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Everything posted by motdaeng

  1. i would say, that is maybe toooo late already ...
  2. that's a good one ... " ... by the Thai Embassy located in Thailand .... "
  3. you give the thai gouverment a lot of credit .... nice of you ..
  4. ... it’s simple – as simple as immigration requiring a bank letter from your bank to verify your balance ... whether it will happen or not, no one knows, but thinking it won’t happen just because it’s too complicated is simply naive ...
  5. you need to buy an air purifier and a pm2.5 meter, not an air humidifier.
  6. just because you don't feel or see pollution now doesn't mean it won't affect your health in the future. it seems that nearly all thai people and most foreigners underestimate this fact and downplay the issue of air pollution until it directly affects them (health issues) or someone in their family or circle of friends. a few basic facts to the pm2.5 pollution: pm2.5 refers to fine particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or smaller. sources: vehicle emissions, industrial processes, burning, wildfires etc. health impact: can penetrate deep into the lungs, causing respiratory and cardiovascular issues. measurement: expressed in micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m³). safe levels: the who recommends 15 µg/m³ (24-hour) and 5 µg/m³ (annual). Air Quality Index: pm2.5 of 15 µg/m³ = AOI 57 and 5 µg/m³ = AOI 21 prevention: use masks, air purifiers, and limit outdoor activities during high pollution levels. 2025 01 20 : AQI map of thailand .... https://aqicn.org/country/thailand/
  7. doesn't your wife have a driving license or does she live 10 miles away from you .... 5555 just kidding ...
  8. does your friend have the answer in written form? unlike the embassy, which conducted a live webinar with a high official from the TRD and afterward sent a written summary to all affected citizens ... take your pick ...
  9. absolutely wrong, what are you talking about...? a few embassies did inform their citizens directly... do you seriously think the government should personally inform every citizen about changes in regulations or laws?
  10. it only takes a few honest individuals at the very top to begin cleaning up the corruption ...
  11. well said, put them all (including teflon toni) together in the same prison, they all deserve eachother ... all of them are corrupt, selfish criminals ... start to get rid of them ... no need to wait ...
  12. that's correct! on the other hand, if you don't file the tax return, the trd can review up to 10 years of your financial records ... wait and see seems to be for most foreigner here a cleaver way out ...
  13. i agree with you "do the crime, do the time", but it seems you're overlooking the fact that extrajudicial killings are also a crime and don't represent "doing the time for the crime" ... at least, that's how i see it. if someone drives drunk and causes a fatal accident, should this reckless person also be executed on the spot? or is that somehow different in your opinion?
  14. it seems that most of you fail to grasp the reality of the situation. over the past few years, similar reports have appeared regularly in the media. the same patterns repeat over and over: the smugglers initiate a firefight, a few drug smugglers are killed, no one is injured or wounded, and no one is arrested. on the army's side, after a "fierce" firefight, there are no injuries or fatalities either. if you believe this endlessly repeated story to be the truth and support extrajudicial killings, then you probably still believe this is the way to do it ... i hope you never find yourself in an argument with this kind of killing soldiers / peoples ... the army's method of shooting smugglers is deliberate. the soldiers who kill are rewarded with hefty bonuses (including for keeping quiet), and these killers are even treated as heroes (from people like you) . it’s an absolute disgrace ...
  15. if you like the sealion 7, i'm sure there will be another very nice discount later this year, possibly during the moto show 2025 in april. it could be similar to the discount offered at the moto expo 2024 in early december, which was 150,000 thb for the sealion 7!
  16. i wouldn’t call that "well done." it always looks like the army simply executes these smugglers. i still believe the law and a court should decide the punishment, not corrupt and untrustworthy soldiers given a free pass to kill. these killers are just as much criminals, and i wouldn’t pat a criminal on the back and say "well done" ... would you?
  17. ...just do not drink if you know you have to drive; it's as simple as that. however, as we all know, people who drive under the influence only care about themselves ...
  18. the new model y is now available to order ... https://www.tesla.com/en_th
  19. some additional videos about the sealion 7 ... the car is getting excellent overall reviews everywhere. keep in mind that, despite its performance awd version (530 hp) being on par with a sports car, it still drives like a suv for families ... one drawback is its relatively high energy consumption, as highlighted in the videos. however, if you maintain a more modest speed of around 80 km/h, the car is surprisingly efficient (130 wh/km) given its substantial weight (sunday driving, second video). https://youtu.be/249f6zG2MtU?si=gGYOkM8gvlUyuXqA https://youtu.be/6vM5l6Nh_p0?si=ikAedqH_xSa0aqoZ
  20. as far as i know, only a few DTA really befits a tax residence as good as the DTA for people from the us ... my friends and my DTA from my home country is useless, except you have been a government employee ...
  21. agree with you on that. every criminal without any exception should do their jail time. now, as toni and his puppet are in charge, why they don't bring the generals to justice? hold on, silly me, they are now best friends and share the bed together ... some thaksin fan boys won't never get it, without equal rights and fair justice system nothing will change ever ... corruption will keep running the country, the rich will get richer and poor will be still poor ...
  22. The WHO air quality guideline (AQG) states that annual average concentrations of PM2.5 should not exceed 5 µg/m3, while 24-hour average exposures should not exceed 15 µg/m3 more than 3 - 4 days per year. (PM 2.5 of 25 µg/m3 = AQI 78 ... !!!) we do use air purifier since the end of the raining season ... we try to take the health risk of the pollution seriously, not like the thai politicians ...
  23. if i remember correctly, only a certain group of expats (people who have been working in Thailand ?) had to have a tax clearance before leaving the country ... there are some other an-members who can give you the correct answer ...
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