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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. Seems the OP isn't interested in this thread anymore.

    So here my last contribution. A picture of my bike with Givi E26N top box. On tour everything that doesn't fit into the box goes into the bag biggrin.png


    Do you tour a lot on the bike ? How do you find it, comfortable ?

    I would really like to get one to tour but not sure I would use it enough !!

    Maybe be better for me just to rent in the area I want to tour...

  2. My Mrs is 52kg, should I tell her that unless she slims it up I will have to buy a new bike !!

    That should be more motivation than she needs to hit the gym...

    Back on topic... My 2005 Wave is probably due a new chain and sprocket set, never done it since I bought the bike, 4 years ago.

    Isn't best to take it to a Honda dealer or would a local mech be just as capable of doing the change ?

    Also, what is an approx price for a replacement kit ? From Honda or do you buy from independent shop ?


  3. I experienced that about 10 years ago on Koh Tao.

    A friend left her purse in a restaurant, admittedly one that I used to eat at quite a lot, but we went back the next evening and the owner handed it to her.

    Everything still inside...

    Wouldn't have happened in Liverpool :)

    • Like 1
  4. There have been many threads on the question of how much the average yield in tons of rice per rai or how much to pay for 1 rai of rice paddy. In the tiny village of my wife, in the middle of no-no-where paddy prices have gone up substantially over 5 years without justification.

    Let me ask= the average price per ton of rice is more or less fixed by the government within a range. Given this known factor there ought be a price range per rai within which it makes economical sense to buy rice paddy. Taking into account all related expenditures, labor , etc. What is that price range? And forget about the fact that farang can´t buy.

    The price is irrelevant to a lot of Thai.. Business sense doesn't seem to translate !!

    Just look a little coffee shop in a small village with a 100k espresso machine, looks good but they ain't ever gonna get there money back on it :)

    • Like 1
  5. Definately some wise words above, however I think it depends on the amount you are paying and where the land is.

    We (Farang) always fixate on this law and that law, make a will, has to be Chanote etc.

    A great deal of Thais don't think like that, as long as the land is the correct amount and the village chief or Amphur agree the name change, all is sweet smile.png

    Nothing to do with the price or the size.

    The land is for the use of locally born people, sure they can trade it with each other, but not to a foreigner or a Thai from Bangkok.

    If you ain't a local (born in that Amphur), the government can take it back!

    Plus it's not for local people only.

    Thai people can have Tor Bor 5 land anywhere if they are using it for agriculture.

  6. Definately some wise words above, however I think it depends on the amount you are paying and where the land is.

    We (Farang) always fixate on this law and that law, make a will, has to be Chanote etc.

    A great deal of Thais don't think like that, as long as the land is the correct amount and the village chief or Amphur agree the name change, all is sweet smile.png

    Nothing to do with the price or the size.

    The land is for the use of locally born people, sure they can trade it with each other, but not to a foreigner or a Thai from Bangkok.

    If you ain't a local (born in that Amphur), the government can take it back!

    The government 'can' take it back.. I have yet to hear of anyone having their land taken back :)

    The locals don't care, they get a reasonable price for their land parcel.

    The local Amphur don't care..

    Just moaning pussies on TV that care...

    The price and size was just a reference to what the OP would be willing to lose...

    If I was my wife was buying large or expensive plots then we would be very diligent in our proceedings, otherwise just do as the locals do.

    BTW we rent our Chaiyaphum land out to a local that can't afford to buy.

  7. Would appreciate knowing he details of the incubator and the cost to build. I know that you can buy one commercially in Thailand but they are very expensive. Digital control thermometers are not so difficult to find from electrical equipment suppliers.

    Just google DIY egg incubators, loads of various designs on there.

    I am using a polystyrene cool box and just recycling anything I can find.

    Although I did spend 30 baht on a couple pieces of glass for windows, but that will be for 2 incubators.

    Old light I had lying around, a BBQ grill for the floor inside, a bowl for water, for small jam jars as supports/heat sinks. As I said, just looking for a thermometer and a thermostat now.. Should really order a combined digital thermometer/hydrometer from Amazon but will try just with a temp gauge 1st and hope the humidity is ok :)

    Will try to find a small fan too, maybe from a junk shop with computers in...

    I will post some pics when I am done..

  8. Can you post me some of your eggs smile.png

    Just finishing off building my incubator now...

    Personally, I would let them out to free range more. I like my birds to be out all day, don't like to keep them locked up. I never put lighting on but then I don't have laying chickens, mainly ducks, some geese and a mix of turkey and guinea fowl.

    Carlos,did you make the incubator yourself?

    Making... Just looking for a thermometer and an old thermostat now :)

  9. Nothing is decided at this stage, just trying to work out the best way to go.

    If we did go with him on a 50/50 deal, I would want him to fund stage 1 (roughly same cost as the land) and we split the proceeds at each stage. He is not the builder, he uses a team for all his projects. Therefore he does work hard to get the best deals on materials but also keeps an eye on standards. I have talked with him about his current projects and can see he genuinely wants to build good value housing.

    We could do it all on our own I guess, profits would be higher but so would the risks. I think for the 1st time, it would be better to have someone guide us through it all.. We shall see.. Will sit down with him again at the end of this month and chat again.

    Thanks for the input from you all. Much appreciated

  10. Definately some wise words above, however I think it depends on the amount you are paying and where the land is.

    We (Farang) always fixate on this law and that law, make a will, has to be Chanote etc.

    A great deal of Thais don't think like that, as long as the land is the correct amount and the village chief or Amphur agree the name change, all is sweet :)

    We (my wife) just bought 30+ rai in Chaiyaphum, por bor tor 5.. Nice piece of land, near the mountains and someone rents it to grow manyok. Cost was just 20k per rai and we did the transfer at the Or bor tor. I took photos of every stage just for my records. We then checked with the local rangers that the land was not National park, they signed too and then went to the local governors house and handed over the money. All very low key and potentially dodgy but didn't feel like it to me.. If we lose it, so be it. Now if I was investing a few million baht, maybe a different story :)

    Get a little handheld GPS and measure the land.. We bought one and have nearly paid for it by doing land measuring for other people too !! Just another bonus of living in LOS, can always make a little extra...

    Be careful but don't stress too much..

  11. I feel your pain buddy.

    Really disrupts your schedule for 6 months.

    Mine was 6 years ago, noticed after a 4hr drive from London to West Wales but probably originated on a long haul flight the previous week.

    Felt like the worst calf cramp ever, couldn't sleep it was so bad !!

    Anyway, after 10 days in hospital (on Heparin shots) and 6 months on the rat poison I was all clear to travel again. Got my blood tests done and was apparently no more prone to them than anyone else, in fact the specialist told me that if everyone got an ultra sound after a long haul flight, maybe 80% would have a small DVT but never even notice it... Scary indeed..

    Good luck and a speedy recovery to ya... Once you get used to the Warfarin doses, you can keep your INR levels in check with a few beers too :) I did it by mistake once... Takes some fine tuning..

    • Like 1
  12. Can you post me some of your eggs :)

    Just finishing off building my incubator now...

    Personally, I would let them out to free range more. I like my birds to be out all day, don't like to keep them locked up. I never put lighting on but then I don't have laying chickens, mainly ducks, some geese and a mix of turkey and guinea fowl.

  13. Thanks Shot,

    I know I qualify for the visa waiver if I was going on holiday.

    This visa is reqd to join yachts, as crew, that will be in US waters.

    It is a short term 'business' visa.

    Still looking for any experience of dealing with the US embassy in Bangkok ??

    I've never had a problem with that embassy. The GF and her two daughters have recieved B2 visas there. It's straight forward. Just make sure your paperwork is in order.

    Ok, thanks a lot...

  14. He can't transfer land parcels to anyone !

    We own the land..

    Therefore, it is in his interest as well as ours to stick to budget, timelines and standards.

    One thing you must realise, in small communities, even an independent set of eyes still knows everyone and to get someone from outside will just annoy everyone else involved.

    If he is backing it financially then what do we have to lose ?

    A contract can be drawn up to specify certain criteria before completion and transfer !

    Maybe I am way of the mark..

  15. Hi Mccw,

    Thanks for the input.

    The guy we are thinking of using is not so much a building materials supplier but more a hardware store owner.

    His wife runs that and he concentrates on small developments for himself. He also does bore holes etc.

    We have given it some thought and perhaps the best way to go would be to offer him half, if he finances initial costs and does everything through his company. He knows more people and has a good rep for his building projects, plus the bank are happy to loan him funds with no questions asked due to his long working relationship with them.

    He also has 2 structural engineers that he uses, both linked to local governors which reduces any delays in permissions !!

    I have sen the plans he gets drawn up by his surveyor and the work he is having done now, as far as I can see he is the most professional in the area.

    We will need to sit down and discuss everything with him but this way we should get a good result without too much liability...

    If he will go for a 50% split :)

    Insurance ?? Will ask him about that...

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