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Everything posted by siftasam

  1. Yes there is one called "Polly vous Francais" (jimn) Was the parrot a Norwegian Blue? If so it's deceased. 😁 (roo860) Thank you so much! These will keep me laughing for many days to come!
  2. 'men here that think they can have a normal relation with a girl that's 35 years younger..........what a joke. Get yourself examined.' C'mon! Is 'a normal relation' what I think it is? I'm not talking 'meaningful' here. I don't want to 'take her out' (well, I do, but I can fully understand why she wouldn't want that), but we're friends and we 'examine' each other 2 or 3 times a week. She's NOT a teenager but she is about 50 years younger than me. It makes the world go round, my friends! And it's good for the prostate!
  3. I have never understood the extent of the danger of having unprotected oral sex. I've seen a lot of different opinions, medical and otherwise. I read that Michael Douglas contracted throat cancer because of his passion for cunnilingus. I have never protected against it either giving or receiving. Maybe I'm very stupid or very lucky. How dangerous is it? (Please don't tell me it all depends who you have it with). (Incidentally before I came to Thailand 15 years ago, I read a book on Living In Thailand that said Thai girls would almost never give a farang oral (for fairly obvious reasons). The book also said that only bar girls/sex workers would have tattoos. It would be shameful for a Thai girl otherwise. Times have changed!)
  4. I have two relationships at home. One is a wonderful family one with my EX- partner's young daughter. She and her mother have lived in my home for 8 years. I promised that I would support and protect the young girl and it has been a pleasure so to do. The other relationship, with her mother, my EX-partner, is a very bad one. She and I have not been intimate for 6 years. We are not married and have never been 'engaged'. Of course, I house and support her because of her daughter. She takes good care of her daughter but otherwise, of course (?), her main consideration is my money. I do not want her to return to Isaan because she will, naturally, take her daughter with her. Something that I think I read somewhere. Is it correct that if a Thai woman leaves you, or you tell her to go, after living with you for 10 years, that she is 'legally' entitled to a share of your wealth?
  5. I am 77 now and have prostate problems. Is there a hospital/doctor/surgeon you could please recommend in the Chiang Mai/Lamphun area? (I am willing to go to Bangkok if necessary) Many thanks.
  6. What in God's name did they say to him: "No honey, no cunny?"
  7. When I was young I used to tie a string around my goose Cobber's neck and take him for walks. He grew big. We were 'simpatico' and all was fine until it made a running, flapping honking attack on Dad. Cobber disappeared. Dad told me (under duress) that Cobber had flown away. I thought this was a bit odd as I had seen Dad clip its wings. It wasn't until a few years later that Dad admitted we'd eaten Cobber for Christmas dinner. 65 years on I'm still having counselling.
  8. Paternity leave perhaps? A bad joke. Like a teacher who received 6 months paternity leave on full pay in order it turned out to operate his home computer business full time.
  9. Many thanks, Maybole. I'll go there next week.
  10. Does anyone know please of a very good 'woodman' in the Chiang Mai/Lamphun area who could make and install (with lock, bolts and keys) a strong back kitchen door leading out into the garden? Thank you.
  11. A wonderful fighter. He beat the best: Pascual Perez and Fighting Harada.
  12. Wackford Squeers. Thrash the little perishers (LOL!) (and P.S. - Dickens is among the greatest of all novelists)
  13. I did mine through Thai Visa Assist in Chiangmailand. very efficient and quick. 088 258 0139 410, 4-5 Chiangmailand Rd, Tambon Chang Khlan, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50100
  14. I'm as strong as Hercules and can go all day and all night (with a bit of greasing now and then). I'm Husqvarna Man!
  15. What happens in two weeks when I want to use my SCB card in Switzerland? Will my card be blocked??
  16. Bach's Brandenburg Concertos. I sing along to them very happily.
  17. Saw these in Rimping Nawarat yesterday: No Uncle Ben (or Uncle Tom on the front). Rimping doesn't want to be deemed 'racist, sexist, elitist, classist etc...- 'it's not cricket, old chap!'
  18. Yes, the Rimping by the Iron Bridge (Khualek). (Sadly, I find this branch of Rimping has gone downhill lately.)
  19. Not for a while, but I bought at Rimping Nawarat.
  20. 'He was also a founder member of The Ministry of Silly Walks. Could this get him into the New Thai Cabinet?' 'Maybe he'll be minister in the new government.' "And now for something completely different..." Pita??
  21. 'British females are some of the most beautiful and tolerant in the world.' (bkk6060) Thai girls much more beautiful in my estimation (otherwise I wouldn't still be here) I had a blind date with a lady in England - the only thing she asked me prior to this on the phone was "Do you have big ears?". I said No - true, they're not wing flaps. But I failed the test when she saw me. We had a good dinner date but she gave the ears as the reason for not seeing me again. When I came to Thailand 14 years ago, the girls in my local bar said: "We love your ears! You look like Buddha!" (LOL)
  22. I nearly killed one the other day in the car. So dangerous. I was so angry. I drove up onto the pavement and still missed him. I must get my eyes tested.
  23. "I always enjoy the reaction to Digital Nomadism. To see young people doing 3 hours work per day, blogging or creating content, without paying tax, and enjoying life as they travel, really gets under TV posters skin." Yes, it damn well does, the lazy b#ggers. I'm sick of the sight of them.
  24. So Einstein was right after all.
  25. I think Election Corruption is admirable. There is a long and respected history of it in the UK and, as we know, where the UK leads, the rest of the world follows. So, a welcome return to 'Eat and Swill' elections, I say! Bring on the Hogarthian grotesques. I'm hoping to engage the support of some real Thais (i.e. Chinese) to form a radical new Pad Thai party. Our slogan will be 'Free Pad Thai For All'. It's a winner!
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