / made in Thailand " labels ? Or if food safety is one of your top priority would you rather buy imported food?

    I once ate some Thai food but unfortunately got food poisoning and died ....... dont't like to complain about it though .... some you win, some you lose. :)

  20. To view an example of how disastrous the chairmanship of Newcastle is, have a read of this article:


    It also illustrates how failure gets rewarded but of course so many examples of that in the UK.

    Just look at what the politicians and others are doing!

    Ashely came in and identified the huge mistakes by the last regime, and seems to have complained about them then completely ignored them by buying overated players on the recommendation of his mates (the old regime used 1 agent more or less for all their players) then paying them more then they could ever dream of making.

    Xisco a 20 yo Spaniard who had played half a season in Spain is meant to be on 50k a week.

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