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Everything posted by cowellandrew

  1. That's why they want a submarine! Periscope depth, tow rope, oh that Rohingya boat is floating out to sea!
  2. And the clean up looks like wash oil down the drain with big red fire engine! 😂
  3. You thought you inherited! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  4. Ah that's got shot of the missing cadmium! 😂
  5. Could have been worse ! Had a United shirt on and claimed to be George best daughter
  6. And there was me thinking Phuket was dull as dish water! 😂
  7. Those pesky foreigners taking our pollen! 😁
  8. Electric bus charged by electricity produced by a coal fired power station! 😂
  9. In the uk we spent hours in sidings in frieght trains/ engineering trains the passenger trains have priority
  10. What a fool everyone knows its dirty water for throwing at Songkran, not happy water! 😂
  11. Ah those pesky foreigners again! 😂
  12. Luckily my wife tells me her gold is in the wardrobe, Funny I've not seen it in 25 years! 😰
  13. That brass neck seams ok
  14. Pineapples great pizza topping! 😂
  15. My thai wife goes all the the time with her thai pals this was in the middle of the covid scamdemic! Then they wait for low tide to collect all the mussels off the pier, I think 80kgs this day,
  16. Hasn't really stopped the stabbing epidemic!
  17. As long as she is not sitting on the steps to the plane! 😂
  18. It happens more often than you think, my next door neighbor her delinquent son crashed his motorbike in to a noodle stand, and she wanted to borrow 3000 baht from me to pay for the damage!
  19. Sorry I dont see rowing boats on your INDEX!
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