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Everything posted by motdaeng

  1. i think most of the expats would get away with a small tax bill or even no tax at all. and some expats could be leaving because of the taxes ... but this group will be easily replaced by new arrivals ... it won't be all or nothing ...
  2. "It is not a law change, but a departmental order, which overules the previous tax ruling from 1987. Here is a page of all the official announcements and information. The Thai Revenue Department have provided a lot of useful information and guidance on this change." https://www.expattaxthailand.com/thailand-revenue-department-foreign-sourced-income/
  3. i often hear suggestions for better education and training to address DUI issues. for example, finland has an excellent education system, but without strict enforcement of laws by the police, many finns would do as they please and don't care. (finns like to drink ...) my conclusion for thailand is that better education won't help (it's already being done with many training videos); the only effective solution is the strict enforcement of the laws with harsh penalties ! which won't happen, as we all know ...
  4. the rule/law states the following: "In Thailand, you need to file taxes if you live in the Kingdom for 180 days or more, or if the money was for work conducted in Thailand and your assessable income is over 120,000 THB as an individual or 220,000 THB as a joint filing married couple. The tax year is from January to December, and you usually have until the end of March the next year to file your taxes." however, if i don't have to pay tax due to the allowance and the TDA, i personally wouldn't file a tax return either ... except if required by immigration or other authorities.
  5. who is forcing you to spend 3 nights in a friendly hotel in Pattaya?
  6. unfortunately it is very likely again only empty promises ... don't drink and drive!
  7. not yet, but it indicates the possibility what could happen in the future ...
  8. i checked out the omoda c5 ev today and tried sitting inside. the quality and choice of materials in the interior made a good impression. unfortunately, the space in the front and also in the back felt quite cramped. the trunk and frunk are disappointingly small. at this price, the car is unlikely to be a big seller. neta, byd, and mg offer better options, and it's very likely that these brands will still be selling cars in thailand in 10 years ...
  9. not true, we will save the last cherry for you, as our parents taught us (good manners and respect) ...
  10. the post from khun mike teavee is spot on, but it's important to add: this also assumes your (khun grain) home country doesn't have a DTA, or if it does, it doesn't provide any benefits for your pension ... depending on the DTA with your home country, you might not have to pay any taxes here in thailand ...
  11. i haven’t paid any income or savings taxes in any country as living for the last 20 years in thailand, except for the withholding tax on bank interest. should i feel guilty? no, i’ve spent a lot of money over the years on things like bikes, cars, land, houses, school, insurance, and raising a family. we all know, even if we pay taxes in thailand we will get nothing in return ... nothing will improve or getting easier for us ...
  12. have a look at this ... it (gifting) will be not as easy as some of you think ... the same is for the ATM ... https://aseannow.com/topic/1337075-reduce-taxation-by-gifting/
  13. no! that has been discussed many times already ...
  14. i’m not entirely sure why you’re asking for proof. just a few points: do all shops and street vendors earning less than 10k per month ? are all shop's and seller's registered and paying taxes? do all thai people working in the entertainment and tourism industries pay their taxes? are illegal earnings and income from corruption and grey / side market activities subject to taxation? do all freelancers (facebook selling, etc) pay taxes? ... if you really believe that only a small portion of thais commit tax evasion and need proof of that, then i can’t help you ... i agree that there are foreigners who don’t have to pay taxes due to the DTA and exemptions, or because of low pensions. however, not all countries have such generous treaties like the US with thailand, some have no treaties at all. if these individuals receive pensions certain sum of pension, they could already be paying taxes. i think it would be wrong to look the whole situation from just one perspective. there are foreign tax residents who sustain their lives in thailand also through investments, rental income (apartments/houses), stock market etc which results in paying taxes! some other situation, someone like to buy a car, land, house, or has to pay medical expenses with earnings (no savings before 31.12.2023). in all these situations, taxes must be paid ... just a reminder, taxes are progressive, ranging from 5% to 35%, which can result in a nice tax payment ... a easy, nice little earn for the TRD! as we all know, this little change for the tax law aims to close a loophole (used primarily by thai's), and we foreigners were not the reason for the law change. however, in my opinion, this does not mean that we are exempt from complying with this law. in a few years, it will become clear which group of us foreigners acted with foresight ...
  15. we’ve missed you, our firefighter and old BMW driver… where have you been hiding all this time?
  16. this reminds me of what was said about solar panels many years ago: not worth it, technology not mature, too expensive, loss of value, etc. electric vehicles will be part of our future mobility. there could be other solutions in the future, but for now, bev's are a good alternative to ice vehicles. i was surprised to see transport companies (in eu) investing in big electric trucks (40t) and successfully using them in short- and long-distance transport. these companies must think economically and long-term, yet they are still investing in ev mobility. skeptics should ask themselves why this is happening. bev's are not for everyone. bev's won’t save the world’s climate, and like ice vehicles, bev's have also disadvantages. however, bev's technology has much more potential compared to no much potential for improvment for ice . bev's make sense for many people (over 40 million worldwide and rising), so why don’t bev's skeptics get first hand information from experienced bev's owners or take a free test drive at one of the many dealers here in thailand...
  17. luckily the uk is not the centre of the world ... and does not represent the world ev market ... on the other hand, thailand has a good charging infrastructure, cheap electric prices, big choice of bev in every price range ... in norway, 94 % of new cars sold in august have been bev ... it looks like a lot of people have a different mindset to the subject electric cars. the big difference is also, this people own an ev's and know what they are talking about, compare to most of the negative posters here ...
  18. unfortunately it will be once again the downfall of the country, as it was in the past cause by toni the criminal ...
  19. it seems TRD did a great job, because of a small tax rule change starting 2024, TRD increased the revenue in 2023 ... never mind ..
  20. why did YOU go to that digital nomads meeting?
  21. my personal opinion: many thais who should be paying taxes do not file tax returns, which is correct. however, a large portion of thais have little or nothing to declare. enforcing tax laws against this group would require a significant effort (manpower) from the TRD, which may is not justifiable. in contrast, enforcing the law on foreigners who are tax residents in thailand is much simpler and would generates more revenue per person for the TRD ...
  22. it might be enforced rarely, but personally, i wouldn’t take it lightly if i committed tax evasion, even if i am only low-profile case. i prefer to follow the rules, and i’m confident it will pay off. the past 20 years in thailand confirms me that this is the right approach for the next 20 years ...
  23. since when is thailand in the west?
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