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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. We paid 750k for 32 rai but no titles !! We did make sure it wasn't forestry land or national parks, witnessed by the head ranger.

    I never showed my face in the area until the deal was done.

    Just renting it out to a local for growing crops but the local governor is pushing for titles to be issued, fingers crossed :)

    Happy trails everyone who ventures there.

  2. So in the physical test, they check your depth perception, colour bblindness and peripheral vision, but what about an eyesight test i.e. don't they check your distance vision as well?

    Also, can Farangs only apply for a temporary one year licence that has to be renewed each year?

    first up is a 1 year licence then you can get a 5 year one I have been told by my wife, you need to be able to show that you reside in Thailand before you can get the longer one.

    But do they test your distance vision as well - in the UK, for my car licence, I had to read a car number plate from a certain distance. In Thailand the numbers are easy enough to read but the rest of the licence plate is made up of Thai script which means absolutely nothing to me. So do they check your distance vision with a different type of test? Thank you.

    Read the other posts you will see there is nothing about reading number plates but only colour test.

    Half the vehicles over here don't have number plates, so no point in that test whistling.gif

  3. You did not state who was at fault.

    Anyway, in many countries, civil law is often based around what a "reasonable man" would do. Here it is based on "how much can we get from this stupid farang, if we hold their passport?" Based on the limited information in your post, it sounds as if they are taking her for a ride, sort of like the jet-ski scams.

    I knew of someone in a similar situation in the past. Maybe a few thousand in damage, they demanded 90,000. Finally threatened to put him in jail. He finally went to his embassy, reported his passport stolen, and went home a few days later.

    The question of who was wrong is irrelevant, because she was riding an ATV on the public road. An ATV (all terrain vertical) is in Thailand not a street legal vehicle and is therefore not allowed on the public road. While I doubt that the police will pursuit her for riding and unregistered and uninsured vehicle on the public road, she must be lucky that she did not killed a child or made somebody cripple. Otherwise she would probably not leave Thailand anytime soon.....

    Maybe she wasn't on a public road ???

    Not sure why people are still handing over their passports as deposits, this situation happens too much here...

    Give them a copy or rent somewhere else..

  4. I'll be staying... Well if I get back before it goes pear shaped :)

    Come on, really.. You think it's going to get real !!!!!

    Plus there should be some cheap land deals going when all you pussies leave, give me a bell if you can't shift your wifes 30 rai whistling.gif

  5. I had a Leopard chasing a dog, jump through an open window, run across my living room and out the kitchen door..

    We were living in Zambia at the time, but you still don't expect that sort of surprise while having a cuppa and watching the box :)

    Not sure if it caught up with the dog, that thing was hauling ass...

    • Like 2
  6. 17mm ring spanner, an old plastic container, some new oil and you are good to go..

    While the engine is still warm but not hot (that can be painful), remove the oil filler cap to allow air in, place the old plastic container under the engine, remove the oil drain plug (it's the big nut under the engine) with the 17mm wrench.

    When all the oil has drained out, pour a little new oil in the filler to flush any residue out, replace the drain plug (check if the o-ring is in good condition 1st).

    Fill with new oil, level is marked on the dip stick attached to the filler plug. Replace filler cap.

    Should do ya !!

    • Like 1
  7. rixalex, on 14 Mar 2013 - 10:34, said:

    It's a brave man who makes any sort of prediction at this stage of the game. Without knowing how the cars will perform, it's pretty much a blind prediction.

    A more interesting and more calculable prediction to make for me would be which team mate will get the better of the other.

    Alonso - Massa

    Vettel - Webber

    Button - Perez

    Raikkonnen - Grosjean

    Rosberg - Hamilton

    Hulkenburg - Gutierrrez

    Di-Resta - Sutil

    Maldonado - Bottas

    Vergne - Ricciardo

    Pic - Van der Garde

    Bianchi - Chilton

    Some are obviously quite easy. Further down the pack it gets a bit more difficult. Some unknown quantities.

    Another prediction that interests me is who will come out on top with regards the garage tottie. Was quite impressed with Maldonado's squeeze last season. Quite a cutie. Alonso's fluff was pretty easy on the eye too.

    the team mate wars is a pretty easy thing to call, all you have to do is watch out for who is making noise about beating their team mate, and then put them second

    I guess the team mate battle isn't so easy to call after all....

    Excited for this season ?

    Me tooooooooo :)

  8. Has anyone used Swiss air before ?

    What is the verdict for economy travel ?

    I needed to fly last minute to Nice and they were the best deal at 42k for a 3 month return via Zurich.

    Think that is a reasonable price, booked today and fly on Monday.


  9. Personally, I only have positive experiences at the local hospital here.

    Just had a dose of Dengue and was very impressed with all aspects of my treatment.

    Processed quickly, treated with care and professionalism plus the cost was very reasonable (450baht) for 2 visits with blood tests and meds.

    Having said that, there have been numerous occasion when we have experienced very unprofessional service at the larger hospital in Surat Thani. This is always where my wife is concerned or her mother. Larger hospital = less personal care ?? Could be the case worldwide ?

    Overall though, medical care in this country would have to rate pretty high I think but that would just be from my experiences in Phuket, Bangkok and Surat.

  10. Go and live in Khanom on the beach and teach private English classes there.

    We are always getting requests from parents there about our English classes, it's just a bit too far for them to drive.

    There are plenty of potential students in that area and a lot of wealthy locals willing to pay you cash to teach their kids.

    Can't think of a more chilled way to live :)

    Very good advise:

    Start working without a working permit, so you take the risk to get arrested when you get a problem with 1 of the parents.

    Then go to jail, get deported and blacklisted for 10 years.

    Very chilled way to live.

    Drama queen :)

    I never advised working without a permit...

    I advised working as a private teacher that is all...

    No drama queen, just know a bit more about the law then you.

    You don't get a work permit as a private teacher unless you start a company which needs quite a lot of money to setup.


    Complete drama queen...

    Reading a few links doesn't make you know any more about the law than anyone else.

    How the OP would go about getting legal would be their issue.

    I simply suggested a possibility, which is not impossible...

    Good luck with whatever you do OP :)

    • Like 1
  11. Go and live in Khanom on the beach and teach private English classes there.

    We are always getting requests from parents there about our English classes, it's just a bit too far for them to drive.

    There are plenty of potential students in that area and a lot of wealthy locals willing to pay you cash to teach their kids.

    Can't think of a more chilled way to live :)

    Very good advise:

    Start working without a working permit, so you take the risk to get arrested when you get a problem with 1 of the parents.

    Then go to jail, get deported and blacklisted for 10 years.

    Very chilled way to live.

    Drama queen :)

    I never advised working without a permit...

    I advised working as a private teacher that is all...

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