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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. Just give them the money instead and buy everyone some cheap copy jewelry down at Big C for show.

    Because when they need money they WILL porn it and if they didn't want you to know would spend 500 baht on exactly what i am talking about anyway.

    I still find it strange that you have been told to buy jewelry by the parents.in my book you need to grow some balls and tell them NO!

    Told to buy a gift for there daughter and themselves!!! <deleted>

    There will be plenty of time for giving and showing your appreciation down the line ....and boy you are ripe for it wink.png

    Another one bites the dust.

    Your comprehension is a little off. The parents never told me to buy anything for them.

    Them "telling" me to buy their daughter gold is their way of wanting me to show respect for their daughter and the culture. It's no different than my American father telling me to buy my gf an engagement ring for her.

    Now lets go back to the usage of the word, "told." The parents "telling" me is more like "advising" me. No one can force me to do anything. Ultimately, it's my choice. Me using the word, "told", does not mean they demanded or placed a gun to my head.

    Yeah, I had zero discussion with parents about sin sot. All went thru the wife and was all my terms. At any point if I was not good with what they (mum) proposed, the relationship would obviously be finished. It was agreed that 100k of my wifes money would be shown at the wedding. Period. Later, as they are poor folk I agreed to split 50/50 a gift of 30k to them. Parents, gracious ever asked for nothing. Of course, I paid the wedding. This gift bs annoys me to no end. I felt totally stupid eith the money laid out despite knowing it wascoming back and...it wasnt evenmine. Yeah, when guys lay out this cash used to be they are buying the cow. Less so today and double so if farang. You have your whole life to help her parents inmeaningful ways. If she or family insist on sin sot - RUN.
    • Like 1
  2. If you are not having unprotected sex, the person you are screwing is and if they are not then surely the person they sleep with is.

    I also totally agree that any stat that takes into account entire population is wildly unreprentitive. Should be looking at ages 15-65. I state the high end because I am sure there are lots of old men carriers. HIV pos cause they dont like condoms, cant get it up with one and think <deleted> - Im dying anyway.

    I think the rate for Chlamydia is hookers is about 90%. Perhaps same with genital herpes.

    Not be at all suprised if HIV rates among Thai sex workers is 25-30%. Perhaps as high as +20 with sex work assoc with farang (clubs). Streetwalkers +60.

  3. Been here long enough to know this:

    Smart guys = married

    Dumb guys = dead

    Just a matter of time before your number is up. Especially if you are a gay. You think an infected hooker cares about your health? It is to laugh.

    And yes, I - a confirned bachelor feel so strongly about what I have witnessed and read in my time her that I am now married.

    And the really sick thing is I have heard many old men say - what do I care, I'm going to live healthy for five more years, take meds five more and by thenbe dead anyway.

    Anyone having sex without a condom I consider to be positive. There are boatloads of guys still at it.

    Semi-pro porn filmed here in Thailand and I am told after ranting at a friend about HIV here says iys all sans condom.

    No one checks and no one cares.

    Thats just the farang end of it. Then you have the Thai's....

    Ive always said the real numbers are pandemic.

  4. Loafs of trolls lately, no idea if it is the same guy, but possible. Up to you to research.

    These posts all come from op with less than fifty posts. Usually bs "I agree" comments are made to bump the number upward before the member goes full troll. They may add a few one liners to keep the thread primed and their numbers and cred moving upward, but often abandon the thread and watch the fun.

    The threads characteristically start with a topic that really gets the bored among us clicking as well as the new Mr Thailand's.

    Usually a vague topic that pulls the nitwits in

    What shall I do now?

    Can I be happy in Thailand on my pension?

    Can I retire in paradise?

    Moving to Thailand

    Moving to Thailand to marry my gf

    Want to buy a business and retire

    Generally, assinine, open ended genral questions that can be found via searching this forum,others and esp Google

    Also why does "Joey" in the thread he started have 23 posts - all thru the thread?

    I know they are trolls because I can instinctivly click on a topic knowing the op has less than 25-50 posts. I do not think it is coincidence. I tbink it is one or a few persons.


  5. Sorry, I screwed up the quotes...

    Well, my Omega runs very well. Ten years. Nice thing too, I am not bored of it. Its why this model is going for such big money. Very nice dial and hannds.

    Just sayin about Seiko's...almost any quartz watch really. Yes, there is the odd Seiko that can command half its original price. Then there are the Grand Seikos. Those are real watches, but not even in same class astheir other stuff.

    To the poster stating watches off by 20secs a day...yeah, if its broken. More like 1-3 and can be + as well as -

    You don't really know what you are talking about.

    Of course, Rolexes and Omegas are very fine watches, I'd be happy to own one. But they are completly overpriced. You mostly pay for marketing when you buy those...

    Seiko or Orient don't only make crappy quartz models. They have a lot of fine mechanical watches for a fraction of the cost of a rolex

    Is this watch Rolex_116200_Black_L.jpg really worth 15 times more than this one montre-homme-seiko-automatique-sarb029.jpg

    Or this one http://www.watchmaxx.../2503.33.00.jpg 25 times more than this one 656f5035696d56524e6a536e33725751744d67-149x149-0-0.jpg

    Unless you are an expert, the difference in quality is pretty hard to notice. And what you gain in reliability, you lose it when you have to service your rolex or omega every 10 years (or 5 years according to the companies guidelines) for the price of a few seikos... Unless you are very well off or a watch enthousiast, it's a complete waste of money imho.

    Judging by your post, you don't understand value or watches, but I'm tired of flogging this horse.

    You seem to know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

    Yes, those two watches both tell.great time. In that respect, they are no different. After that there are miles of difference. Having said that, I think rolex are boring and over priced. They are not a watch I will ever own. At that price, yhete are some stunning watches but many reason (because I know nothing about watches) they hold value is that there isno and it is t

    gray market, watches are only discounted 5-10% off msrp. They are often traded like cash. Finally, they are the no-nothings elite watch. People with real style will choose another brand. Gold rolex is just sort of vulgar.

    Rolex and Tudor do make great tool watches though. The new Milgauss, Rolex and my fave the Tudor date sub.

    But what do I know, Im no expert

    Your humble opinion? Not so much.

    • Like 1
  6. almost never.....and most shops put too much chemicals and are too dirty anyway....

    Thailand has some of the cleanest street food of any developing country I know. Why would you live in a country this is what you think they are feeding you? I have better thoights about Khmer street food.So you western food in "clean" restaurants - too funny.

  7. The Immigration Bureau could be paying people on TVF 5% for the convenience make electronic payments, and they would still be whinging.

    For god's sake, if you can't afford the 1%, keep paying by cash - or even better, reconsider whether you really should be living in a foreign country.

    What arrogance. I love cash and despise credit, especially credit cards.

    I love its simplicity, its anonomity. People that live on plastic shouldnt be living in a foreign (developing) country, especially an Asian one.

  8. New capital...well, wherever the Sino-Thai currently own all the land of course.

    Interesting though on two counts:

    What will a confluence of these events look like? Bangkok in 25yrs? Who will buy your sinking condo?

    What happens when a tiny group of people need to unload a lot of very, very expensive land quickly. Land that is now eternally flood prone or already underwater during stress periods.

  9. 1% fee to make their lives easier (handling cash, book keeping), reduce the potential for corruption. You - get "convenience", because this isnt a cash economy and everyone always short of pocket money, especially when one knowingly will have to pay a fine or pay their extension.

    Guaranteed, this will never roll out to the prov's. Just the big cities. I could even see the tiny fiefdoms fight it so as to retain the cash aspect of the tranaction. $$$$

    Even Air Asia doesn't levy fees and certainly not % fees.


  10. Why dont you guys just take a holiday every 90 days? Problem solved.

    I can't beleive what you people go through and put up with.

    Even if the Mrs was working, you could pop over the border in msny cases about five hours for most of us. Grab a bottle of booze and head back.

    Twenty years in Asia, never made an extension, never showed my face in Immigration office other than in Cambodia 2x and on a few days overstay on the border in Thailsnd.

    Free yourself from the hassles and headaches

    They don't want to do their job, fine - drive their processing #s down and let their superiors wonder.

    By putting up with the nonsense, you feed the beast and make it more an more difficult for yourselves.

    The entire process for living in this country is broken and you all play into it.

    • Like 1
  11. For what its worth, I have met a few guys in that situation.

    Some told me it was no problem getting non-o 2x from home country.

    Some told me living in Thailand, they were only being issued singles in the region.

    Met one guy few mos ago (has land in his childs name as well), was on 2nd yr non-o. He is unmarried.

    I think the deal is ultimately...Thailand freely allows you to visit. Living here is another situation. I am unsure if having kids here is qualification for an 12mo non-o. Im thinking not.

    If its exactly same provision as a wife, then you're gold.

  12. Been doing some reading back to 2011 floods. Aside from everything else, Bangkok is seriously sinking. Govt has even.commented on moving the capital. Scientists state that the city could have very, very serious eater issues in as littleas twenty years but by 2050 BKK will be looking a different sort of lifestyle.

    Technology can't save it, too costly and far too much corruption. In fact, they cant even manage the flood waters let alone come to collective solution.

    So what does the future portend and what will property be worth in 20yrs?

    Will Bangkok just become a sad little place like Philippine cities?

  13. Sorry, I screwed up the quotes...

    Well, my Omega runs very well. Ten years. Nice thing too, I am not bored of it. Its why this model is going for such big money. Very nice dial and hannds.

    Just sayin about Seiko's...almost any quartz watch really. Yes, there is the odd Seiko that can command half its original price. Then there are the Grand Seikos. Those are real watches, but not even in same class astheir other stuff.

    To the poster stating watches off by 20secs a day...yeah, if its broken. More like 1-3 and can be + as well as -

  14. Bullsh*t statement...

    In spite of a potential series of political demonstrations, these will not have any impact if foreign governments do not issue "travel warnings" to their citizens.

    The demonstration that took place last weekend was one example. Although riot police dispersed the protesters with tear gas and there were injuries, this did not affect the Kingdom's tourism prospects because foreign governments did not issue warnings against visiting Thailand.

    Australia certainly did and I think two others. More spin from Thai media. The continued riots from 2006, 2010, floods 2011 and now 2012 not only stopped travel, but also insurance companies raised rates high enough to stifle business. The film industry cackled and stopped productions costing the country millions (USD, GBP & AUD). Wake up Thailand, you keep shooting yourselves in the foot. Imagine if you got it all settled, culled the corruption and actually educated the populace, what a fabulous rise to fame you would then have.

    So is he saying, if foreign governments kept thier bloody mouths shut and did not warn thier citizens of potential hazards/dangers, then thing would be better for Thailand? dam_n those medling foreigners.

    Sorry but govts well.within their rights and responsibilities to issue warnings when shootongs and bus burnings commonplace. Assassinations and airport shut downs.

    What an absurd thing to state.

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