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Everything posted by cowellandrew

  1. I will start worrying when the cows start flying! At the moment its wild elephants in the tapioca I have to worry about!
  2. It will be be moon o rail before this ever happens!😂
  3. Hope this wont make Thailands reputation look bad as a family friendly tourist destination!
  4. Dont believe it's TRUE no pointing! 😂
  5. I just let my pet snake out for a few days, problem solved, but a few unhappy neighbor's, The real problems with rats & mice is leptospirosis, As they move about they urinate, In say a warehouse or your local mom&pop shop over beer cans, bottles & snacks of rice etc. years ago I was told that is why you got given a straw, Thailand is ranked as number 7, worst With 48.9 cases per million population
  6. What mug has used money exchange in the past 15 years? Better rates on cards, bitcoin etc 😁😁😂
  7. Wait until it's been <deleted>ing behind your wardrobe for a month, Brother inlaw thai Rambo came to get it out and got bitten on the finger, one of the best days in Thailand 😂
  8. Dont worry here in the uk We have gone over board, Homes under hammer Homes for hamas
  9. penniless do you get penny's in Thailand so he was penniless before and after the scam! 😁
  10. I have to reply to this I never knew what a curtain hotel was, It was my birthday so went out drinking and eating with my wife around Sukhumvit decided to get a taxi home to the place we were staying, a friends house, taxi green/yellow she told the guy the address and off we go, the taxi driver from surin,isan some where north east, I think of them as the Geordie of Thais, went over the pinklao bridge left turn into the curtain motel, as they pulled the curtain behind the taxi I thought it was a robbery or I was going to be shot, anyway after so laughing my wife and the taxi driver confirmed the address, it was on the next soi, no gps 30 years ago, ps still with the wife!
  11. It's a hotel that you can stay in and a curtain is pulled behind your vehicle for discretion, It's not a very good picture but you get the idea,
  12. If you live in Thailand you are probably only 15 minutes away from one
  13. Turn every thing off and go to the pub, This also works in hot countries as you save on heating costs! 😁
  14. I found Prosecco goes well with กุ้งกระโดด Just drink the wine and bingo the shrimp have all jumped off the dish
  15. Ah a case of up the Jordan without a paddle! I got bored of the river to the sea chanting every Saturday about 15 weeks ago here!
  16. The chainsaw massacre happened out side my mums bedroom widow, next door neighbor I have currently made £300,000 With my banksy portrait!
  17. To thai authorities I am going to try that chat line on my thai wife, do you want to try yoga? Not filmed in Thailand, Looking for a camera man person he, she,it
  18. Because its difficult to smoke alcohol! 😁🐒
  19. Great idea are you stoned? So you fall off your motorbike end up in hospital, you dont smoke tobacco, or weed end up in bed next to guy doing a bong every 10 minutes!
  20. With current weather I imagine there is lots of hot dogs in Thailand! I hope my dog named trouble is being well behaved!
  21. And I wonder how much sewage the carrier group just dumped in the sea in there recent visit!
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