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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. Despite me being the first to assist you - sorry for that. No one is tarring anyone, I did specifically state IF... (!!).

    Thailand is surely a place where infidelity is commonplace and was only stating a case in YOUR BEST INTEREST.

    You should clearly change your doctor. She missed dx'd you and gave you meds that might excerbate your condition. Three farangs pointed quickly to the condition.


  2. in 1968 the population of thailand was 14m , today its over 70m, ..........thais breed same labbit !

    Well according to Wikipedia's list of countries by past population figures, Thailand had a population of approx. 20 million in 1950 and 24 million in 1960. It doesn't even come close to the top in increases in population as a percentage over the last 50 years.

    But don't let facts get in the way of your opportunity to make a sly dig at this country.

    The actual Thai population in 1968 was approx. 34 million. More than double your original figure.

    I beleive the population now is approaching 75m very rapidly, esp accounting for tribal, migrant and expat populations.

  3. Its fungal and can be serious - see a doctor.

    -one that can identify what illness you have and not simply fob Amoxicillin off on you. IF this is Thrush, I seriously doubt Amox is the answer. Hopefully Sheryl will weigh in here.

    I have come back to reinforce the HIV test thing. Thrush is a sure sign of weakened immune system. Thrush is often found in people with HIV. So do get checked. Correlation, not causation, not even direct association. Don't freak out, just don't deny - get checked especially if you have been fooling around. Test for all general STIs a great idea if that is the case.

  4. I'm guessing it's Thush, Candida which oral Thrush is technically not an STI. You might want to have a battery of STI tests done, esp HIV if you have (or suspect wife has) been unfaithful.

    Id go see a dentist in a hospital for dx but if you want to self medicate, Id recommend Gentian Violet and an antifungal medicine, something that ends in ...zole at the chemist shop.

    If you live in Pattaya, go into any dodgy chemist shop and stick your tongue out, theyll take it from there.

    Its fungal and can be serious - see a doctor.

  5. How much would these boxes have to depreciate before becomong a solid investment? My hunch is 55-65%.

    I look at those 3m boxes and think I personally would not touch that for more than 1.25 with taxes and fees paid.

    I mean, these are hot, lifeless boxes stacked atop one another. No garden, no pool, often no parking attached to the unit itself. Often too few or the wrong types of windows. Most have really crappy balconies. No gas cookers.

    There are small 32-35 sqm studios within your 1.25 m price range available with developers like LPN or grand udelight. They are small but they tend to have well taken care of facilities, security, and pool. I would never buy a small condo unit from a no name developer though. They turn into slum tenants pretty quickly.

    The shoeboxes I'm near are about 2.5+ for a studio, 30sqm at best. Up in Huay Kwang we have the Colory, waaaay overpriced and still not completed. Diamond Rachada empty, finish on outside of building is sketchy. Big prison block on the main road. Then Rythm, right on two hugely trafficed streets, another uninspiring building. Closed balcony, full of the wrong kind of glass. No pools I sm aware of, they all look totally empty and if its not crowded enough here, another two condos are going up.

    Anyway - I need a great location, a great balcony, proper windows and a pool. Ill have to wait for 1.2m I think.

  6. Koh Lanta. Hard to get a Thai girl to go to a beach that has no food though.

    Well, sounds like a personal problem, perhaps it is hard to get a Thai prosititute to such a place. Normal Thai's flock to the National Parks.

    My wife and I routinely camp for weeks at a time, largely cooking by ourselves.

    I guess it's the company you keep.

    What an utterly rude and stupid comment...

    I presume you are directing this at me despite:

    1. The op requested a nice beach - nothing to do with a sexual companion. The man asked for a beach. Then notion that amancannot go anywhere without the availability of "Thai girls" I find utterly repulsive. Im not moralizing, I just think its creepy and potrays a stereotype we allknow too well. Creepy sex tourist. My life is not a mere extendion ofmy penis that my fat ex wife gave back to me after 30yrs. I am not here living out the youth I never had.

    2. There are simply loads of Thai "girls" in the National Parks.

    3. The post has an ugly generalization that Thai women are this or that but really, the poster simply has no clue. Yup, can't go there...no sex for you! But honestly, not suprised.

    4. Looking for a Thai GIRL? Try a high school! Another tipoff to the loser this person is. That is noob sex tourist lingo "Thai girl". In my 20yrs in Asia never have I used this stupid, trite phrase.

    So, if you are in fact offended by my post, perhaps that might begin to shed some light. Not withstanding the pics of my wife I posted. The 36yo "Thai girl". Ill send the clue truck 'round for ya's.

  7. rolleyes.gif Do a Yahoo or Google search on Koh Lipe and you will find this information: From Langkawi Island From November until May there are several ferries a day from Langkawi to Koh Lipe. The boat ride to Koh Lipe takes around 1 hour. When you arrive on Koh Lipe you will have to go trough immigration first. The people from the ferry will show you where and how. From May to November there are no ferries between Langkawi and Koh Lipe: You can take a ferry from Langkawi to Satun, where you clear immigration and can take a minibus to Pak Barra. From May to November there are no ferries between Langkawi and Koh Lipe: You can take a ferry from Langkawi to Satun, where you clear immigration and can take a minibus to Pak Barra. From Kuala Lumpur From November until May you can fly from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi and travel by boat to Koh Lipe from there. From May to November you can fly to Hat Yai and travel onwards to Pak Barra and Koh Lipe. It is also possible to take a train or bus from Kuala Lumpur to Hat Yai. If your nationality is correct you can get a 15 day only visum on arrival in Koh Lipe if you arrive by that ferry from Langkawi because it is considered a land border crossing. This would apply to most all European nationalities, Canadians, and U.S. passports. I would assume that you could also fly from Bali to Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and try getting a 60 day tourist visa from the Thai consulate there, as I would guess KL would have dealt with tourists going from Langkawi to Koh Lipe before. Probably the Thai consulate in Bali hasn't encountered that situation before. But since you're in Bali anyway try to explain what you want to do at the Thai consulate there. They may be willing to waiver the airline ticket requirement if you can show ferry tickets from Lankawi (it won't hurt to try anyhow). biggrin.png

    This is hardly the simplest / cheapest method to get Lipe. This requires plane to KUL and another to Langkawi, back to Satun and out to Lipe. I wouldnot be suprised if this took four days transit from DPS.

  8. From my experience, visas are issued based on criteria. It is up to you to conform, not up to them to adjust. Part of the tightening of visa process is to weed out visa runners which it sounds as you are one of. My answer is no on bus tickets - and good luck buying a Malaysian bus ticket esp that will neet cons scrutiny weeks or months in advance.
    I don't know about Bali but in Finland bus and traintickets has been accepted for proof of leaving Thailand. That is one required document to get TR from Helsinki Embassy. Why need luck to get busticket to Malaysia? http://www.busonlineticket.com/ Trainticket https://intranet.ktm...astBooking.aspx

    From my understanding then, Finland would be first to allow ground transport. Many times app criteria actually state flights. Im sure there is some flexibility given when applying from ones home country. From my own experience, the woman who calls andhassles me every year from DC would never accept a bus ticket. Further, most online bookings in Thailand are in Thai. I think trying this stunt from the region with a pp full of TRs...well, good luck with that!

    Im pretty careful how i use my cards as well.

    To your next point, this is Malay site. The Thai counterpart is up and down, a bit dodgy as well. No one rides the blasted train in Malaysia.

    Finally, the link you site for multiple appears to be for multiple non o based on marriage.

    Strike three.

  9. Koh Lipe is a nice relaxing place... But i haven't been there in 5 years.... BUt if you go to Koh Lak, just north of town and a 10 min bike ride you can find a nice long beach that no one goes to.. You won't see anyone there...

    Its not nice or relaxing. Ao Pattaya is a total scene, there is a massive generator in the middle of the island - in addition to the smoky, smelly genset run up at Mtn Resort. Food is bugely overpriced as is just about everything but water.

  10. How much would these boxes have to depreciate before becomong a solid investment? My hunch is 55-65%.

    I look at those 3m boxes and think I personally would not touch that for more than 1.25 with taxes and fees paid.

    I mean, these are hot, lifeless boxes stacked atop one another. No garden, no pool, often no parking attached to the unit itself. Often too few or the wrong types of windows. Most have really crappy balconies. No gas cookers.

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