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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. Go and live in Khanom on the beach and teach private English classes there.

    We are always getting requests from parents there about our English classes, it's just a bit too far for them to drive.

    There are plenty of potential students in that area and a lot of wealthy locals willing to pay you cash to teach their kids.

    Can't think of a more chilled way to live :)

  2. Just rent a building, open the school and see how business goes.

    Then think about the legalities if you think it will survive ?

    Our little 'school' outside Surat is going very well, just started summer school classes during the week now.

    We will never get rich but my wife makes a reasonable income.

    We do not have rent to pay though !

    Go for it and good luck.

  3. Think I have at last worked out how much to fish there using there tackle and fishing one predator rod, day ticket 1500bht tackle hire 1000 bht would rather use my own quality gear!! Sea bait 1500 bht god knows what sea bait could cost this much!! Total 4000 bht if you should run out of sea bait that will cost you another 1500 bht now add the obvious high drink and food charges which makes this a place to avoid if you are on a budget!!

    And it took you 5hrs to work that out..!

    Obviously you don't want to fish here, so why not just stop typing and go fish somewhere else ?

    I think the point is he will be fishing elsewhere as he is,nt prepared to lash out 4000bht + other unknown costs on a days fishing,

    Forums such as this are there for people to air their views and opinions and share information which is exactly what dogpoo is doing.

    True... The same opinion in 14 posts out of 30+

    Time to give it a rest. Just my opinion :)

    • Like 1
  4. Think I have at last worked out how much to fish there using there tackle and fishing one predator rod, day ticket 1500bht tackle hire 1000 bht would rather use my own quality gear!! Sea bait 1500 bht god knows what sea bait could cost this much!! Total 4000 bht if you should run out of sea bait that will cost you another 1500 bht now add the obvious high drink and food charges which makes this a place to avoid if you are on a budget!!

    And it took you 5hrs to work that out..!

    Obviously you don't want to fish here, so why not just stop typing and go fish somewhere else ?

  5. I don't see many people here taking responsibility for their dogs...

    Some maybe put a collar on them, that is as far as it goes.

    Often when cycling I have had dogs run out of homes to chase me..

    My dog (Thai Bangkeaw) is very territorial and protective.

    He is always tied up at home.

    When out of his territory he just ignores everyone but is always on a leash.

    People should be responsible for their animals. Irresponsible people should not have animals or children but they do !!

    • Like 1
  6. I got a puncture on my last road trip on the scooter, quite a way from nearest village.

    One guy rocked up on his bike and told us it was couple km to the closest bike garage.

    After a pause, he asked us to follow him couple hundred yards to his mates place.

    He fixed our puncture for us and said we were lucky as it was on promotion, good heart day :)

    He was a little drunk but having a laugh and singing the whole time he was working in the bike...

    The tyre was flat again the next day :)

  7. is the driver not responsable for his his car is maintianed and safe to drive? is there no periodic control of the cars here, in europe the car and trucks undergo periodic controls, and will be removed from the roads if they not pass. but anyway , the driver of a car is responsable for the car is safe to drive, and if a wheel falls off, due to some loose wheel nuts or things like that, the driver must be hold responsable.

    Yes cars undergo a check every year... This check is a joke, my last one took just under 4 mins.

    However, can the driver really be held responsible for every mechanical failure !!

    Pretty sure you don't check all your wheel nuts every day before you drive a car, I know I don't...

    He probably confessed because he knew his sentenced (whatever that may be) would be halved.

    Also fled the accident scene as that is considered the thing to do, rather than face the consequences immediately.

    Very sad accident.

  8. Ridiculous for people to criticize him for killing something that is poisonous and on his property. Doesn't matter if it rarely attacks humans, it still could if someone were to accidently step on it or scare it.

    You suggest he moves it? Thats a far more dangerous option. Some of you may be adept at moving a poisonous snake, but to expect everyone else to be able to safely do it is preposterous.

    You suggest he leaves it be? Well it may take a liking to the area around his property and again he or a loved one or pet could accidently disturb it and perhaps be bit (yes i know it doesn't seek humans, but it still has a defense mechanism). Why take that risk?

    And this talk about "disturbing the balance of the ecosystem". Environmentalist bull****. Are we humans not part of the ecosystem? Many animals, plants and insects are known to violently defend their territory and they don't always eat what they kill; death and killing are part of the "natural balance".

    There is a difference between the OP's case where he had a chance encounter with an unwanted intruder on his property and grotesque wanton killing e.g. dolphins, sharks, the shooting of american bison by people on trains to the point of extinction..etc. The latter cases are people seeking out the animals and then killing more than could be deemed "natural".

    What happened to the OP was a random, natural encounter, and his move to kill the snake could indeed be considered natural as well since his knowledge of the snake before further reading up on it, was that it could be a threat. In the animal kingdom, especially for those on the upper-end of the food chain, threats are usually dealt with violently.

    Now if he was a snake aficionado like some of you (im not saying thats bad at all btw, we all have our differences) then the "natural" course of things upon the encounter would be entirely different. One would say that it would "unnatural" for a snake aficionado to kill a snake that they could easily remove/move.

    Finally, the people comparing killing the snake to killing humans...are insane.

    I compared it to killing humans.. I was being facetious, hence the silly little smiley face !

    Funny how people who post these threads always bring a child into the equation in a later post though...

    Maybe mention all the facts first and then you wouldn't get slammed quite as much by the snake huggers :)

  9. Shame on you OP...

    If you had identified it first and had a reason to lop it's head off, maybe !

    But killing it just because it is a snake ??

    Going on that thinking, maybe start popping off every drunk driver you see, mini bus driver, VIP coach driver, basically anything on the road near you. More chance of one of them killing you than a snake :)

    • Like 2
  10. I sometimes find nests of a dozen or more chicken eggs in the oddest places in my garden.... (covered / sheltered areas) .... oh the stink! :sick: ..... Like your duck the stupid hen just sits and nothing happens!

    Perhaps Mr Duck is shooting blanks!? :whistling::D

    Geese, as in the thread title :)

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