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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. Hi,

    I know it doesn't make a huge difference on the Waves as they are bullet proof, but what is the correct way to measure oil level ?

    The dip stick has such a small level marker ie between min and max.

    Should the dip stick be screw into the housing for the correct level or unscrewed ?

    This is a difference of about 5mm which is the same as the level marker !!

    I just put about 600ml in and it seems full when I screw the dip stick in half way :)

    Any advice ?

  2. Hi,

    Would like to know if anyone has obtained a B1/B2 visa for the US here.

    If so, was it a ball ache or straight forward ?

    I do temp/relief engineering on yachts, this entails last minute departures. Until now I have only worked in the Med but could look at Caribbean options if I had a B1/B2 visa for the States.

    Please don't start a debate on what type of visa I need to work on a yacht.

    I would just like to know if anyone has done this in Bangkok and if so the details.

    Many thanks

  3. Even in europe there are illegal loansharks that come around the houses ,esp before christmas borrowing money to housewives etc

    and they use intimidating tactics to get their profits there as well

    not sure why thailand should be any differnt ? you only borrow money from loansharks when youve exhausted all your other options first

    anyway so its usually pretty desperate and vulnerable people that they make their money on

    The main point of the thread was not really the fact that they are loan sharks.

    We all know loan sharks exist everywhere.

    The thing that I was interested in was their unofficial 'uniform' and the fact that they nearly always ride a CBR150, hence the inclusion in the motorbike forum...

  4. We just did a little land measuring job for a family.

    Main plot split into 4 on Chanote paper. They just wanted the areas measured. I asked if any marker poles had been moved, 'no' from all concerned :)

    So I take my GPS and start my walk arounds... After an hour of incorrect results and lots of fannying about, I ask again, have any poles been moved. By this time most the group have snuck away.. Then the 1 guy remaining informs me that it flooded last year so they might have moved a couple of markers. I wished them luck and drove home....

    None of them wanted to admit what I correctly thought, well not in front of the others !!

  5. It's a common sight here up country. The question is why you would want to concern yourself with things you have no control over?

    I don't think anyone is 'concerned' about it. I for one just find it an interesting aspect of life-in-Thailand, and I like to impress Thai friends and acquaintances by knowing little curious details like this.

    Exactly Clare... Why would you bother to learn anything about the country you live in or anything else for that matter.

    My wife is so intrigued by it now, she had never known about them until I pointed it out.

    So even people who have lived here all their lives are ignorant to some aspects of Thai life.

    Glad I bought the subject up but Gary, you just bury your head in the sand again buddy, nothing to see here :)

  6. If I loaned you money and you didn't pay it back with interest I would be extremely annoyed. I would of thought the loan shark would be happy as the interest will still be accumulating at 5% a month.

    Been doing more research, via the wife and the interest is 20% a day.

    The collectors earn up to 60k a month !! Not bad..

    Now I can't stop seeing them, not the same guys but different ones every day passing the house.

    I guess the extent of this is far beyond what I could ever imagine, feel so sorry for those folk that need to go down this path.

    Good advert for the CBR150 though, must be a winner :)

  7. The geese and duck (muskovy) penthouse... 1st stage complete.

    There will be 3 more pens on the rear of this. 2 raised up for guinea fowl, turkeys and chickens and the rest of the floor space will be for my khaki Campbells..

    Headstand time



    Thanks :) IPads suck

    • Like 2
  8. The geese and duck (muskovy) penthouse... 1st stage complete.

    There will be 3 more pens on the rear of this. 2 raised up for guinea fowl, turkeys and chickens and the rest of the floor space will be for my khaki Campbells..

    Headstand time


  9. I remember going to Phuket Imm office, after having checked the requirements and cost.

    Found out the pricing somewhere, can't remember where now, was only 200 baht.

    When they asked for 500, my wife told them it was listed as 200. He asked for 300 and we settled on that :)

    Cert issued immediately..

    On a different topic.. Went to get 60 day extension at Surat office this week and for once an officer (lady) actually bothered to find out the correct info, rather than just rely on what she thought. So just to clarify that one, 60 day extension available on any type of visa (even VE stamp) but limited to one time per entry. Not limited to one each year though as some have posted in other threads.

    Happy days

  10. We do have a local guy here who has done 1 shop house project and is on his 2nd.

    He also owns a building suppliers and has the guys to do the job.

    I think it might be best to go in with him ! Always a risk but got to take a gamble to get anywhere these days.

  11. Ok, not a house project but a housing project..

    Does anyone have any experience in developing a housing project, small scale.

    We have 6 rai of land on the main highway and thinking about a 3 stage development.

    The usual road front 3 story shop houses (x16) plus a nice complex of 2 and 1 bedroom houses behind (approx 40)

    Basically, your stock standard housing project.. There is a need for housing in this area, only a couple other people have done this (just the road front 3 story shop houses) and they are all sold out immediately.

    The costing looks reasonable and the market seems to be there, we are still researching but our land is cleared and ready to go..

    Anyone like to advise or comment... Negative or positive, everything helps :)

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