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Everything posted by cowellandrew

  1. Yum yum 10 year old rice with bugs and sand & a few rodent droppings! 😂😁😂😁
  2. Hi is this Noi hows the weather in pattaya I've got a small problem all the buffaloes have disappeared as I wasn't watching them! Can you demand some cash from your white atm buffalo?
  3. But the Russians are winning got 6 more villages yesterday! 😳😂😁😓😳😂😁
  4. Ban the pot, Not the plant! https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsgdbs6pn.r.eu-west-1.awstrack.me%2FL0%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Faseannow.com%2Ftopic%2F1327016-jobless-man-fatally-strikes-friend-with-potted-plant%2F%2F1%2F0102018f66240cc4-3d9b8089-001d-4a7f-8e2c-656bcf390815-000000%2FRX5qop2XvFwcn-sjjcj0ceblGeM%3D373&data=05|02||3d23f739b6384fe4e89508dc717bd844|84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa|1|0|638510023932750001|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D|0|||&sdata=KezuEsOU%2Bj0teixcg9sHXvzm7EfO84eC6PDYm50SkgY%3D&reserved=0
  5. Good job this wouldn't of happened if we only had EV,s and he had been drinking until 4 am!
  6. If he has one of those fat white Wales Named Karen YES!
  7. My father inlaw would be turning in grave,legal not legal , he Had a 5 acre patch growing it up in the hills around kan, He didn't get done for the weed, But got done for a murder, death by drowning of a woman,
  8. Ok long story shorten, I've had a few of these thai bank accs Went to local branch krung thai bank Kanchanaburi to open new acc, fat controller bank manager female said no can do, Ok went to pattaya as you do, Opened bank account in minutes! No problems, Went back to the kanchanaburi branch as you do to pay money In. As I danced around the bank for 15 minutes With my gold krung thai card from pattaya I think she felt pretty stupid that day ! 😂
  9. We have a few bellends in uk most found fame during the covid scamdemic, Thailand has a few I just laugh!
  10. Ahh 555 who who fly BA? 😁😂
  11. Ah it's only the seats, Wait until its engines, or tyres! 😂
  12. I think I saw them in Pattaya from the FliRT group!
  13. Because it's better than going to blackpool! 😂
  14. You have to hand it to the beach road lady boys! 🤔😁😂
  15. How unluck is this poor guy could have been sent to Ukraine in a T90 tomb, but no Arrested with a mushroom in Thailand!
  16. Oh good lord I will stick with long tail boats, speed boats, ferries, oh no they all keep sinking!
  17. Ah meth and rice porridge = trouble! 😂🤔
  18. Yum yum! Out of interest what's the sell buy date? 😂
  19. I would love to know how that went with the lady in the morgue, hit & run
  20. Quickly gathering steaming p@ss 😂😂😂😂
  21. I am feeling left out, worked all through the uk lockdowns with plenty of other work mates with family etc, Not used a mask, not used hand sanitizer, No vaccines, been to Bangkok, kanchanaburi, hongkong, Dubai, The rug rats ×2 sisters kids sitting on the thai style bus bench seats, 18 /20 on the bus, one week full ppe face mask,plastic visor, gloves etc, Next week nothing! And I've still not caught it! 😳🤔😂
  22. Ah I see!. His 7-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter were also found injured, although less seriously.
  23. needs to be washed around 15 times before cooking, if it was to be sold to Africa haven't they got less water than an afternoon in Songkran in pattaya!
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