"Falling In Love." What's that really mean? What it really is is a biological imperative wired into the human hormonal system that attempts to guarantee human propagation. In this current era of Caligula-like morality, it probably doesn't matter. The chances of you impregnating your robotic sex-doll is about zero. I'll leave it at that.
Have I fallen in love with women? Yep. Back when I was young, dumb, and full of ????...excess sexual energy.
However, the years have tempered that imperative. Number one: I shoot blanks.
Two - I understand what those feeling are. My feelings that attract me to a woman nowaday are much more then coursing testosterone. It's a decision to weigh the pros and cons of the relationship. If I just want sex - well, I live in Thailand. I know where to find it. So it's not about sex.
At best I can say that I care for certain women. That's about as far as it goes now.
"Falling in love?" Not a chance.