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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. Most countries that have their act together in Asia require Bachelor's degree for a reason. It should demonstrate the person has rec'd stand lower division in core courses in Maths, composition as well as English, Humanities and the Social Sciences (the most difficult being History). A BA in History requires loads of writing and critical thinking. So that is the goal of asking for a BA. It is an arbitrary stick to gauge that you are not a total idiot, unlike not having one.

    Then there are other issues such as if you are plucked from nowhere, you understand how classrooms and adult teachers are supposed to operate. You've seen it. You should have the understanding of how to dress and act like an adult, of meeting expectation and responsibility.

    The want grads for the same reason everyone else does. Proven commodity in therory.

    Can you be a great teacher without a degree? Perhaps.

    Can you be a crap teacher with a degree? Sure.

    Does a TEFL course help? I would think so.

    Is a TEFL course a must to be a good teacher - no.

  2. Maybe people read that and other articles differently ? how I understood, was you got a Visa and could travel freely without having to pay for a Laos or Cambodia Visa to visit said places........

    never worked out how that would affect someone say on a Double TR Visa, could they go to Cambodia without any need to get a Visa for Cambodia ?......... could they get a new 60 stamp coming back into Thailand ?......

    Also read that Thailand was not going to enter this 1 visa program ?

    Im not at all certain about this but I think I recall once hearing if you could land a multi TR thst the days are actually counted up. So if you leave with 31 days past, you get 29 on entry. In practice, I have never known anyone to have a multi TR.

    As Lop states and as the other article reads, at least the multi country visa apears to be different and maybe even voa. Upshot, you could get one of these visas snd Thailand would have to give it to you - hey, piss off, Im going to xxxxxxx! Then, just stay on in Thailand. Downside, these visas may be limited to 1-2 months plus have requirements you shufgle between countries, show bookings or tickets or proof of onward travel.

    Who knows!

  3. Most of the big ones have their own upsides...

    SCB # branches and atms (outside of south), service

    K Bank about same as above

    Bangkok Bank NYC branch

    UOB strong in Asia

    Those are all that have boasting rights imo. Most have e-banking and simcard banking.

    Seems to be more the branch you luck out on than the overall bank imo.

  4. I got mine with a tourist visa thumbsup.gif and about 30k in my acct cheesy.gif


    I came to the branch from another branch where I had the account not quite ten years.

    Had an account at my branch for about two years

    Made the app with the gf who was not wife yet even

    Secured card, so they can't lose. 100k down, limit 50k.

    As was stated...who needs a bloody card in cashland? I love cash!

    Buy plane tickets (as in 50k.plane tickets) and rent cars. Done, done and done!

    Scb can be used on AA and Nok can be paid at 7. Buses can be paid at 7. I love Thailand!

  5. Mine has truly earned it.

    However it not only has to be earned, one must also be willing to give it and be trustworthy yourself.

    Not easy !!!

    Yermanee wai.gif

    Is there anybody posting right now who can honestly say that their wives would allow them to go to Pattaya with their friends without her? Although I have taken her with me sometimes, she knows I don't go to the girlie bars (I don't drink alcohol). Before someone asks me why I go there, there is more to Pattaya than girlie bars.

    Yes, witbout doubt. I still have a few friends in Pattaya as well as a few more that come over from states from time to time. In 3 yrs of our relationship Ive not gone down cause Pattaya bores the F out of me. My wife has given the big OK to me going down for the evening as well. Perhaps after ten years it will be different and she will roll her eyes a bit. But she totally trusts me.

    I did not marry her at 51 to cheat on her with some slut with herpes. If I wanted to cheat, no shortage of places in BKK...I could walk out my door and into a gishbowl in Huay Kwang in abt ten minutes. Soi Cowboy is ten minutes on MRT if I want some hags to suffer their hassles and grief.

    I love my wife. I trust my wife and she can trust me.

  6. 110% - but I still guard the bulk of assets snd will do so into my 70s. Ints not that I don't trust her, it's more my own paranoia, my own lessons learned from people I have known and ancedotes on the Internet.

    ★Really, the main reason...Thai government screws us from the outset so who can be blamed for protecting their ass? Buy some land and a house? Set up.a business... I dont think so. Even in best of divorces, it is hers. Why take that risk unless you are really old and can afford to.not lose a nights sleep over it?

    Even before I was married, my girlfriend cum wife offered to loan me money to make a visa more easily here (I keep my money in usa). Currently, we have a Visa card in my name, secured to be able to.rent cars in.usa. Half that is her money. Our joint acct, half is her money.

  7. I think the followup to my post believes that I'm looking to get paid while in training. Not true. I am questioning schools selling my training to students, especially at full cost.

    The costs as well for classroom learning seem quite expensive. It is not as though any tech equipment is involved. Fifty thousand baht seems a great deal of money to sprnd on a b25k job.

  8. Iraq veteran defeats Illinois conservative CHICAGO, Nov 8, 2012 (AFP) - Tammy Duckworth, an Iraq war veteran born in Thailand, on Tuesday soundly defeated a controversial conservative lawmaker in a closely watched election in the suburbs of Chicago. Duckworth, who lost most of her two legs in Iraq, defeated first-term Republican congressman Joe Walsh who raised hackles by saying during his campaign that abortion was never necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman. Duckworth was leading Walsh by about 10 percentage points in the eighth congressional district in Illinois, in a pick-up for the Democrats even though Republicans were expected to maintain control of the House of Representatives. Walsh is a prominent figure in the right-wing populist Tea Party movement. He is a hawkish supporter of Israeland campaigned for the United States to issue a visa to Narendra Modi, the chief minister of Gujarat who is shunned in Washington due to anti-Muslim riots in the Indian state in 2002. Duckworth was born in Bangkok to a US military father and a Thai mother. After President Barack Obama took office, she took a senior position in the Department of Veterans Affairs. afplogo.jpg

    -- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-11-08

    It is a sad day when a veteran is a member of the spend, spend, spend dim-o-crats... I am incensed that my taxes have paid to support illegal immigrants (i.e. criminals), paying for their food, housing, legal fees and health care. If I was in Thailand illegally, I would be a criminal and would be serving time in prison. In many countries, I would be executed.
    Sorry, Im calling bullshit on this one.First, the party is the DemocratIC partyNext, the amount of your taxes that paid anything toward "illegals" couldnt buy a stick of sate. Next, you might be considered a criminal here in Thailand for an overstay and placed in prision despite latest and harshest laws is a stretch at best. Goes double for Burmese and Khmer. Which countries execute economic migrants you selfish old man?! In fact, what is the appeal of Thailand to you? Oh yeah, cheap service by brown folks. A bet you're a hit with the Thais with that ugly, white, privilaged attitude.
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  9. Think best anyone can hope for outside is a triple non-o. Also think if you mention one year they will want to direct you to an o-a. Better, just do it here. One huge benefit of multi non-o as I see it, if you travel is no reporting. That also means not needing a residence in Thailand. So even if yiu plan to be mobile in Thailand, you dont need a place as the extension requires.

    A a non immigrant O visa is normally only issued as single entry or multi (unlimited for one year). It does not have anything to do with 90 day reports but as you never can stay longer than 90 days no reports would be required - but if you live here on one year extensions and exit before 90 days you also do not report.

    But you do need to do the extension itself in Thailand and provide a residence. Just my opinion but if you were utilzing this as an O and leaving rather than reporting, imo they will have something to say about it. Im not stating that it will come to anything. Further, Id bet up in areas that are not known for easy processing of extensions, esp those based on marriage your gonna have a bad time. Just my opinion, law aside.

  10. I had an afternoon flight from DM a few months ago so plenty of time to try the train from Hualamphong Station.

    Price of the ticket 5 baht (I have kept it as a souvenir).

    The train was a Chiang Mai train, but third class definitely lives up to its name.

    Time for the trip just over one hour.

    Frequency of trains, not exactly sure but probably on average about one an hour but maybe not at regular intervals.

    Not sure if I will do it again though. Just seemed a bit silly to pay nearly 400 baht for a taxi ride for a 1100 baht flight to Chiang Rai.

    Sorry, this should really be in the Don Muang forum but somebody raised the question of reinstating buses to DM

    Wow, still b5! Many, many years ago I used to avoid the trafgic and scams by doing this. the great thing was it was also faster getting into the city as well. Used to train to the station, take a longtail up to Khao Sarn for b7. So, in about hour and half I went from clearing customs to my secret gh. Considering all the traffic up there at the time, it was supersonic.
  11. Think best anyone can hope for outside is a triple non-o. Also think if you mention one year they will want to direct you to an o-a. Better, just do it here. One huge benefit of multi non-o as I see it, if you travel is no reporting. That also means not needing a residence in Thailand. So even if yiu plan to be mobile in Thailand, you dont need a place as the extension requires.

  12. Explained precisely what he should do, even includes his trip to Cambodia. That is a simple plan for an old man by himself. ln US I have been both checked and not checked many times. Yes, most likely two changes will cost. Damage done, not so difficult to stick to a plan for frw months.

  13. Some years ago I was considering a school in Hat Yai. The price seemed fair and the marketing was agreeable enough. Then I found out I was obligated to wear a tie and teach their course for a month. I am uncertain honestly but doubt seriously these were offered to students gratis or as bonus. It seemed as though the course was being sold at both ends. To that, just did not seem right to me...if I am good enough to have my skills sold at full freight while I am still going thru the course, seems like these courses may have very dubious value other than the piece of paper.

    I am looking for evidence otherwise - not many responses thus far.

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