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Everything posted by connda

  1. Be careful with this site as it has an expired SSL certificate.
  2. The problem with cranberry juice is that it's loaded with sugar as cranberries are very sour.
  3. There a serious risks involved in holding "paper gold." Those risks can be looked up online. Physical gold is a hedge against instability in the financial markets. It has it's own risks too. Then you start to see the allure of Bitcoin.
  4. 675 / 25 = $27. Today's spot silver is $24.26. That's a 11% markup. The premium is a rip-off by US standards (5.5x the selling premium in the West). If you are in the US or Canada you can buy from reputable precious metal dealers at a 0.8% and 2.0% markup on gold and silver bullion respectively (more or less but dealer are competitive).
  5. When the powers to be turn a blind eye to usurious lending, well, eyes are lost it seems.
  6. "New rule for next year," wife and I were told by our Immigration office after dancing for them. "Only accept new TM-7 on counter." This after submitting the fillable TM-7 I've been submitting for years. So what is the "new TM-7 on counter?" It's the old TM-7 with about three different purple stamps on the front and back. "Must fill out in pen." Well of course. "Dance farang man - dance."
  7. It the farang equivilant to a Thai guy's mia noi. Basically a rent a gik, but with no strings attached unless you don't have the sense to not get involved.
  8. Why kids like me in the 1950s / early 60s wanted to dive. Mike Nelson - Sea Hunt.
  9. Man I must be old school. Never used a BC vest. Just lead weights up to my last dives in Hawaii in the 1990s.
  10. Given that state of the "reef" they should close the park completely for a decade. Biodiversity? Where? That's pitiful. Just like the state of the "biodiverse" Thai forests that don't exist anymore, and for the same reasons.
  11. She gave you a wonderful gift - a child. Be happy.
  12. Politics all during my life has been a rather ugly and sordid affair. That probably is part and parcel to do with the kind of creatures that are attracted to power. But I have to admit that the current day and age of politics is beyond sordid, and is simply grotesque in its nature - "a rough breast, its hour has come at last, slouching toward," DC, "to be born," to steal from Yeats (for those of you who know who Yeats is or the poem from whence comes that passage). What rough beast? Any of them. Politic has descended into slander. libel, and lawfare. Nothing but. And the proles cheer and applaud as they throw flowers at the feet of monsters whom they support, and the trash that now passes as "journalism." Ya'll get what you wish. The rest of us? We're pulled along by the vacuum created by the tyranny of the majority, and then the tyranny of the kleptocratic kakistocracies who seek only to benefit themselves. I take no sides. Wherever you dip your toe, you need to shower or bathe afterwards.
  13. It could be your test strips.
  14. Go to a lab and get a Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) blood test. That is a better long-term signal of what your blood sugar actually is.
  15. Like your own case, it will be swept under the rug by Thai officials and the foreign victim blamed by compassionate AN expats.
  16. Coming up to play golf or a couple of sets of tennis?
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