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Everything posted by connda

  1. Interpol will probably issue a "Red Bull Notice" (translated: do nothing)
  2. April's Fools Big Joke. "pssst - are you still in the UK?"
  3. Soon to be a "Kicked-Out and Black-listed Streamer."
  4. It reminds me of Lily Tomlin on SNL as Ernestine the Telephone Operator. "We don't care. We don't have to." That's about right.
  5. The DNC should simple ditch Biden and Harris and run two Millenials who are compos mentis. Me personally? I'm writing in Taylor Swift for Pres.
  6. Write "Welcome" on your shirt and lie on the floor next to the door. Now you know your place.
  7. Went to CM today. I've seen it much worse although it is bad. Lamphun is much better. I love the way that the AQI is averaged out to make it look not so bad when there are readings out there in the 300s. But "Shhhh" dont' say anything. It might affect tourism. In the meanwhile Big Ag gets a pass and villagers keep burning the forests down to clear out underbrush in order to collect mushroom when the rain beings. A token villager or two gets arrest and a hand-slap. Wash, rinse, repeat forever. Given the plans to increase sugar cane production for ethanol it will only get worse. In the meanwhile certain high ranking officials jet-set to cleaner air elsewhere on the globe. "Sucks to be you commoners."
  8. The "tell." The dude's "weak-heart" is in his neck. 🤔 Hummm.
  9. Really simple: drive the speed limit.
  10. Up next: Thailand House of Representatives voices concern over precipitous drop in Thai birth rates
  11. What did the family of the cop that Red Bull heir Vorayuth Yoovidhya killed? 100K THB I believe. Here in Thailand the state is happy to separate the haves from the have nots again (as the Thaksin fiasco exemplifies). Nobodies get next to nothing in compensation; somebodies get lavish compensation. And if the prep is a somebody? They skate. If the prep is a nobody? Throw the book at them. Here in Thailand that is called equity and justice.
  12. Here's some links. Don't see it on AN world news but it is news worthy. Videos on X and other platform. https://duckduckgo.com/?hps=1&q=Baltimore+François+key+bridge+collapsed&atb=v317-1&ia=web
  13. Advice for tourists? Don't go to Lopburi. As far as gaurs and bears? Where. In most of Thailand they have been shot and eaten. They exist in a handful of National parks, and even there they are being poached into extinction. The average plod is more likely to get mauled by a soi dog or there neighbors pit-bull. Compensation for getting mauled by a soi dog? "Sucks to be you plod."
  14. Thai gold hit 38K THB per baht-weight a few days back. When this happens, it will be hitting 50K or higher. And let not even talk about the resultant inflation.
  15. You can be married 15 or 20 years and they still assume that you are a criminal attempting to game the system. We were told this year that when we submit our next extension paper work, we need to include pictures of my wife and I "doing something in bed." Well, what do we do in bed? What does anyone do in bed? Sleep or ****. So Immigration are now voyeurs it seems. I should have asked, "Which position do you want with the **** pictures?" If you are a foreign gal married to a Thai guy? Well, a Thai family is sacrosanct and to be respected. If you are a foreign man married to a Thai gal? Well, you are a potential criminal waiting for the right time to commit your crimes, like pretending to be married to your wife for 20 years. You need to be actively surveilled year after year after year because eventually you'll slip up and expose yourself as a tricky male foreign devil. A foreign man and Thai woman with Thai children isn't a real Thai family according to Immigration as that family unit is always under the Sword of Damocles waiting for the horse-hair to finally give way. Remember foreign man (potential criminal) - you are only visiting. In the meantime, your foreign female counterpart who is married to a Thai guy is already a citizen as you submit your 10th, 15th, or 20th extension.
  16. Now - imagine a train going 200 kph. 'Nuff said.
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