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Everything posted by motdaeng

  1. that would be surprising me (but i'm open to it) ... just to clarify, i'm talking about the sea lion 07, not the sea lion 6 (phev) ...
  2. ... and once again, your private competition continues ... you never seem to get tired or need a break ... i don't think i'm wrong in saying that most members are tired of your privat statistics discussions ... i certainly am! please give us a break ...
  3. some of you might not be familiar with the byd sea lion 07 ... the car is on sell in china for about 2 months already ... and test running in thailand (bangkok area) for about 3 months https://carnewschina.com/2024/06/29/sunday-china-drive-byd-sea-lion-07-with-latest-e-platform-3-0-evo-to-rival-model-y-globally/
  4. at vinny41 and JBChiangRai, could you please stop your ongoing argument about ev numbers? it's slowly turning into a personal dispute that doesn't really add value to the topic. we all understand by now that statistics can be interpreted in different ways. please allow the other members to decide what they want to believe. it would be great if you both could agree to respond to any new statistic with a limit of 2-3 posts each ... i know, it's a lot to ask for both of you ...
  5. they have been working on research and development for hydrogen vehicles for centuries, with only limited success so far, or perhaps more accurately, mostly failure ... but who knows what the future holds ...
  6. that's a good question, hard to say. i estimate the byd seal 2025 will be seen at the earliest at the motor show in march 2025 in thailand ... hong kong also has left-hand traffic, and the first advertisements for the byd sea lion 07 are currently running. sales for this car is likely to start soon. as for the byd seal 2025, there’s no sign of it in hong kong yet ... i do believe that hong kong will sell new byd models before thailand ...
  7. an other exemple, traffic signs with time-based speed limits! how can anyone driving at 80 km/h read the time restrictions? i can't, especially since i'm not thai ...
  8. i do agree with that. if there are more than one line in both directions, i will not stop because it's much too dangerous ...
  9. i usually stop at the pedestrian crossing, but i try to halt at least 10 meters before it and signal for them to cross. if a motorbike passes me on either side, i hope there's enough time to brake. sometimes, stopping at a crossing can be more dangerous than not stopping at all.
  10. you are right about this "the busdriver could not see more than 50 meters before the curve" ... but as a bus driver, he's sitting in a higher position, so he should definitely be able to see more than just to the curve (see pic) ... never mind, TIT
  11. i wonder, was there really an other vehicle ... it seems like clear sight for at least 100 m, no need to react sharply with a bus on this narrow street. no wheel tracks in the tall grass either ...
  12. very strange, a video about aftermarket stalks for the tesla 3 highland: even though i'm not a tesla fan, i have to admit they've done a lot of things better than most others! but in my opinion, tesla could have a even much stronger position in the global market if they do improve a few key points: - elon musk is unpredictable, for some also unpopular, and not trustworthy... he should be replaced by an experienced ceo. - many big promises (from musk) that are not fulfilled - models are outdated, both inside and outside - quality was and still is an issue - more model variety - no driver display, no hud, no stalks anymore, no glass roof sunshade, glovesbox with no handle .. etc - lower costs for customers (i call the car more or less an empty shoe box ...) - lack of dealership network in thailand - there might be a few additional things to include
  13. the entire automotive industry is undergoing a transformation like never before. the advancements and progress in electric mobility have gained significant momentum. i think it will take several more years for consumers and the market to fully adapt to the new realities. right now, buying a new car is only worthwhile for those who plan to keep it for several years. the days of buying a new model every year without significant loss are over. this applies to both electric vehicles and internal combustion engine (ice) vehicles alike ...
  14. i had to try different sizes of capacitors till the fan worked that way i needed ... using this fan with reduced speed a few years already, happy with the diy solution!
  15. sorry, it's maybe the early morning, but I have no clue what you are saying ... what was rolled back 1 year?
  16. very well written, thank you! i see myself in the saying, "the more you know, the more you realize you don't know." for a while now, i've been looking to replace one of our cars, and i happened to discover electric mobility by chance. also thanks to the many interesting questions and discussions in this forum, i've been able to get a solid understanding of the topic. i truly appreciate the endless efforts of ev owners who take the time to answer questions from those interested in ev's. no one is forced to buy an ev, and ev's are not for everyone ...
  17. animals ... why do drunk people quite often get aggressive ... shame on them, no country needs them ...
  18. that (TM47) won't work, because someone can leave before reaching 90 days and reentry thailand again ... however, if the TRD do start strictly enforce the tax lawn on foreigners, they will not let you fool them ...
  19. on this point, i do agree with you ... i also love numbers but it has his limits ... but some members seems to be obsessed with numbers
  20. this thread is to discussion about electric vehicles in thailand. you are very welcome to discuss about ev's / battery / charging etc ... you and everyone else will get very value answers from experienced ev owner ... please don't hijack this topic with car fires, as there is a separate thread for that. it seems the moderator's decision to keep this thread focused was the right thing to do.
  21. not all foreigners are millionaires or have businesses or income from their home country. many foreigners don't have to pay any taxes in thailand ...
  22. it's sad news ... but what is even more sadder that this happens every day, over and over, and nothing seems to change ...
  23. you probably mean phev (plug-in hybrid) make sense ... i see it differently because most do drive around 50-100 km daily, and many can charge overnight at home. when these people are looking to buy a new car, a bev makes a lot of sense, not a phev and certainly not a hybrid. additionally, thailand has a good charging infrastructure, affordable electricity rates, and a wide, attractive selection of different electric vehicles at reasonable prices ... but as always, electric cars aren’t for everyone ...
  24. ... but i don't know them, and if they leave, i won't get to know them either ...
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