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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. I find snakes fascinating. We are lucky to live on a 6 rai plantation with a river bordering it, so we regularly have scaled visitors. We get 3 or 4 species quite often and an occasional misfit (cobra).

    Yesterday I found a beautiful Rat Snake about 1.2 meter long. Managed to catch it and show it to the MIL, trying to educate her that not all snakes are poisonous :)

    This is the only type that I will try to catch though, as they are easy to identify.

    I never get too close to the cobras but try to move them away before anyone else sees them and WHACK...

    Must admit that since we have had guinea fowl and geese on the property, my snake sightings have decreased !!!

    Must remember to keep a camera in my pocket though...

    That's all...

    • Like 2
  2. Wow, this thread has brought it all out. From the "men" who think that women deserve to be raped if they get drunk (and yes I use that term lightly here) to the bickering over forensic procedure as if everyone is a CSI and with little regard for the victim.

    I'd like to think I am stunned but sadly, I am not.

    aS A MAN WOMEN DEFINATELY DO NOT DESERVE TO BE RAPED. I agree so many are defending the guys that did this act against the poor girl and some are basically saying that it should not be investigated. Misogynists.....

    I can't see one person on here defending the 'alleged' rapists.

    Also don't think anyone has said that drunk women deserve to be raped, or sober women.

    Plus no one that I can see, has said that it should not be investigated.

    I can see lots of people reading into posts what they want to read.

    Also, the 'alleged' attackers have already been found guilty and sentenced by the TV jury.

    But that is the way it goes on here...

  3. [

    Provide sperm samples !!!! Are you ok ?

    I'm pretty sure rape victims are not required to provide sperm samples to prove they were raped.

    Are you ok?

    You questioned the young Scotland woman's accusations, also they found sperm in, on her!

    Not me!

    And, yes as far as I read there are sperm samples in that case.

    The Phukets Australiens brats case is a complete other level!

    Just a farce!

    @cornishcarlos - Police and hospitals have little things called rape kits. These kits contain a number of items for obtaining and storing evidence. Paper bags for sealing her clothing (all clothing) swabs and everything required to undergo an external/internal examination and store DNA and possible sperm samples. All victims are required/requested to undergo a full examination however they are not compelled. It is extremely important to the investigation that a victim submits to an examination however traumatic it may be. Especially if the suspects are not known to the victim as it seems in this case.

    I know what forensics are..

    Rape victims however, are not reqd to produce sperm samples to prove they were raped.

    Some rapists wear condoms !!

    Plus you say "all victims are required/requested to, but they are not compelled".. Make up your mind, are they required to or not compelled...

    This thread is getting boring now....

    Believe what you want but don't trash talk others who don't believe the same.

    Until the actual facts are known this speculation will go on and on and on...

  4. [

    Provide sperm samples !!!! Are you ok ?

    I'm pretty sure rape victims are not required to provide sperm samples to prove they were raped.

    Are you ok?

    You questioned the young Scotland woman's accusations, also they found sperm in, on her!

    Not me!

    And, yes as far as I read there are sperm samples in that case.

    The Phukets Australiens brats case is a complete other level!

    Just a farce!

    I think some people have


    Provide sperm samples !!!! Are you ok ?

    I'm pretty sure rape victims are not required to provide sperm samples to prove they were raped.

    Are you ok?

    You questioned the young Scotland woman's accusations, also they found sperm in, on her!

    Not me!

    And, yes as far as I read there are sperm samples in that case.

    The Phukets Australiens brats case is a complete other level!

    Just a farce!

    Yup, I question a lot of things that I see and hear and read.

    It is what makes us an intelligent species.

    Some people however are just sheep and swallow any #$%^ they are fed. (Not saying her story is but reporting in any country can sometimes leave out important facts to sell stories)

    Only you can decide what you are, time for a smiley :)

    • Like 1
  5. My wife just asked me 'is it normal for Farang girls to get that drunk'...

    Enough said !

    Let me guess. You left your country because you were tired of rejection from farang girls, and now you're on a mission to get revenge by posting unfounded, unintelligent comments insinuating they are the scum of the earth! How's that working for ya?

    Read the post... My wife said !! Not I said...

    She was asking a very innocent question. She was not condoning rape of drunk girls.

    Don't make assumptions about me because you read into something what you want to read..

    I'm on no mission pal and I don't need to justify why I am here. On the same note, my wife doesn't need to justify being bought up to be sensible when out or the fact that she questions people's actions.

    How's that working for you ??

  6. I am the only one that questions if her side of the story...

    You most probably are.

    No he is not...

    There was a similar case in Phuket, with an Australian girl involved. Again, 'left alone' by her BF..

    Turns out she made the whole thing up !!

    Just because it's in print, doesn't make it a fact.

    The Aussi one! Security cameras, revealed her lies fast and she could not provide sperm samples. tongue.png

    Provide sperm samples !!!! Are you ok ?

    I'm pretty sure rape victims are not required to provide sperm samples to prove they were raped.

  7. There is nothing wrong with being old and bald, it's the tatooed, simmet wearing, facial haired, or dare I say it, being vastly overweight, who should stay in their hotels.

    Why? blink.png

    My three Thai - Austrian boys, 11, 8, 5 years young, living with me, ask me that now,

    after I told them. that, I cannot go from

    Udon Thani - Chayaphum, to make a beach holiday with my offspring, as -possum1931- wrote,

    "Overweight people" shall not leave the Hotel.

    When I can not leave the Hotel,

    as I am, not tattooed, think, I not wear a "simmet"?, have no facial hear, but I am, -sure overweight,

    I not travel to the beach from Isaan with my boys!

    They are now sorry -possum1931- and want an answer from you,

    why their father and provider shall not leave the Hotel?

    Maybe has to stay now also inside the Isaan house and not drive shopping, go inside the LOTUS markets,

    to buy the necessary things for the family.

    No, visits at the Movie Centers to!?


    Are there 2 topics running in the same thread here !!!

  8. Just pointed out that in Thai society it is not normal for women to get that drunk, whether that is for safety reasons I wouldn't know !!

    Come on up to Esaan and broaden your knowledge base my friend.

    Yup, it depends on the society you hang out in :)

    You need to open you eyes a Little bit more and see what type of society exists here, it's nothing about who you hang out with. Believe me, there are plenty of hiso Thai women who go on big drinking and drug binges as well.

    There's a world out side the saffron tinted glasses, and across the Tamar.

    I didn't say women in any class of society didn't get drunk, I said it wasn't 'normal'...

    My eyes are wide open buddy, I don't wear glasses and haven't lived west of the Tamar in the last 17 years.

  9. Just pointed out that in Thai society it is not normal for women to get that drunk, whether that is for safety reasons I wouldn't know !!

    Come on up to Esaan and broaden your knowledge base my friend.

    Down south too.

    And in the middle,and everywhere else in Thailand.Unbelievably naive comment.

    So now every woman in Thailand gets drunk...

    Ha ha, and you call me naive :)

    I guess you must have been in every part of Thailand then...

  10. Just pointed out that in Thai society it is not normal for women to get that drunk, whether that is for safety reasons I wouldn't know !!

    Come on up to Esaan and broaden your knowledge base my friend.

    Yup, it depends on the society you hang out in smile.png

    What society I or anyone else hang out in has absolutely nothing to do with the drinking habits of the residents of Thailand smile.png

    No that is true but it does have something to do with which residents you see drinking...

    Guess my wife is from an area where it is not considered normal !

    Maybe I should have said in 'some parts' of Thai society :)

    Anyway, looks like a lot of the facts have been lost in this story so we will never really know..

    Sorry for the girl anyway...

  11. Here's a tip you may find useful. If you are driving and don't feel like making it to

    the next "big" city hotel, look for a "curtain motel" to spend the night in. Over the past

    20 years I have travelled this Kingdom extensively and found these accommodations

    to be inexpensive, clean, great beds, TV, refers and excellent room service. I have

    never experienced rude service in fact, the service has aways been exemplary.

    Give it a go, you could be surprised.

    Yup, we got a couple near us..

    Just 280 baht... Bargain...

    Our neighbor showed me around his 'motel' and it was as nice, if not nicer than a lot of hotels I have stayed in..

    Plus your car is safe behind the curtain :)

    • Like 1
  12. My wife just asked me 'is it normal for Farang girls to get that drunk'...

    Enough said !

    Yeah reall...enough!

    Call me funny, but I still think, everybody has the right to drunk as much as they like...without being raped!

    But I guess, you and your wife are much wiser!

    I never said that people couldn't drink as much as they want.

    Also never said that they deserved to be raped.

    Just pointed out that in Thai society it is not normal for women to get that drunk, whether that is for safety reasons I wouldn't know !! In Scottish society things are different. People just need to take responsibility for their own actions and maybe think about where they are and what might happen.

    Having said that, I have been completely mashed on more than one occasion in a foreign city with no recollection of what happened...

    She was in the wrong place, in the wrong condition.

    • Like 1
  13. Sorry, I thought we had covered everything on this subject ??

    But no...

    Just now I saw two collectors on a shiny new Ninja !! Must be doing pretty well for themselves but easy to identify :)

    Should have stuck with the CBR and anonymity !!

  14. We just made yoghurt last night... No need for fancy equipment at all..

    2 liters fresh milk (we used full fat Meiji from Tesco)

    1 small pot of DutchMill natural full fat yoghurt.

    We did sterilize everything we used with boiling water 1st.

    Heated the milk to near boiling point ie steaming and small bubbles starting to gather at the edges of the pot.

    Then cooled the pot quickly by placing in a sink full of cold water.

    When it was just above body temp, in other words you can still feel the heat but not burning your finger, we added the full pot of yoghurt.

    Mixed in thoroughly and then transferred to air tight plastic containers.

    Wrapped the containers in a towel and placed inside a polystyrene cool box.

    After 10 hours we had some dam_n fine looking and tasting yoghurt but I think it will be even better after a day in the fridge :)

    Too easy.....

  15. My wife and I have been to the u.K several times, actually not since we have been married though.

    Every time we ( I ) did the application myself, just a straight forward tourist visa.

    Never had a problem !!

    I just showed adequate funds, return flights booked and a valid reason for her to return to Thailand.

    Be sure to book flights that allow for cancellation or date changes though.

    Again, we weren't married at this point and had no children. Maybe that was a plus rather than a negative ?

    Just do it yourself, do it slowly and methodically. Double check your supporting paperwork and cross those fingers :)

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