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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. Hi Trainman34014.....I notice you said you were touring the South Island of New Zealand later this year, and I was just wondering what months?

    There is truly some beautiful driving to be had and the scenery is just stunning, however remember that the next big landmass further south is the Antarctic, and the wind that blows off that can make the South Island a very cold place indeed, so take some warm clothes just in case.

    There will be no problems with motels, because that's what most of them are, although some are a little old now so you can afford to pick and choose one to your liking. I think one of the best drives I ever had was from Christchurch in-land, down to Queenstown and Lake Wanaka, then through to Dunedin. However I have to say that at the top of the South Island the drive around Nelson and Blenheim is absolutely superb, with much in the way of orchards and vineyards.

    Kiwis in general tend to be friendly to just about everybody so don't worry about that. Have a great trip.

    Thanks xylophone; we are going in November so would be interested to know roughly what the weather conditions are likely to be. Being a Brit' I'm used to the cold but Wifey is Thai and having suffered winters in England she is far more unhappy about severe cold.

    I have one of those too :)

  2. EBlair48, on 18 May 2013 - 17:07, said:

    And let's continue the metaphor.

    Say,.... your fruit looks good as it's been gassed. And it too, has a lot of pesticide, even one the farmer bought out of the back of a truck last winter, that was smuggled in from China, a corrupted Customs offcr made out nicely.

    Buy you'd never know as the libel laws prevent any kind of real information getting to consumers about dangers of pesticide misuse.

    So, are you in the barrel, in the orchard, or really in an over processed jar of sugared sauce?


    That's why you have to pick your fruit directly from the tree. Next best is personally knowing the farmer. A distant third is knowing you can visit and inspect the farm and do due diligence on the methods used there.

    Not possible to know what you're getting with a modern global-capitalist-style supply chain, need to strive to reform your own life around more trustworthy and sustainable models.

    Right, gotcha...

    That is why I live in the orchard, not the supermarket.

    Plus I eat eggs right out the ducks, but my ducks are 'different'

  3. Nice to hear that...

    Normally get mine from Hull and I will be doing so again next month.

    Emailed them to ask if there was any changes to supporting docs but no reply !!

    Which visa did you get ?

    I will just send in app form, marriage cert and wifes ID for a Non-Imm 'o' and see what happens.

    Agree though, they are always very quick in turn around time...

  4. Also, living outside these areas doesn't mean 'high class' just more people doing an honest days work, with a solid upbringing.

    Obviously there are always bad apples everywhere but you can decide whether you want to live in the barrel or the orchard (that didn't make sense but I'm sticking with it)


    Actually it does make a lot of sense, great metaphor!

    I like picking my fruit straight from the tree where it's freshest, not buying it shrink-wrapped in the supermarket, most likely having first been drenched in poisonous chemicals, sitting on the shelf a long time, maybe even rotten to the core no matter how nice it seems on the outside.

    Works for me. . .

    And let's continue the metaphor.

    Say,.... your fruit looks good as it's been gassed. And it too, has a lot of pesticide, even one the farmer bought out of the back of a truck last winter, that was smuggled in from China, a corrupted Customs offcr made out nicely.

    Buy you'd never know as the libel laws prevent any kind of real information getting to consumers about dangers of pesticide misuse.

    So, are you in the barrel, in the orchard, or really in an over processed jar of sugared sauce?

    Nope, didn't really get mine but you have totally lost me !!!

  5. Keep hearing this word "Class". I think anyone one half a brain knows that it doesnt matter how much money you have or what circles you move in, people are people. Some good, some bad. Driving round in Jaguar's and eating caviar does not make someone a better person than someone that rides around on a bicycle and eats somtam.

    Morale values and actions make a person, nothing else!

    If you read all the posts, you would know that the poster who bought up 'class' was referring to a persons moral values rather than their wealth value. He did make that quite clear.

    Someone else twisted it to justify calling the OP elitist.. Gotta love peoples interpretations of posts clap2.gif

    • Like 1
  6. All my birds get pig feed pellets..

    Except the wee ones that have chic starter mix...

    It's just the one goose (Lucy) that is having issues, think she just needs a broad spectrum antibiotic to clear it up.

    Will get Mrs Cornish to pop in the vets and ask them, not holding out much hope with that though :)

  7. Unfortunately the kinds of people most visitors encounter in the kingdom are on average much lower down the scale of human values than normal Thai people.

    This "first impression" factor colors the views of many of us forever after.

    Learning the language and associating with a better "class" of Thais - in my case on a moral scale, not social/economic - will certainly improve the reality, but the perception can usually only be changed by conscious work on on our own frame of mind.

    Which very few people bother to do, much easier to stick to the default heuristics acquired in the early stages.

    But well worth the effort if you're going to stick around for a while and prefer to be surrounded by honest sincere and hardworking people - which the majority of Thais surely are.

    I'm afraid I find your comments rather elitist and derogatory towards large proportions of Thais as well as visitors to the kingdom. While you make some valid points, the manner in which you have done so implies that you are elite, mixing with elite Thais, and the rest of us (both Thai and visitor) are merely members of the unwashed masses.

    I live in Pattaya/Jomtiem - does that mean I'm mixing with lower "classes" (I hate that word by the way) because of where I live and because of the history of the place? Are you implying that by default, only low class Thais live and work here or is only visited by low class foreigners?

    Elitism is in the same league as bigotry, which the OP is pointing out is not a valid point of view for most right thinking people in regard to Thailand and the Thai people.

    I agree in parts with the OP..

    There are always going to be insecure people that accuse anyone who lives outside the major tourist areas, with nice hardworking and honest Thais, as being elitist.

    Living in Pattaya means you are living with a much higher ratio of people looking to relieve you of your money, through whichever means they can. Doesn't mean they are 'lower class', some high class con artists too.

    Also, living outside these areas doesn't mean 'high class' just more people doing an honest days work, with a solid upbringing.

    Obviously there are always bad apples everywhere but you can decide whether you want to live in the barrel or the orchard (that didn't make sense but I'm sticking with it)

    Ok, I'm ready for the backlash... Bring it on

    I'd love to counter your argument but unfortunately have to help my wife prepare for a celebratory party at home this evening. Running through the guest list which is 70% Thai, I find myself trying to categorise them as to class - nope, can't do it. They're all hard working honest people who have become good friends and have helped me tremendously. Must be the only 20 or so honest Thais in Pattaya. whistling.gif

    You are the only one who bought class into this discussion.

    No-one else has said anything about all people anywhere being the same, as I never said all Thais in Pattaya were con artists. Lots of Farang stealing your money there too..

    Enjoy your party

  8. Unfortunately the kinds of people most visitors encounter in the kingdom are on average much lower down the scale of human values than normal Thai people.

    This "first impression" factor colors the views of many of us forever after.

    Learning the language and associating with a better "class" of Thais - in my case on a moral scale, not social/economic - will certainly improve the reality, but the perception can usually only be changed by conscious work on on our own frame of mind.

    Which very few people bother to do, much easier to stick to the default heuristics acquired in the early stages.

    But well worth the effort if you're going to stick around for a while and prefer to be surrounded by honest sincere and hardworking people - which the majority of Thais surely are.

    I'm afraid I find your comments rather elitist and derogatory towards large proportions of Thais as well as visitors to the kingdom. While you make some valid points, the manner in which you have done so implies that you are elite, mixing with elite Thais, and the rest of us (both Thai and visitor) are merely members of the unwashed masses.

    I live in Pattaya/Jomtiem - does that mean I'm mixing with lower "classes" (I hate that word by the way) because of where I live and because of the history of the place? Are you implying that by default, only low class Thais live and work here or is only visited by low class foreigners?

    Elitism is in the same league as bigotry, which the OP is pointing out is not a valid point of view for most right thinking people in regard to Thailand and the Thai people.

    I agree in parts with the OP..

    There are always going to be insecure people that accuse anyone who lives outside the major tourist areas, with nice hardworking and honest Thais, as being elitist.

    Living in Pattaya means you are living with a much higher ratio of people looking to relieve you of your money, through whichever means they can. Doesn't mean they are 'lower class', some high class con artists too.

    Also, living outside these areas doesn't mean 'high class' just more people doing an honest days work, with a solid upbringing.

    Obviously there are always bad apples everywhere but you can decide whether you want to live in the barrel or the orchard (that didn't make sense but I'm sticking with it)

    Ok, I'm ready for the backlash... Bring it on

    • Like 2
  9. Oh, and the best chicken I have had in Thailand...

    On the way from Krabi to Phuket... Such a good marinade and cooked to perfection..

    Missus insists on 1 every time we drive past, it's picked clean before we have driven 30ks smile.png



    Welcome. Also you could post other foods right here.


    Well it was as close to a farm photo as I could manage, actually not sure they came from a farm !!!

  10. Oh, and the best chicken I have had in Thailand...

    On the way from Krabi to Phuket... Such a good marinade and cooked to perfection..

    Missus insists on 1 every time we drive past, it's picked clean before we have driven 30ks :)



    • Like 2
  11. Cheers Shaggy... I will take a look...

    Yup, all my other birds are doing well and everyone is laying happily (apart from the few Khaki that the python munched on )

    Got a good mix of eggs in the incubator, geese, turkey, guinea fowl and 3 peacocks (or peahen eggs)

    So looking fwd to getting home next month for the hatchings :)

    Hope all is well in your world, I see the farm photos thread is cranking nicely...

  12. Thais are bone idle , drive round any area there is crap everywhere, they could,nt care less.

    I live out in the country and am forever removing crap from my lake, polystyrene cartons, glass bottles, plastic bags, you name it they chuck it.

    Lokk on any central ditch on a main road, people even wander down them picking out odd bits they can sell.

    Theyr,e lazy , nothing more to it than that. Out of the windiw it goes, i see them stand outside7-11 and drop crap, saw a kid aged 6 ish with parents at tesco chuck his sausage stick on the floor right in front of them, so the next generation are ready to continue with their filthy ways........ oh but make sure your appearance is good or that really wont do will it?

    Not all Thais pal... Just uneducated people in most countries including Thailand.

  13. I'm surprised you haven't found anything !!

    We live just down the road toward Surat, actually got married in Khanom.

    Often go there for a bike ride and have seen several house for rent signs on each trip. To be fair we didn't go to look at any houses properly but sure there must be a few.

    I like it there, some good places to eat, from local markets to great pizza at AAVA resort :)

    There are a handful of other farang around so should be a good move I think..

    Keep us posted on your findings.

  14. Calling any Geese experts !!!

    I have a goose that has a problem with 1 nostril.

    She has some sort of infection which has cause a sack to swell out of her nostril.

    Very bizarre, waiting on a photo from my wife to post, I'm out the country at the moment.

    Does anyone have any experience with geese or poultry with similar issues ?

    I'm guessing dirty water has caused it and wondering if there is any specific treatment, If not, then a general antibiotic that is suitable for geese ?

    Help would be appreciated as the MIL has given her random antibiotics meant for people :)


  15. I have a Thai Bangkeaw. Inherited him from my wifes Uncle after he was killed.

    No one could get near the dog for 3 days at the wake, he is a viscous little bugger.

    When I got there, I spent an hour or so doing exactly what a dog pyshcologist (Nienk) told me to.

    Couldn't believe the response.. Literally eating out of my hand, as opposed to trying to rip it off, and has been my best mate ever since.

    I do feel bad when I have to go away to work, he seems to know a day before I leave. Fortunately, he really likes my wife and her Mum too. Everyone else he just wants to kill :)

    He is my little liability and I love him....

    Hope Moo gets better soon !

    • Like 1
  16. I bought a Ranger in 2011.

    Just done the 50k service and never had any issues with it.

    Very torquie motor but not such high top end, but pretty economical on a cruise.

    Sister in law has a D-Max, top of the range with all the gizzmos, I prefer the Ranger :)

    I don't intend to sell my, so resale value wasn't a consideration.

    Our Ford dealer does good services and they are pretty good value on parts, although I paid for a 3 year service plan so its "free" !!!

    Go Ford....

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