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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. Let's get one thing straight. If she has found another guy, and there's no evidence to suggest she has, she is royally screwed as far as immigration is concerned. Her visa is based on her marriage and residence with her husband at this present time.

    How do you know what visa she is on ?

  2. Texting, calling and Facebook are easily avoided if she wants to make you sweat.

    As someone else has already said, go and see her.

    She has probably calmed down now but will not make the 1st move !!

    BTW what type of visa is she on ??

  3. Pig food for all my birds... No. 700 on the sack, just 350 baht.

    Except the small ones, they get some nicer stuff :)

    Got a Muskovey sitting on 8 Khaki eggs at the moment, this will be my first new burns hopefully !! 20 days to go..

    I have the impression that our ducks will eat almost anything, they gobble up any extra stuff from the garden. Otherwise we buy chicken feed for ฿450./ the 20Kg sack, supplemented with rice which we have plenty of.

    Yup, anything pretty much..

    They love prawn shells, we get them free from the market in the mornings.

    Left over rice for sure and smashed up snails.

    Had to get a different brand of pig food last time and none of the birds liked it that much !!

    Back to Betagro No. 700 now and they are happy campers again...

  4. aTomsLife, on 23 Feb 2013 - 13:04, said:

    Can a question per se be wrong? I think not, professor.

    I'm aware it's a matter of culture, hence my primary question of how other westerners have dealt with this difference in their personal relationships.

    I'm not interested in the definition of emotional availability. If you're able to explain how -- as you so astutely put -- Thais classify experiences, encode them symbolically and express such to others, please do. Otherwise, you're ignoring the intention of the post.


    Questions most definitely can be wrong, as yours is. Most arguments, disagreements, ignorance, miscommunication, misunderstanding and so on come from well-intentioned "wrong" questions. Sorry if you don't like it but this entire line of question is bad from the get go. You're now discussing how oranges cannot seem to turn into pears as if this was a useful or relevant or realistic thing to consider. I know I sound arrogant pointing it out to you (only trying to be helpful anyway). Nobody can answer your question without obfuscating the non-issue further, because the line of questioning is rank. I did suggest what a more clarified version of your question might be to show how it is not really a question worth much.. again, apologies but that's how I see it until someone shows me why Im wrong.

    If youre not interested in the definition of your own question then im even more confused, and if your post had intentions other than the one you wrote then please make them known.. if we're just going to have a whine about how Thais arent like us then sorry, but Ive done that this week.

    If you tell me it's noisy outside and I ask you what color the noise is, sure, I suppose that's a wrong question... but seriously, you're making me laugh, too. Take your help elsewhere. From your opening sentence you've been tactless, and your ideas are ripe with pseudo-intellectualism.

    You've accused me of muddying the water by applying the western notion of emotional availability to Thais. So Thais don't have emotions? I'm whining about how they're different from us? Really? Despite that the OP seeks advice so I might better understand their way of things. I could go on, but seriously, your posts are so full of drivel, I really can't be bothered with you after this response.

    Noise might be different colors !

    I went to a yoga course once in CM and at one point we were supposed to vibrate blue ??

    Not sure what was going on to be honest but I did peek a couple of times and I really think the instructor was vibrating blue.. Now if noise is merely vibrations amplified then there is a possibility that your question about what color the noise was, was right after all...

    BTW my wife is an emotional little thing, bless her :)

  5. Thanks guys..

    Don't really need another debate about Ninja vs CBR.

    Was just interested in theories as to why there were quite a few nearly new ones for sale.

    Thought I had missed something bad in my research, but all reasons posted are valid.

    Still think it is a bargain for a run around/mini tourer.

    Yes & I was not looking for a debate but was curious about that "sophisticated" statement ;)

    As to why you see so many for sale I think it is obvious.

    It is not a bad bike but they sell tons of them.

    Many folks tire of them quickly for what ever reasons

    be it, financial,lack of passion/power/enthusiasm who knows but the owners.

    But at the same time you do not see many Ninja 250's for sale new or otherwise.

    Yes they do not sell as many as the lower priced Honda's but the ratio

    is still more than lopsided in favor of folks keeping their Ninja's longer for what ever reasons.

    Don't tell anyone but I prefer the Ninja too.

    However, I can't justify the extra spend at the moment and all I want for now is a bike to cruise around on without a basket on the front :)

    • Like 2
  6. i save money by not flying business class no more ...

    Sorry to hear that things are so tight for you.

    My suggestion is stay away from the farang economy, stick to eating from and buying from Thai economy businesses, it's still unbelievably cheap, and as for the restaurants, the food can be quite superb. :licklips:

    Totally confused where the OP wants to go with this. :unsure:

    I am confused that you are confused.

    Does it really have to have a destination? It is what it says on the tin, and there is a full explanation as to why it was inspired.

    Like the member who posted about his 300 baht day out at the caves etc.... Sounds like an interesting and fulfilling day. Maybe he will get a few PMs asking where those caves are. Maybe he won't.

    We all know the thread will go off on tangents, but don't they all? That is nothing to do with the thread and more to do with a minority of ill educated.

    This thread could provide a good and valuable resource for farangs that don't have the reddies to live the way they want to every day. There is a thread on here that shows that is the case and they are in the majority from what I read.

    I know that a lot of people who want to show everyone that they can afford to live here lavishly here will chirp in with irrelevant and unhelpful comments about 'if you can't afford to live here carefree, then go home'. People are in Thailand because of Thailand, and many have Thai wives and girlfriends. You can't just tell them to go home... Who is anyone to be able to say that to others?

    I won't argue with anyone because it does the thread absolutely no good, and lets be honest, how many times have YOU got very good and helpful info from this website? I think to start trashing the threads and people's posts just for a bit of sport fishing is basically pissing on your own doorstep and everyone elses.

    That's why it needs such a large amount of moderators to control the braindead.

    I think the OP started a good post. I certainly have to and am trying to figure out how to save money in Thailand. Going back to my country may not be the best option, because in general, it is so much more expensive there.

    Regarding motor bikes instead of cars - I walk before doing either if I can, get some exercise, and every baht adds up.

    Regarding motorbikes... Apart from the fact that we drove about 120km yesterday, do you have a Thai partner ?? Like I said, getting her to sacrifice the use of the car was a major result. Asking her to walk is crossing the line :)

  7. We just had a day out and spent about 300 baht...

    Took the motorbike instead of the car (not easy to get a Thai girl to sacrifice the car)

    Visited 2 local caves.. I know, not the most fun you can have but something different to do and only cost a small donation to 1 temple. 1 of the caves was pretty spectacular to be fair.

    Ate at a small roadside place, just 100 baht for both of us.

    Couple hours on an empty beach, followed by a walk with the bike back to the nearest village. (Puncture = free exercise)

    Continued our discovery tour and found a fishing village with a kickin market, dinner was just 120 baht..

    Back to the house and collected the duck eggs, breakfast sorted for tomorrow..

    Simples :)

    • Like 1
  8. I got my cbr250r for 99k in Chumphon and have no regrets.

    In my previous biker incarnation in the Uk I always had big bikes but the littlun does most of what I want.

    I have considered the new Honda 500's but can't really justify the extra spend. When my lottery numbers come up though an MV Augusta and Goldwing will be in my garage.

    Quality wise I am very happy, no rattles, squeaks, mechanical gremlins or leaks after 14k km's.

    Can be serviced just about anywhere.

    Never gets less than 35km's p/litre on gasohol 95.

    Thailands bike bargain of the century imho.

    Was your 99k model with ABS ??

    If so, that is definately bargain bucket.. Where is that dealer, just a 2hr drive for me :)

    Thanks for the info, all of you..

    I'll keep checking the classifieds until I have the spare cash..

  9. A - Cbr250 is not a shitty bike and offers the best vale for the money now in Thailand. You can get one for 75 k - 80 k nowadays.

    B - Sonebody elses research is not your problem.

    C - That might be true for some cases.

    Also, it is stepping point for big bikes in Thailand and some people upgraded or upgrading to big bikes. Like me.

    Just test drive it. If you like it go buy it. Why do you care about others? but dont buy a new one go for second hand.

    I care about what other people are doing if they are doing it because of something I have overlooked.

    Thought there might be problems with them that I hadn't come across..

    Agree about why they would sell to upgrade etc but why so soon after buying, why not just buy bigger to start with ?

    I also like the Ninja but as said, I know why I want the bike and the price difference doesn't justify it for my purposes.

    Why would you go 2nd hand and not new, I did read that they were available for 99k in Chumpon..

  10. I have been contemplating buying a CBR for a long time now. A few reasons why I haven't yet, main one being money used for other projects.

    A big concern for me now though is the amount of 2 month, 4 month 6 month old 250s for sale..

    Why is this !!

    A) they are sh#t

    B) people haven't done their research

    C) anyone who buys one suddenly has to leave the country

    Now the Ninja supporters will go with option A but having done my research and knowing what I want the bike for, I reckon at the price you can't go wrong !!

    So why are they being sold all the time :)

  11. We just have a few of those large cement pots and collect and drink the water straight from the roof - no filtration. This is exactly how just about all the Farmesr here do and have done for generations.

    Us too... 2 x big pink jar things last 3 of us between rain seasons.

    Have thought about installing some type of filter though or maybe using some tablets of some sort ?

    Not got sick yet but who knows...

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