thanks for your reply. sorry, my post was not meant to be disrespectful.
we have been filing tax returns for over 10 years and have never received the tax forms by mail ...
personally, for my peace of mind and because i prefer to follow the rules, i would do the following:
go to the bank to get the receipt for the withheld tax, have a thai person help fill out the tax return,
and enter the remitted money (around 380k) as income / pension, even though it's covered by the DTA!
just ignore and don’t mention the DTA to the tax office ...
since you're over 65, your total tax-free allowance is around 500k. no need to worry, you won’t have to pay anything,
and you even will get some pocket money back from your withheld bank tax ...
that’s what i would do in your place, but of course, it’s up to you.
good luck, though i don’t think you’ll need it ...