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Everything posted by siftasam

  1. I was told, reliably, that during a flash flood years ago kids swam across Loi Kroh.
  2. Is the date tentative or is it the general election?
  3. I still don't understand about 'jumping a red light'. If the lights ahead are red, am I entitled to turn left if there is nothing ahead or to my right to stop me? So many Thais do it in Chiang Mai and Lamphun and I do it if it is safe. It helps me and it helps traffic flow. As far as I know, there is only one set of lights in Chiang Mai that has a warning that cars MUST all stop at the red light. That is at Panthip Plaza. The sign used to be in English and Thai but the English was 'removed' and a new sign put up in Thai only!
  4. I wouldn't want to lick a big snake. Mind you, my girlfriend doesn't mind, I'm glad to say.
  5. What luscious lips! Good luck to you, gal!
  6. Many thanks for the very helpful replies. I think I'd better sell, hopefully given time to do so. (My partner won't even make a Will to protect her 9 year old daughter - just as she won't have Co-vid vaccinations!) But how and where do I sell them to best advantage? My sole financial interests in England are my Halifax Bank account and being a client of Hargreaves Lansdown. Any help with this much appreciated.
  7. I have some UK stocks and shares, including Aviva and Standard Life - small holdings. Dividends paid into my UK bank. I am 76 years old. My Will leaves everything to my Thai partner. I'm presuming (?) that transferring to her (and hoping that she might understand about them) would be very difficult - if not impossible. Is it even UK legal to do so? Better for me to sell them? Oops! nearly forgot. What do you think I should do with my Bradford and Bingley shares?
  8. Don't blame Kathi! He's my beautiful little dog! (Japanese Spitz, maybe? Whatever, he's my boy and I love him!)
  9. Yes, point taken, thanks. At age 76, by the third time, I shouldn't think I'd be in a position to care. Maybe not the second time either! Maybe just save money for my Thai step-daughter and be ready to hand in the lunch pail.
  10. "Mind Cafe, Suan Prung ( Chiang Mai) has real ale on tap and loads of craft beers. Opens from 5pm." Is that the same as "OutOfYourMind" Cafe? I don't want to listen to philosophical debate, I just want to get p.....
  11. Thanks. It's from Cigna, but I have just seen a lot of adverse comments on the internet about Cigna. E.g. very bad comments about Cigna on www.trustpilot.com (cigna review). They make very frank and interesting reading.
  12. I'm told by several people that Moderna is free at the CM Mother and Child Hospital. Open 08.30. I believe the address is 1, Pracha Samphan Road, Chang Khlan 50100 tel.:053-272-740, 053-276-856 Not just for Mothers and Children! I'll go there myself in October (3 months after my Co-Vid)
  13. I am 76 years old. I need medical insurance to cover possible surgery and hospitalization. Pacific Prime seems to offer a very good service with a reasonable annual premium. Please - do you recommend it?
  14. Nice one, Jacko! Are you trying to Panda to my basest instincts?
  15. Entertainment-cum-restaurant? Can I book her for 'eating out'?
  16. RafPinto 'My actor name is "M" also known as massive. I was offered 50,000 Baht a day.' Wow! I'm impressed! The producers must have expected a lot of Bang for your Buck! Or is it a lot of Buck for your Bang?
  17. Yes, Khun Sumalee Jennapa, I endorse wholeheartedly.
  18. Nearly all my socks I have to cut almost to the ankle. My 'pauper' look doesn't impress the girls!
  19. I am now size 13 up (Thai 45-47 I think). Cannot buy in Chiang Mai except one or two pairs available in 'the big man's shop' on bottom floor of Central Airport Plaza. My two latest pairs are of necessity identical and are more like size 50! (I wear with a 'hygienic' fitted insole) Cannot last long but no alternative. Soles not thick. Socks are almost equally unavailable. Inquired in Clarks in Airport plaza - word spread around the staff there. "No, no, sir." the nice young man said, "this is Thailand, not England!" We all had a good laugh.
  20. Just recovered from hospital treated CO-VID. My doctor said get booster SOON. The 6 month recommendation he said is way out of date with recent research and recommendation. 3 months better for me but certainly SOON. Please be careful, folks! I had Pfizer and AZ last November/December. No inkling that I had Co-Vid until I felt extreme fatigue, especially when driving. I tried to ignore it (stupid me!), then had a bad fall when I fell asleep and off a chair onto a concrete path. Had bad concussion and 2 nights in hospital. Still very tired (after 3 weeks) and avoiding driving if I can. My balance and reaction times still not 100%.
  21. I've been here for 13 years and experienced two tremors and heard reliably about 1 more. 1. Watching TV in Lamphun. My 2 dogs sleeping, but jumped up and looked very scared. I felt the room 'swim' and I honestly thought that I was about to conk out. Then thought 'Me and the dogs - Nah!' 2. In Riverside Condo in CM on 7th floor. The light started to shake quite violently and my coffee cup fell off the table. I grabbed my key and my money and hightailed it for the stairs. 2 ladies (farang!) were waiting at the lift and asked me if I wanted to go in the lift with them. I said "NO!!" Most inhabitants seemed to congregate in the car park, presumably confident that the condo wouldn't collapse right on top of them! 3. Happened in the evening in Loi Kroh in the 'Entertainment Centre'(!) when it still had its big old glass roof. Apparently, the noise from the clattering of high heels and the shrieking of the ladyboys as they 'dragged' their way out to the street was almost deafening! All of these tremors were brief, thank God.
  22. Talking of High Speed trains.......what happened to the much vaunted high speed link between Bangkok and Chiang Mai? It was supposed to cut the train time from approx. 10 hours to approx. 3 hours. Many wooden sleepers were replaced by concrete ones. It was scheduled to open in 2018. Oh, sorry, I forgot - on the 'test run' (or 'runs'?) didn't the carriage or carriages fall off the line? I'm sure this won't happen this time.
  23. "I felt uncomfortable with my phrasing "...not later than 14 days before..." but could think of nothing less contorted at the moment. The wording "... no less than 14 days before ..." I subsequently found in the official text looks better to me." Well said, Maestro, thank you. Much better and clearer English.
  24. When it came to getting a new UK Passport, I decided I didn't trust myself (at age 76) to do it quickly and efficiently - especially in Covid times. I think I did the sensible thing. I looked on this site to see who was recommended in Chiangmai. The name 'Assist Thai Visa' was thoroughly recommended more than once. I went to their office in Chiangmailand. All sorted in a calm, friendly, helpful and efficient way. Despite Covid, my new Passport arrived quicker than I expected. The shop arranged for the stamps to be inserted. Didn't seem expensive to me. I was well satisfied.
  25. With respect, not totally meaningless, although I respect Disraeli's comment that "There are lies, damned lies and there are statistics" (even though he was a terrible old Tory cynic! - yet also, engagingly, a sincere social reformer). It's an arguable attribution and probably not word perfect, but it has merit and it's fun. These statistics are from Wikipedia which normally merits my trust. I am not suggesting they are of tremendous import, I am merely referring to the 'millionaires item' in the news. I personally couldn't give a toss about where millionaires run away to. Rats leaving a sinking ship? The important things to me, as a Brit, are: why there are still seemingly immense problems in the UK when Wikipedia tells me that UK is the sixth richest economy in the world. why Germany and Japan appear to have prospered so successfully (economically, financially and, probably, socially), when the UK has 'failed to deliver' in certain key areas. Great to read the comments.
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