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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. As I recall they often target Indians and Muslims who dont drink. They slip some xanax in a soda and then after they finish sll that get them to drink something girly and easy to seill like a breezer.KO!

    Ususlly its chesp charlies picking girls off the beach - and ladyboys.

    What bar? Oh, no bar...well sir, you lose.

  2. I like Canon, Id get a Canon. My Olympus 8000 was horrible. 8010 which they replaced with has serious quality issues but at least does not leak. On land its a total turd, I just use it for snorkeling.

    If you plan on any depth, you need a 10m camera - snorkeling. 3m cametas are for splashing about on the surface.

    I would get a camera, housing will be total hassle unless you are diving. Housings are a real hassle.

  3. If you want to stay IN THAILAND there are a few dumps on the other side of rail station perhaps. Then there is mutt mee gh on the river.

    Unaware as totally disinterested in staying in said area, not saying not possible. Biggest hurdle might be if you find gh if they will accept you. Commie govt issues lic for fslang overnighters. If they have not paid up, they wont accept you.

    Use Google, try bicycling forums - maybe they have a need to stop in such location more than us types??

    One thing sure, you aint stayin anywhere outside the last village and as I recall there is a lot of open land, maybe a factory or two..


  4. "Im not at all certain about this but I think I recall once hearing if you could land a multi TR thst the days are actually counted up. So if you leave with 31 days past, you get 29 on entry. In practice, I have never known anyone to have a multi TR."

    The days of counting days ended many years ago.

    No such thing as a 'multi entry' tourist visa. That's probably why you haven't heard of anyone having one.

    Tourist visas come with one, two or three entries.


    A 'multple entry' visa allows an unlimited number of entries as long as the visa remains valid.

    I think you have misconstrued or misunderstood my every point.

  5. Id say the biggest issue is the amount of pages in your pp.

    If you go for it, apply for the waiver.

    Immigration can be unpleasant but overall they have been very ok with my Thai gf cum wife 3x

    So...I would have your ticket out in hand. Your new contract would be brilliant as well.

    Just tell the guy your situation. You were called over to go travel with your gf (I would not say go dtay with her and meet the parents!). Youre really sorry about the page thing but shit happens. You were called over by gf, totally unplanned.

    Our stamp is small and just one. Im US 66% of time they dont even stamp.me.

    Next isdue you have is now you have at best one page for Indonesia. That will cover the visa and maybe they can sqeeze an entrance stamp somewhere but you are really setting yourself up.for a fail.somewhere between bkk and jkt.

    Just when are you going to.get a new pp?

  6. Young, healthy woman "UNEMPLOYED" = prostitute

    Unemployed woman in Pattaya = prostitute

    What part of prostitute are you guys not seeing?

    Only longshot she has is marriage visa. That will.take years fone correctly. She is obviously a flight risk.and Im certain that has been well noted in the file of this woman.

    Leaving aside the "elephant in the room", being a sex worker/bar girl whatever,

    won't preclude her from getting a tourist visa.



    Well, then she should have no plomplem then. Settled!

    The US specifically states that illegal behavior such as prostitution is grounds for denial. It is asked in the app process as well so if you hook, psst or present - you will.be lying.

    This woman will never see Oz. She has -0 chance of a tourist visa. Investing years, getting married is the only hope imo. But its pretty no hope.

    ll let you jokers get back to the circlejerk still in progress...

  7. Why would you marry somne you can't communicate with? Ah, yes I know, but that is not a good basis for a marriage is it? We also know that marrying someone without having sound knowledge of their culture is a bad idea also. Not just for trust issues, but for a good relationship.

    The best basis for a marriage would be to extend your families power, influence and property holding. No need for the bride and groom to have ever met or spoken before the wedding arranged by their parents. (Well that's what marriage was invented for in the first place)

    That is not the reason. That came to be A huge reason for landed and wealthy, the original reason people paired was to know who the father is (obligation to care for the unit ) and to reduce STIs which were back then a cause of death, preventable.

    Now we have Hep C-E, HIV, syphlis and clap that are all nearing or already impossible to cure. So, all you single guys and married playboys - good luck with that.

    Even an untreated case of Chlamydia can be in/direct cause of death for a woman.

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