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Everything posted by motdaeng

  1. "How does this not fit (in your view) within the gift rules?" don't ask us (aseannow members), ask the TRD ... but hey, it's up to you ... do whatever makes you happy ...
  2. maybe you're right, maybe not... but as we all can agree, global banking and tax systems are becoming stricter, making it harder to evade taxes to get away without paying taxes at all. if thailand gets serious about collecting taxes from foreign tax residents, the first step could be, when someone renews their annual permit, they'll need a tax clearance document. something like that is more likely to happen in the future ....
  3. can you please explain the terms and conditions for "gifting within the law"? ideally, this explanation should be supported by a reputable tax lawyer or one of the major law firms. defining gift tax law by an asennow member doesn't seem like a reliable source to me ... i can imagine that wealthy and influential thai people fully take advantage of this gift option ... but they definitely cover all their bases with a tax lawyer and have probably already negotiated with the tax office ... this is a league where we foreigners are not allowed or able to play ...
  4. or you are going to ask for the bank withholding tax ... TRD can not refuse that and therefore have to issue you an TIN number .... (my home bank's did require my thailand TIN as well ...)
  5. any reliable source for that? what rules are under review? thanks ...
  6. ikea might want to keep its good reputation and avoid opening a store in the family-friendly holiday destination of pattaya ...
  7. this man killed a suspect... probably not his first victim... good he is gone, one less piece of trash in the world!
  8. any reliable source for your claim (not later) ... thanks 🙏
  9. no need to teach me ... i wish everyone who tries the gift- route and wearing rosa sunglasses good luck ... teaching the TRD what is tax avoidance and what is tax evasions, that will be fun to watch ...
  10. not my personal experience in 10+ years, including this year ...
  11. since you seem well-informed, please enlighten us all on the requirements for the thai revenue department to recognize something as a tax-free gift rather than a way to evade taxes. thanks for sharing your first-hand knowledge ...
  12. more than 20 years ago, there have been rumors that yingluck is not his sister (biological relative) but his daughter … by now, we should all have realized that the entire family clan is full of lies and deceit down to the last member ...
  13. it doesn’t matter whether the money comes from your pension, business income, or transfers from friends and family ... you, as the recipient and tax resident, are responsible for paying taxes on any taxable money brought into thailand. the tax office does not differentiate who sent you the money. people over 65 who receive a pension have a tax-free allowance of at least 500k. additionally, depending on the country, the DTA may provide further tax-exempts. savings from before 01.01.2024 can be transferred to thailand tax-free. insurance contributions and other expenses may also be partially deductible ..
  14. She did not go to the Rice Committee Meetings anyway which would be negligence on her part but the resulting fine is a bit excessive billion's of loss and the corruption that came with it were more than just negligence on her .... who was responsible for the whole scheme? it was khun yingluck ...(who was following orders from khun toni ... )
  15. if you are a tax resident in thailand and bring taxable money into the country above the threshold, you have to pay taxes on it. the tax office doesn’t care how you earned the money abroad ... it is income money! except in a few cases (proof required): - it is savings from before 01.01.2024 - it is inherited money - it is a gift - you have already paid taxes on it in your home country - it is exempt from taxes under a double tax agreement (DTA)
  16. i would wait at least another 1 to 2 weeks before contacting the tax office. bureaucracy moves slowly, and so does the postal service ...
  17. as of today, there's no need to worry about leaving the country. if you think you need tax clarification, here's a starting point: https://www.rd.go.th/english/23518.html
  18. a few days ago, i learned that some bev only support AC single-phase charging (like the atto 3?) and not AC three-phase! this makes me wonder why PEA offers AC charging with 25 kw or even 43 kw. does that make any sense when most bevs charge AC at only 7 kw, some at 11 kw, and only a few up to 22 kw? i've never heard of any bev AC charging above 22 kw ... sorry for all the strange questions, i'm just a beginner, but i like to learn ....
  19. i chose the sealion 7 awd, and after watching the video and owning it for three weeks, i'm sure i made the right decision. volvo, xpeng and zeekr were before also on my list, but since the nearest dealer is a 7-hour round trip away, i decided to join the big byd family instead ...
  20. the sim card (from singapore) in my sealion 7 seems useless ... i rarely get any signal! most of the time the byd app won’t connect to the car, even when i'm standing right next to it. spotify and navigation usually don’t work either... unless i use android auto or a hotspot. is there any way to improve the connection through settings? i think all seal owners have received a thai sim card by now... surprisingly, i haven't heard of any other sealion 7 owners having this issue. maybe my sim card is the problem ...
  21. well done! great news, that just made my day ... thank you!
  22. thaksin seems like the donald trump of thailand … arrogant and full of himself, making empty promises and lying daily … yet both are convicted criminal too ...
  23. some good thoughts, thanks. but i can imagine that if someone deliberately or intentionally doesn't file a tax return, even though they know they have to, it could be considered attempted tax evasion. in a situation like that, a court would probably have to decide on such a case .... just my thoughts ...
  24. you are already on their radar ... the big question is only will they come after you or not ... and will it be this year or in a few years or never in our life time ....
  25. it's the other way around ... if they want you, you have to go to them ...
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