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Everything posted by motdaeng

  1. i'm confused ... is humidity in australia a crime?
  2. welcome to thailand! don't worry, you'll get used to it!
  3. according to this youtube video, zeekr will start selling cars on september 11, 2024. the company's aim is to sell about 500 cars per month. in my opinion, that is just too optimistic! i wonder where they will open branches ... only in bangkok or ... i love the zeekr 001, one of the best looking ev car. at the motor show, i was impressed with the zeekr 007. unfortunately, both models are not right-hand drive at the moment.
  4. in every relationship there are challenges. but it sounds to me in your relationship are just too many! to find solutions which works for both of you in the long run seems unlikely. give it a try, and if it doesn't work out, there are plenty of decent thai ladies with less challenging demands ... all the best and good luck!
  5. i agree, probably not many people can live solely off the interest from their savings in thailand. but it is possible. i know someone who does it. with a paid-off house and cars, only two people, no alcohol or smoking, and moderate spending, they live on an average 80k per month ...
  6. at 24 years old ... well, well ...
  7. we use since years roojai for our two cars. had a few minor claims, never had any issues ... positiv feedback from us for roojai!
  8. according to the owner, the cause of the fire is unknown. there is no damage to the car, only minor damage to the wall and roof. a new wall charger installation is on the way ...
  9. can you please explain how BTL works? what kind of garantee do you have? i am not sure, are we takling about "jam nuang" or "khaai-faak", done be the landoffice?
  10. just for the record, i swim in a pool, not a pond! by the way, it wasn't a personal attack, just a simple question. here an other question: if someone has so much income (+ 20 m/year) , why not go for the long-term-residents (LTR)? https://ltr.boi.go.th/
  11. sorry, off topic: why would someone earning 20 million per year live in a country like thailand? could it be that you exaggerated a little bit?
  12. moving is the last solution, but the nosy neighbor problem will likely follow you – no matter where you move, there's always a chance of encountering noisy or inconsiderate neighbors ... in my experience, even living in a premium community doesn't guarantee peace and quiet from nosy neighbors. unfortunately, selfish foreign neighbors can be just as intrusive as thai neighbors ...
  13. so many foreigners think we are so important for thailand and that we help the economy. i think we are not. the money we spend and use to support thai families is just a drop in the ocean. if we were important and value to the thai economy, they wouldn’t treat us the way they do. eg. no access to the healthcare system, no ability to get thai residency if not working, the immigration laws, double pricing, etc.
  14. @JBChiangRai a few months back, your friend had a minor accident with a MG5. i was wondering how things turned out. how much was the repair ? did their insurance cover everything?
  15. appreciate your honest answer, thank you! if i offend you in any way, it was not my intention, sorry about that.
  16. i agree with you on that, the life goes on and we always learn something new, haven't we ....
  17. no, it is the other way around! you clam something so therefore you should provide the source ... we are not your google students ...
  18. providing no source or link to this claim makes it not worth reading. (even i'm wondering where the 50% figure comes from ... maybe from a petrol company or toyota ?)
  19. what reason? is there a color test in your home country? are color-blind people excluded from having a driver's license in your home country? the traffic light is designed with red at the top, yellow in the middle, and green at the bottom ...
  20. so your mindset tells us, if someone doesn't have money it's ok to steal money from other people, unless they get offered some practical alternatives? you don't get it, pollution is killing infants, children, adults, old people, destroy the nature and the livelihood of many ... and you are asking for alternatives!!! alternatives for criminals (burning is illegal) and people who to harm to others health ... btw, there are alternatives, no need to burn and killing people! the best alternative for thailand and for millions of people is to stop burning ... everyone who defends burning should stay with their own family during the burning season in the very north, and of course without air con or air purifier! don't forget, millions of people do not have an alternative to live somewhere elese, this people have to breath this toxic air ...
  21. are you talking about thailand? or maybe chinese people in thailand? any link? (just as a reminder, topic is about ev's in thailand)
  22. wouldn't that making every politician and higher government officer guilty ...?
  23. maybe this help ... https://hoofoot.com/
  24. ... getting it sorted out : in thailand, that means a temporary solution, like using a lot of silicone, etc. a fixed roof will leak again, don't worry! and, most roofs in thailand leak sooner or later. any roof with a lot of hips and valleys will leak for sure ...
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