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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. From my experience, visas are issued based on criteria. It is up to you to conform, not up to them to adjust. Part of the tightening of visa process is to weed out visa runners which it sounds as you are one of. My answer is no on bus tickets - and good luck buying a Malaysian bus ticket esp that will neet cons scrutiny weeks or months in advance.

    Buy two tickets as cheap as possible in and out of Thailand. Dates should correspond with duration of visa. Having a ticket out of the region is advisable.

    If you have only a few (!!) visas in your pp you may try Penang without tickets and a ticket back to your home country and bank printout.

    Bali seems to only issue singles fyi.

    If you are a bonafide tourist and your pp indicates as such, thete may be leeway. If you are visa dodger youre gonna have a time of it.

    I dont know your plan but from bali, seems to me flying to kul or bkk a wash considering your situation. Bkk a bit longer but actually logistically easier perhaps. Then there is also Phuket but that tends to be exxy this time of year. Having said that, ticket not in the bin so might be more advantageous.

  2. Grab a tent, some snorkel gear and make your way around the Andaman islands. Cheap, fun.

    Works for me.

    I can t do that but sounds like an amazing thing do to. What do you do.. tow a bag with a tent and your belongings around and just swim around the islands finding deserted beaches?

    Well, what I do and what you are up for appear to be different things. But don't let that dissuade you. What's not to love about the Thai Andaman and at a fraction of the cost staying at some dopey bungalow surrounded by hipsters.

    The most easiest National Park that is also one of the prettiest is Koh Surin. You can get a bus from BKK to Kuraburi and then a boat to the island. On arrival, just kick back and wait for Sabina or Baracuda. Do not book w/ Tom he is only a ticket broker. If you have problems on the island you want to have purchased your ticket from an operator. Sabina does most daily runs. They are friends and recommend them as well. This year tickets are up - b2000 or approcahing that for RT.

    Ask to go to the 711, go get your snacks and they will take you to the pier. You will pay and at 9am be on your way. About 1010 you will stop in Ao Chonkot (DO NOT DEPART HERE). Follow the farang to AO MAI NAGM. About another 40mins later you will be checked in.Take your tent and stake it as close to the water for breeze and beauty as possible and get your hammock set up.

    I would recommend bringing oatmeal (porridge), rasins, etc..for breakfast and lots of coffee. This NP has hot water, others do not. Also has free drinking water in limited quantites. Lunch and dinners run about 80-130 per meal. It's all Thai, all rice, not a lot of snacks and a good way for you to lose!

    If you rent a tent its b300 a night. If you bring your own it's b80 a night. There is an additional fee of b500 for every five days or any part thereof. They can be lienient for longstays. They have lockers, but I am unaware of any thefts.

    After New Year all the hipsters will start to roll in and the place starts to fill up. Lots of people that don't camp, some are pretty big <deleted> and property hogs. The old timers are better, but they are annoying too - living on bread and water. Eating their little European bullshit foods. Yeah canteen aint good and it hasnt gotten better in last years but that is just pathetic.

    OK...for a regiment, you can walk the small beach up and back four times like many before breakfast. Becasue of your weight, you may have issues getting in and out of a snorkel boat so assuming you are a decent swimmer, jump in AO Mai Ngam and start swimming. The coral really took a dump a few years back but what is left of it is out by the bouys. So that is your goal. My tiny wife can swim out, forty minutes around and back; sometimes we are as much as 2:15 and I have been out there three hours years past.

    They have fins and mask for rent but I would buy my own if you plan a few weeks. If you are in BKK Central at Pohan Yotin is good - Sportmart. Mares brand is fine, pair of fins about b750.

    Get a tent about 250 x 150 x 150/70? If you can snag last years models they are under b1000 now. hurry. Karana is ok, I had great luck with Aurora. You will need a pad. For a big guy like you make sure you get a folding thick foam pad or your back is going to have problems. You may have problems sleeping on the ground from your weight. Just stick it out and let it e the driver to get up in the morning and excercise the stiffness.

    There are lots of other parks. Some with equally pretty spots, some better coral, some less populated. Lots of places. So if you dig it here are a few.

    This is best tried as early in the year as possible because it gets hot in the far south:

    Boat to Koh Lipe (b650ow), on arrival find out what boats are running north (ferry service). Then catch a longtail to Koh Adang and stake your tent for only b30 a night there. The reef not in such good shape and overfished by locals runs along the beach. Ask my friend ""king of the Andaman" if he can get you on his boat for the day. You can go see soft corals and a few other spots and islands. If you run out of supplies, you can go to koh lipe but be warned $$$$$$$$$$$$

    When you are ready to leave, grab a ferry and head up to Koh Kradan. This is also another cheapie at b30 a night. Dont eat in the NP canteen, unless the old cook is out, it is filthy! Many restauarant along the beach on Kradan, you wont starve. Best way to come back is ask the day trip boats that pull up to take you back (Jaravee sure) to Pak Meng. From PM arrange for Jaravee to take you back to Trang. Sleep wonderfully at Friend GH.

    Similans is also possible. Take a bus down to Thap Lamu. Get to the pier. Look for Sea Star. They should be able to take you over. If not ask Medseye. YOU CANNOT PUT YOUR OWN TENT ON SIMILANS. Bring food becasue the food is overpriced and really bad. Worse than Koh Surin bad.

    Incidently, Ko Adang has a great (!) canteen. Try the Phat Kapow Neua - as delish as anywhere in Thailand!

    Dont worry about the smoking, all the excercise you will just naturally cut back. Your body wont want the smoke at all. It will be the nicotine that you will crave. Smoke as you need to and dont punish yourself if you must.

    Good luck

  3. Ao Yai isnt quiet. All sorts of commotion from the backpacker set. The idiots on that beach have been trying for years to attrct biger crowds to its bars. Some years back I even saw a promo flyer for a "full moon party". Of course it was just a sad attempt by a bar to stir up business.

    Beach said to have sandflies in some bungalows as well.

  4. Thailand did not go the way of Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao because it bought off its commies snd killed the rest. Another trivia.point.

    None of the countries had a socialist insurgency as Vietnam. In reality though, it was a struggle for Vietnamese nationalism. Quite the opposite of Communism.

    Cambo and Lao were just sad neo-Marxist tantrums that if the govenments listened a bit to.the people could have been wholly avoided.

    We do not disagree about some points regarding the Thai-Japsnese relationship but again my originsl statements had nothing to do with modern history.

    On a similar note - the Japanese landed in Cambodia and within weeks decided the place was hopeless -and left.

  5. Thailand had been breached by Japanese on numerous occassions. Japanese hada secret treaty with the Thais. Churchill thteatened Japs over any incursion into Thailand (obvious concerns over Burma and Malaya. In the end it was just luck that Thailand was not drawn into WW2 and thereby having a need to defend itself. This is more to do with external forces than the Thai military prowess, hegemony or the strength of its peasant population. This is a Thai fairy tale although they did play hand in pushing the French off the continent (not culminating until the Viets finished them at Dien Bien Phu). Accomplishment? Not so much. Luck.

    As for deaths in Lao, that is another matter. You stated death in Vietnam.

    Either way you are still wrong. The entire number of deaths for Thailand is as I stated 350. That is what Thailand claims as its total fallen for the Vietnam conflict.

  6. What do

    Yes, Burma was quite a jewel in the crown. Rangoon once said to be the wealthiest port in the world.
    You did know Thailand went to war with Burma and Burma won right?

    Yes, indeed. But that was hundreds of years prior to the colonial period that I thought you were questioning. Thailand was never much of a power, it rose msinly through yhe weakness of the surrounfing empires. Best can be said is at one time, it had reach. It really did not have much wealth. Put all the Thai kingdoms together and they are nothing compared to the Khmer or Burmese. More like err...Champa.

    I guess it depends on how you want to define weakness. How many Thais died during WW II and the Vietnam war compared to other countries in SEA? Are we talking mental weakness? Or.....

    We are talking about mental weakness - yours. Nowhere in my posts did I mention the Japanese or even the 20th century. I was pointing out the decline of the Burmese empire around 1300 with the siam-burmese wars around 1550. Decline of the Khmer empire around 1400.

    Less than 400 Thais died in the Vietnam war, the Thai contribution IN Vietnam amounts to nothing.

    You are an idiot.

  7. Thailand after sacking the weakened remnants of the Khmer empire brought its artisans, scholars, craftsmen and religion packed it all up and brought it back to Thailand.

    As much as Thai's love to hate the Khmer. All early great kingdoms of Thailand are to greater or lesser extent based on Khmer life, religion and custom.

    None of the central kingdoms can compare to Bagan and-or Angkor temples and empire.

    Thailand merely was able to capitalize on the weakness and disarray of its neighbors. Especially Cambodia that in its later throes had the Viets and French also chalanging its power.

  8. What do

    Yes, Burma was quite a jewel in the crown. Rangoon once said to be the wealthiest port in the world.
    You did know Thailand went to war with Burma and Burma won right?

    Yes, indeed. But that was hundreds of years prior to the colonial period that I thought you were questioning. Thailand was never much of a power, it rose msinly through yhe weakness of the surrounfing empires. Best can be said is at one time, it had reach. It really did not have much wealth. Put all the Thai kingdoms together and they are nothing compared to the Khmer or Burmese. More like err...Champa.

  9. Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia that has never been colonized by a European power.
    But could it have been colonized?

    Yes, it served as a buffer between said colonial powers, namely France and England. As it was also at the height of its power, it would also have been costly to defeat. France and Britan had their hand full.

    In all candor, Thailand was never challanged. It eas able to negotiate rather than suffer to war.


    Yes, Burma was quite a jewel in the crown. Rangoon once said to be the wealthiest port in the world.

  10. Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia that has never been colonized by a European power.
    But could it have been colonized?

    Yes, it served as a buffer between said colonial powers, namely France and England. As it was also at the height of its power, it would also have been costly to defeat. France and Britan had their hand full.

    In all candor, Thailand was never challanged. It eas able to negotiate rather than suffer to war.

  11. The king of Thailand was born in the US, making him an American by birth (Massachusetts).

    The eldest, first princess was wed to an American. I beleive she gave up her title but was given it back upon her divorce and return to Thailand.

  12. I think there are a lot more of us at stage 4 and even 5 than the op would surmise. I think stage 4 pretty weak by his account.

    Also, I've never been burned by a bar girl but my cynicism comes crom seeing, listening and reading. Love affair with prostitutes in your home country going to give you a world of hurt and problems too.

    Never get past stage 2 unless you live overseas year round - true expatriate. Just fooling yourselves - extended holidays, keeping homes back in your countries, family ties, etc...

  13. That is a lot of weed for Thailand. Last time I heard about 1gm would cost a farang about 40k at the first level of processing oh, and a year in jail.

    What an ass. Most likely dealing it as well.

    Deportation and blacklist is the least of this mugs problems. If I was him and that were offered to me with a 100k fine — Id be on the plane tomorrow.

    Bet this guy is looking at ten years. A Thai, maybe 2-3?

  14. Bring cash - convert it and open a Thai acct

    Never leave valuables in your room

    Leave your pp at the desk, reciept if possible - carry photocopies

    Cheap mp3 player, buy speakers

    Cheap throwaway phone

    Use Internet cafe

    Pattaya is full of thieves and hotels will offer less than zero help when staff rip you off. Assume everyone is iut to get a piece of you in Pattaya and you will be ahead of the game.

    In the end, I guarantee you will never ever ever get your gear back so why leave to chance?

    As you well know the dangers already having friends ripped off, dont be stupid.

  15. If you are only interested in info for visas, all you really have to know is that you can fly in, obtain a visa after a few weeks and extend that visa for a few years.

    So, while visas are quite expensive. It is very easy to live in Phils on a tourist visa.

    All you have to do is deal with the filth, crime, poverty, desparation, shifty men and dangerous and desparate women. Oh, and the shitty food that among other things tastes like fish paste and someone having upended a salt shaker into your meal or the endless amount of horrible American fast food.

    But hey, good luck with that!

  16. Oh so you are the guy Tezza was telling me about. Happy to see your site is filling out. Happier still you dont have my secret spots listed.

    What do you know about Pink Beach compared to Thai reef? Is the reef still live? Everyone says you cant sleep in thr park there, but I had an idea to sleep in the village and take a boat over or...ealk to thr parks edge, then have a,ranger walk me to pantai merah.

    Im insane for snorkeling and camping. Have some trips planned coming up this season.

    So whats the best you got for Thailand? Show your hand, see we agree.

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