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Everything posted by connda

  1. It's interesting to watch the evolution of "Big Joke." I remember when he came on the scene in order to "Clean Up The Corruption." And yet it seems his entire public career has been one of controversy. The dude might be as clean as a whistle -- or not. Hard to tell. If he's really anti-corruption, their are forces out there with the intention of ending his career.
  2. Diazepam is a controlled substance. Forewarned is forearmed. If you're caught with Diazepam, either physically holding it or in your bloodstream , you'll be arrested. You can legally obtain it from a doctor's clinic. The question you should be asking is a recommendation to a doctor's clinic.
  3. Check your updates before you reboot. I believe the MS still rolls out updates on the 2nd Tuesday of the month unless you opt-in for updates at anytime (I don't), i.e., "Get the latest updates as soon as they're available." I keep that off. Other than Defender updates, you shouldn't be getting major updates until Security Patch Tuesday. Regarding the speed of update. As I've said before - MS Windows is a resource hog. The more hardware you can throw at it (higher end CPUs, lots of RAM, and SSD drives instead of HDD) the faster the updates happen. I'll also tend to use a wired Ethernet cable instead of Wireless if it's available. Older systems? Yeah - it takes forever. Which is why I plug Linux. You can install a major kernel update and a bunch of minor updates in two or three minutes vs literally hours with MS Windows. The minor kernel update may take a reboot that is no slower than a regular reboot - unlike MS Windower with its "Please wait forever and don't you dare turn your system off unless you want to corrupt your system." I don't worry much about Windows updates abysmal download and installation speeds, because I run Windows in a VirtualBox VM, I can just turn on the Windows VM and let it rip (as slowly as it wants) while having a productive day using Linux concurrently. Plus if you ever look at the size of your WinSxS folder? It can get massive. The update components are really poorly designed. FYI. Make sure you "Trim" your SSD drive regularly as well.
  4. I was running a dual-booted system until a few years ago. I had a problem with Windows that affected booting Linux along with other issues related to Windows. Windows over-wrote the HDD partition during an upgrade. I worked with Microsoft support for a couple of weeks and got nowhere (no surprise). I had a MCP/MCSE prior to retiring and Window-based servers were my expertise, so I'm not unfamiliar with Microsoft or Windows. I ended up buying a new SSD drive and upgraded the memory and then loaded an Ubuntu-flavor of Linux. I run Windows in a virtual machine (VM) on my Linux system now. It's a good solution. There are a few pluses here. Windows is effectively sandboxed in a VM. Once you get Windows configured, then you just clone the VM and archive it. Clone the VM monthly (or more often) and if WIndows misbehaves or gets hacked/viruses, you roll back to your clone. Also, with Windows running in a VM, Linux is still running, so essentially you are running Linux and Windows concurrently. Like I said, its the best of both worlds. Dual booting creates at least 4 Windows partitions on your hard-drive as well as you Linux partition(s) (system/data is a good configuration). Is this a good solution for gaming systems? Nope. For gaming systems I'd buy a dedicated gaming computer running Windows. But for those of us who don't care about gaming systems (I've never had any interest), running Linux as the only OS on an EXT4 partition and then running Windows in a VM is an excellent solution. I can run Windows apps while still working on my Linux system. "It's too much work!" Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  5. Thai Government Intensifies Crackdown on Foreign Criminals to Protect Tourism Translated: Assume that all foreigners are criminals. Treat them all as potential criminals. Make it know that all foreigner as being surveilled and monitored. Watch tourism numbers decline over time as foreigners get the message: "Come to Thailand, leave your money, and then get out."
  6. Simple: Run Linux as your primary OS and run whatever version of Windows that you wish in a VirtualBox virtual machine (or some other VM although Ubuntu-based systems have VirtualBox as part of its software repositories and runs well in Linux). Easy breezy. The best of both worlds. MS Windows is poorly designed and is a resource hog. The best place to run it is in a virtual machine where it can do the least amount of harm. I don't recommend utilizing a 'dual-boot' model as Windows hijacks your hard-drive. KISS (Keep it simple Somchai).
  7. Average time to pay at our PEA office is under 2 minutes.
  8. 1000 to 5000 depending on the difficulty of the extraction.
  9. Simple. Go to the PEA office and pay your bill -- no scam. "Use you bank application on your phone...it's convenient!" Ya know. I've finally reached the point in my life where I simply don't trust "convenient" technology. Pay cash, pay in person. Other than that, hopefully the Thai BIB will have some competent investigators to get the the bottom of scam such as these. Maybe.
  10. Heck, we have "arch culvert" technology that supports the roadway over a stream bed that traverse the road we live on. Must have been a slow day at SRT public-affairs.
  11. You mean the arch technology Romans were doing 2000 years ago? I don't think so.
  12. "It was reported that Rungroj held firearm-related offenses in 2023 as locals reported that he often shot at the sky." Which is the first signal that the gun owner should probably not have guns. Responsible gun owners don't go firing rounds into the sky. This is tragic.
  13. None of the above. Those categories are unfortunately very cliche and as such they miss the mark.
  14. Anyone have a recommendation for a commercial product to clean tile/grout mold?
  15. "A game-changer in green economy?" Green? Right. 🙄 And the price? Privatize the profits; socialize the killer air pollution. Too bad commoners. “Outdated laws stifle our capacity to meet domestic demand, forcing us to import at a premium.” You mean, like laws protecting the environment? Those outdated laws. Those laws need to be enforce and more laws legislated. Anyway, the concept of using food to power ICE is rather ass-backwards.
  16. She has pain and swelling in the temporomandibular joint and pain when she opens her mouth too far. This surfaced after two rather lengthy dental appointments but not associated with any of the work she had done. Right now she is taking diclofenac for 5 to 7 days for the swelling. I suggested a night-guard (I use one myself) but she's not interested. "You can lead a horse to water......"
  17. My wife has developed a case of TMJ. Her dentist (at one of the major dental clinics in CM) has not been much help in that the only suggestion was not to open her mouth so wide when eating. That answer didn't inspire any confidence in me. @Sheryl I've looked online and can't find any doctors or clinics which specialize in TMJ in Chiang Mai outside of over-priced 'boutique clinics' which cater to medical tourism. Any first-hand advice from someone who has been treated would be welcome.
  18. Au Der auf German buffet - I'd be interested, but, no place to park that I can see.
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